
"Mr. Ye, we made three finished products with chips, please check it out!"

Cheng Mengyao handed over three finished products.

The first finished product looks like a popular smartwatch today, except that it has no dial and no screen, and it looks quite delicate.

The second finished product looks like a necklace.

The third finished product is very similar in appearance to the visual device launched for the blind, which is a headband that can be worn on the head.

Ye Chen looked at three products.

And Cheng Mengyao explained on the side: "This is the product shape we think is the most convenient to carry. After all, we have to ensure that the consciousness equipment is in contact with human skin!"

"However, the effects of these three devices are the same, and they can perfectly use the functions of the consciousness device!"

"Mr. Ye, which do you think is the most convenient?"

Cheng Mengyao asked.

Hearing this, Ye Chen thought for a while.

In fact, they are all ok. It is also good that the three appearances are launched at the same time, so that consumers have more choices.

But too much trouble.

One more appearance, one more design, one more assembly line...

Awareness devices can vary.

But it doesn't have to be all magic tech to do it yourself.

Ye Chen's purpose is to make consciousness devices popularized in the world at the fastest speed,

If Magic Technology wants to do this by itself, it needs to invest in too many factories.

Therefore, the main way of manufacturing consciousness devices is that Magic Technology provides chips and important components, which are sold to today's major mobile phone manufacturers.

These mobile phone manufacturers then carry out secondary assembly design.

As for whether mobile phone manufacturers are happy?

Cell phones will soon be obsolete.

If they don't transform and follow themselves to become consciousness devices, then they will just wait for the collapse like Lianxiang!


"Let's play the watch! But the appearance is reset, and it is made to be more high-end and more textured!"

Ye Chen didn't think too much, and directly chose the appearance of the watch.

Cheng Mengyao works very carefully.

After hearing Ye Chen's words, he took out a variety of design plans that had been prepared for a long time, and only waited for Ye Chen's confirmation.

Seeing the design drawing Cheng Mengyao took out, Ye Chen smiled.

Looking at Cheng Mengyao's delicate face, Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction: "Well done 々ˇ!"

"It just so happens that I also miss the cute little girl Xiao Porridge Porridge!"

"After this conference, I invite you and the Xiao Porridge family to travel in China as a reward!"

Hearing this, Cheng Mengyao's beautiful face showed a look of surprise.

With Cheng Mengyao's salary level, it is not uncommon to simply travel.

But this is Ye Chen taking himself to travel.

This means completely different.

I remembered that I expressed my love for Ye Chen on the consciousness device before.

Ye Chen didn't react at that time, and he was quite lost.

Now Cheng Mengyao understands that she has been accepted by Ye Chen!

"Okay Mr. Ye, Xiao Porridge will definitely be very happy when she finds out. She always said that she wanted to see Mr. Ye and play with Mr. Ye!"

Cheng Mengyao agreed immediately, as if afraid that Ye Chen would go back on it.


Ye Chen and Cheng Mengyao watched the design drawings and suggested revisions...


Recently in Huaxia.

Residents of many cities have found that the air quality of their cities has improved.

"Look? The power plant, which usually emits black smoke, hasn't smoked for three days..."

"Fuck, this power plant has finally shut down? Good thing!"

"But there has been no power outage recently, and it seems that the power is more stable!"

"It must be that clean energy is more powerful!"

Ordinary citizens have a love-hate relationship with power plants.

After all, everyone needs electricity.

But the large-scale power plant is in the city where it is located, and it is a headache to see the white smoke every day, who knows who sees it.

Now that the power plant is shut down, they cheer.

In the whole country, many people mentioned this matter.

Apparently, many thermal power plants in cities have been shut down.

"After the thermal power plant is closed, the air quality is really good!"

"I heard that the thermal power plants in our province have basically been shut down. The country is vigorously promoting energy conservation and emission reduction!"

"Can clean energy withstand it? If there is a power outage in the future, then I would rather the air quality is poor!"

"Don't be unfounded. A big company like the power grid, which serves the country and the people, must be fully prepared before shutting down!"

A group of people were talking.

And these movements were naturally noticed by foreign forces.

Ordinary people do not understand the significance of the large-scale shutdown of thermal power plants.

But they understand!

You know, don't look at what wind power, hydropower, and solar energy are highly discussed now.

But thermal power is still a giant in the power field.

Ninety percent of the world's electricity is supplied by thermal power plants.

However, Huaxia is now shutting down thermal power plants on a large scale, but the power supply has not been affected. What does this mean?

The meaning behind it is thought-provoking...


Star flag country.

The commander frowned as he looked at the report.

He was also a little puzzled.

"Hackers invaded the power grid, did they find any news?"

The Star Flag Country is said to be the ruler of the global Internet.

On the Internet, it is enough to call the wind and the rain, and there are more or less backdoors in network devices in various countries.

These backdoors allow Star Flag to dig up a lot of secrets on the Internet and eavesdrop on the world.

The aide frowned and opened a document from his arms: "Recently, on the network of the power grid, we can always see some power grid executives, and in the communication, the word new boss is used!"

"But they call their big boss Mr. Chen. So this new boss must be someone else, and he has a higher status within the grid than Mr. Chen."

"At the same time, we also found that there is change within the grid, and job changes are happening faster than usual!"

"As far as we know, some senior executives from China with deep backgrounds in the power grid have recently left!"

The report of the aide made the chief commander frown.

He needs to think about it...

Power grid shuts down thermal power plants.

But there is no problem with the grid's domestic power supply, at least not yet by their spies.

This means that Huaxia has invested in new energy sources that can replace thermal power.

At the same time, the grid has also been reformed.

And suddenly a big boss was airborne?

It is impossible for such a huge change to occur suddenly in a power grid that has always been stable.

There must be external capital involved.

Involuntarily, Ye Chen's figure immediately appeared in the mind of the great commander.

Because Ye Chen happened to be studying nuclear energy.

Six or seven months after Ye Chen studied nuclear energy, the power grid has undergone such a huge change.

This must not be a coincidence.

Although there is no evidence.

But as the grand commander, his sensitivity to certain matters is beyond imagination.

"It must be Ye Chen..."

"Marven Ye developed a new technology in nuclear energy! It's just that it has been kept secret, it has not been announced, and it has been concealed from us!"


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