"And the personnel changes in the power grid must also be due to Ye Chen's intervention. With what we know about China and Ye Chen, only Ye Chen can reform a giant like the power grid without fear of any background!"

"And if you just cooperate, you can't do this!"

"So, Ye Chen must have entered the Huaxia Power Grid, and even the power grid may have been privatized and acquired by Magic Technology, but it has been hidden from the world."

How can he be a fool if he can become a great commander.

The great commander quickly deduced the truth.

But this truth made the Grand Commander's face extremely gloomy.

He always thought that Ye Chen's nuclear energy research had not yielded results.

But I never thought that it has already started to be put into use.

It can completely replace thermal power.

On behalf of Ye Chen's research on nuclear energy, there must be considerable progress.

Maybe even... Controlled nuclear fusion has been developed?

Thinking of this, the Great Commander's face became even more gloomy.

Ye Chen's threat was really too great.

So unexpected!

Huaxia has a genius like Ye Chen, and it becomes more and more terrifying!

"No, we can't let magic technology develop like this!"

"We can't predict to what extent a Huaxia that is not limited by energy will develop!"

"The speed must be accelerated, and they cannot be given any more time to develop!"

The commander made up his mind, and he would definitely meet some big people in secret and tell them about it soon.

When the staff heard the words, they were also covered in cold sweat.

He was amazed at Ye Chen, a young Chinese man.

Before, they always thought that Ye Chen could be compared with Einstein and was the greatest genius of the [-]st century.

But now it seems.

Ye Chen far surpassed Einstein.


This sentence is used to praise Ye Chen, and it is definitely not an exaggeration!

It is a pity that such a person is the enemy of the Star Flag Nation.

The end is doomed.


The commander picked up the internal phone, dialed a few numbers, and then set up a meeting in an hour.

But before getting up and leaving.

The big commander suddenly thought of something, and the corners of his mouth twitched: ".~ By the way, let out the news of Magic Technology's acquisition of the power grid!"

"You know, even in our country, the people are very dissatisfied with the people's livelihood enterprises that capital controls electricity."

"In China, the people are more vigilant about capital, and they will not tolerate this."

"Release the news, make up the ambitions of magic technology by the way, buckle your hat, and give them some trouble!"

The commander sneered.

It is absolutely impossible for this guy, Ye Chen, to develop so smoothly.

Give him some big trouble first.

If this matter is not handled properly, the reputation of Magic Technology will inevitably plummet!

Maybe Huaxia may even recover the power grid because of the fishing reels.

That would be interesting.

This must be enough to give Ye Chen a headache.


At this moment, Ye Chen and Cheng Mengyao confirmed the design of the consciousness device.

The two were very close.

Ye Chen could clearly smell the fragrance of Cheng Mengyao.

This is not the smell of perfume, but the body fragrance that comes with it, which is different.

"That's it for now!"

It took half an hour for the two to determine the final design of the product.

At this moment, the internal phone of the laboratory rang.

It was Lan Feifei calling,

Ye Chen answered the phone, and Lan Feifei's clear and anxious voice came from his ear.

"Mr. Ye, the news that we acquired the power grid and entered the main power grid, I don't know where the secret leaked, and now the domestic network is overwhelming with the news that the power grid was acquired by us!"

"The wind direction of the fishing reel is very bad for us!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen's mouth curled up.

Did it leak?

A little surprised, but reasonable.

Bi (Tai De) actually purchased the power grid by himself, built the eternal energy power station, and shut down the thermal power station.

How could such a big movement really be airtight?

Being able to keep it secret for four months is already very good.

"Let's leak the secret about our acquisition of the power grid. Don't worry, I'll talk about it when I get back to the office!"

Hang up.

Ye Chen looked at the curious Cheng Mengyao

Cheng Mengyao's delicate and fair face was full of surprise, and her gentle Danfeng eyes widened: "Mr. Ye, did our Magic Technology really acquire the power grid?"

She and the experimenters present were extremely surprised when they heard Ye Chen's last words.

That's the power grid giant!

The world's top five giants!

Was it quietly acquired by his own boss?

This news is really amazing!

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he nodded: "Indeed! Power Grid is now our subsidiary. Come on, you all prepare the products, I'll go first!"

Ye Chen waved his hand and left leisurely.

Everyone was stunned when they looked at Ye Chen's back.

My own boss is too fierce.

Even the grid can be bought?

Counting the world, there are countless business elites.

Some people can even influence the finance of a country, easily harvest the wealth of the backward country, and call the storm.

But compared to Ye Chen, they are simply too insignificant!


On the Internet, originally, most netizens were watching the videos and pictures of the gradually forming Xingchen Island, and there was a lot of discussion.

Xingchen Island will be completed in more than three months.

Now that the major infrastructure has been basically completed, there is a strong atmosphere, which makes people yearn for it.

However, just today, suddenly a lot of big V, from the media, released a message by coincidence.

Huaxia power giant power grid company.

Acquired by Magic Technology.

The hand of capital has reached out to the people's livelihood company that is related to the lives of countless people.

This news instantly touched the sensitive nerves of countless netizens and detonated the whole net fishing reel!Inside.

Chapter 110

"The power company must not be privatized, Putian Hospital is a lesson from the past, and electricity will inevitably become a luxury in the future! 》

"Magic Technology finally revealed its true intentions and wanted to become China's Three Gorilla Company! 》

"Ye Chen, who has always called for people-oriented technology, finally showed his fangs and extended his hand to the field of people's livelihood! 》

"alert!Capital is greedy, and they must not be allowed to extend their hands to power companies, otherwise magic technology will be completely monopolized! 》

One after another alarmist news spread all over the Internet.

Apparently a large part of this was paid for.

There are forces behind it.

But even so, the sensitive nerves of the entire Chinese netizens were detonated by this amazing news!

Magic Technology, actually entered the power grid and acquired the power grid?

You know, the power grid is related to the national industry and the company that uses electricity for the people of the country.

When the power grid belongs to the state, it can energize the people regardless of the cost and serve the people.

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