But what about after it belongs to capital?

Capital is greedy, and it is impossible to do anything that has no interest.

In the future, will remote mountain villages be able to maintain electricity?

And will the price of electricity go up in the future?

Most people today have low incomes.

In the south, there is no heating in winter, and the house is colder than in the north, but there are still many people who are reluctant to turn on the air conditioner for heating.

And if the price increases in the future, do they have to consider turning on the lights at night?

They are unwilling to accept such a future!

It wasn't just ordinary people who broke out into an uproar at the news.

In the business world, countless business people have also issued angry comments.

You must know that the price of commercial electricity and industrial electricity is more expensive than residential electricity.

When the power grid belongs to the country, it will consider commercial development and industrial development from the perspective of the country.

So the pricing is balanced and doesn't put too much of a burden on them.

But after magic technology controls electricity, will it care?

They are all capital, and they understand the greed of capital better.

If you can make an extra dollar, you will never make a dollar less.

They are all like this, so they are even more worried that magic technology will greatly increase the power consumption of commercial industries in the future, squeezing their interests.

And Ye Chen has the power of the whole country.

In the future, if you enter major industries and directly cut power to competitors, it will simply be a dimensionality reduction blow.

How will you compete in the future?

So, their protest is extra loud!

A number of business giants, including Malaysia and Pony, immediately stood up and called for protests.


"To be honest, Mr. Ye has always been my idol. The people-oriented concept of technology is a clear stream of domestic technology companies, but now, why have they forgotten their original intentions like those capitalists? Disappointed!"

"I firmly protest! Capital must not enter the field of people's livelihood, medical privatization, just look at those Putian hospitals to see how failed! The privatization of education has become a paradise for the rich. If electricity is privatized again, I am worried about the poor in the future. Don't use electricity, just use oil lamps!"

"Indeed, no matter how good the reputation of Magic Technology was in the past, it can cover up the essence of capital! Look at the food delivery platform, they charge three yuan from the rider to buy insurance every day, but they actually only spent one yuan, and the remaining two yuan went in. How shameless it is to own your own pockets, this is the greed of capital!"

"There is also Qiandu Company, direct bidding ranking, which is a waste of life! This is capital, absolutely can't believe it!"

"Magic technology is so powerful now that it may really control the basics of all of us, and become a big villain company in sci-fi movies in the future."

"We must protest, magic technology must be withdrawn from the power grid, otherwise, when the tentacles of magic technology reach every aspect of our lives, it will be too big to fail, and will kidnap our entire society!"

Countless protests sounded on the Internet.

Countless people are denouncing magic technology and Ye Chen.

The sound was enormous.

It can be said that on this day, all Chinese people knew about this matter and were protesting.

Countless people came to the official website of Magic Technology to leave a message, asking Magic Technology to withdraw from the power grid.

There are also countless people who directly reported Magic Technology to protest!

There is also a lot of capital mixed in it, adding fuel to the flames.

Nobody wants magic tech to master the grid.

Magic technology, must be off the grid.

This is everyone's request!


Star flag country.

The commander smiled when he listened to the report of his subordinates.

The big V who posted the article at the beginning naturally received their money.

"With such a huge momentum, almost the whole country is against it! Neither Huaxia nor Magic Technology can withstand the protests of [-] billion people!"

"The money given to Huaxia Gongzhi every year is really not in vain."

"This time, no matter what the layout of Magic Technology is, it will definitely fail!"

The leader smiled happily.

He would have to see it, facing the protests of [-] billion people.

What solution can Marven Ye have!


And in the office.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the reactions on the Internet, calmly.

Lan Feifei was a little worried.

"Mr. Ye, aren't you worried?"

Netizens protested loudly.

Not just domestically.

They have even been on the global hot search, and the whole world is paying attention to the acquisition of the power grid by itself.

Lan Feifei asked herself, if she were an ordinary person, she would definitely protest.

After all, most capital is really greedy.

The taxi platform will deduct the driver.

Takeaway platform, deduct money from three heads.

E-commerce platform, big data pricing, everyone sees different prices for the same product!

Search platform, the first page is full of advertisements.

The greed of capital is clearly seen by ordinary people in this Internet age.

They can't do anything else.

But if electricity, the daily energy for people's livelihood, is controlled by capital again, it will touch their bottom line!

That's why there is such a huge wave of protests.

But Lan Feifei believed Ye Chen.

She really knew that Ye Chen had big ambitions, and definitely not those greedy capital.

But she believed it was useless!

The outside world does not believe it.

Such a huge public opinion is likely to cause the country to take back the power grid again.


Hearing this, Ye Chen raised the corners of his mouth: "Protesting is normal!"

The sudden leak of secrets caused big waves, but it was beyond Ye Chen's expectations.

But no problem.

The power grid was acquired by itself, it is impossible to keep it secret, and it will be announced sooner or later.

Ye Chen had already figured out how to deal with it!

Now it's just because of an accident, it's early!

At this moment, Ye Chen's phone rang.

When I picked it up, it was the old man who called.

"You know the protests today, right?"

The old man's voice sounded.

Ye Chen nodded when he heard the words: "I see, it's not a big problem!"

The old man smiled: "It's really not a big problem with immortality energy. But you can see that the people are wary of capital, right? I hope you can remember your original intention and don't let us down!"

"I will help you block the pressure now, but when are you going to solve the problem?"

Hearing the old man's words, Ye Chen smiled.

In fact, the old man is still a little wary of himself.

After all, magic technology is now the largest capital in the world.

But they didn't understand at all that Ye Chen's eyes were not in the interests of the earth at all.

Ye Chen's eyes are the eternal and supreme throne!


"At eight o'clock the day after tomorrow, I just have a press conference!"

"At that time, with the release of new products, we will solve this matter together!"

Ye Chen thought about it for a while, and then spoke seriously.

The time of the press conference is a little earlier.

But harmless.

The core components of the consciousness device have been completed.

The finished product will be available the day after tomorrow.

More than enough time!

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