Obviously there are no advertisements.

But the global media is helping magic technology to publicize.

People from any country in the world are looking forward to the launch of Magic Technology.

Even some foreigners who hate magic technology inevitably have expectations for new products of magic technology.

This is the status of magic technology in the world today!


"The conference of Magic Technology is about to start! I have already asked for a good leave, and prepared happy water and popcorn at home!"

"Huaxia's magic technology is really amazing. It is obviously a backward country, how can such a powerful technology company appear!"

"Ye Chen, the boss of magic technology, his ancestors are actually from our cold country, and magic technology should belong to our cold country! We are the world's first cold country!"

"I'm from Yingguo, I used to be a worker in a car factory, but because of magic technology, my factory closed down and I lost my job, so I hate magic technology! But I still want to see the magic technology conference!"

"The press conference of Magic Technology has always been in Chinese, and there are no foreign language subtitles, so I deliberately learned Chinese, and this time I can finally watch it, and I don't need to look for translations from the barrage! Haha..."

On the eve of the Magic Technology Conference.

Netizens from all over the world have gone to the live broadcast platform one after another, preparing to watch the live broadcast.

And in China.

Around the Tianhai City Stadium, there are already crowds of people.

Even top-tier superstars don't have such popularity.

When there was still an hour before the press conference, the venue that could accommodate [-] people was already full.

The number of viewers on major domestic live broadcast platforms easily exceeded [-] million.

As for foreign countries, the number of viewers directly broke one billion.

Why is it so hot.

On the one hand because they are looking forward to new products from Magic Technology.

On the other hand, they wanted to hear how Magic Technology was going to explain the power grid.

If they are not satisfied with the explanation, they will certainly continue to protest!


The elites of various countries have also put down their busy work and sat in front of the computer to watch the live broadcast.

After all, every press conference of Magic Technology really affects the global situation.

Someone before.Because I didn't watch the Magic Technology conference.

As a result, the reaction in the stock market was slow, and even the pants were lost!

Watch all the time to get ready as soon as possible!

And in the black palace.

The grand commander, the senior leaders of the Star Flag Country, and a group of old people sat in the conference room and watched the live broadcast.

These old people have a very high status.

Even the Grand Commander has great respect for them.

They watched the press conference with heavy faces.

After seeing what the new product of Magic Technology is, an important decision will be made!


In short.

This conference of Magic Technology has truly achieved global attention.

in the expectation of countless people.

The time slowly came to eight o'clock.

The scene of the press conference was brightly lit at this moment.

Accompanied by the opening music.

Under the attention of countless people, Ye Chen stepped up to the stage with a straight posture.

"Thank you to all the audience for coming, the conference of Magic Technology has officially started!"

Ye Chen stood calmly on the stage and greeted the audience.

But it's different from previous releases.

Only the special guests and the media in the front row applauded.

The audience's applause was sparse and not violent, which was completely different from the atmosphere of the previous magic technology conference.


Most of the audience at the scene had a grudge against magic technology in their hearts because of the power grid.

When the commander saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He wants to see how Ye Chen solves the power grid issue!


Ye Chen had long expected the situation on the scene.

So for the rare cold scene, just a small smile.

The smell of the cloud and the wind made many young audiences exclaim in exclamation.

Ye Chen opened his mouth.

However, he did not explain the power grid, but directly introduced: "The style of Magic Technology's press conference is more familiar than everyone else!"

"Next, I will introduce to you a new product developed by me, Magic Technology in the field of energy - Eternal Energy!"

When Ye Chen's voice fell.

Everyone present, their eyes widened!

And the barrage in the live broadcast room was instantly swiped by the question mark!

They heard it right!

The new product that Ye Chen said is eternal energy?

Eternal energy?

how can that be!

Don't you have to obey the law of conservation of matter?

Newton's coffin board... No, this is not up to Newton!

Look at everyone's shocked expressions.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched, and he spoke again, and his voice spread throughout the venue.

"Of course, it's just the name of the product called Eternal Energy! Even the sun will go out after tens of billions of years. How can there be real Eternal Energy!"

After hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone recovered from the shock.

That is to say!

How can immortality energy be real.

But after a pause, Ye Chen continued: "Eternal life was impossible back then. But our new product can only add nuclear fuel once, and continue to react for a thousand years to release energy..."

"A thousand years is already ten times the lifespan of a human being."

"So for humans, our new product, called eternal energy, is not an exaggeration!"

Hear this.

The mood that everyone had just recovered from their surprise was instantly raised again.

Add nuclear fuel once, work for a thousand years?

Are you sure you're not kidding?

This is simply incredible!

Countless viewers were stunned at this moment.

Most people don't want to believe it.

But Ye Chen, the most eye-catching genius in the world, was standing in front of them.

Coupled with the scale of Magic Technology today, it is not a small company that needs to be eye-catching.

It is a global technology giant that has never existed in the history of the earth.

Such a company's press conference, how could it be possible to engage in fake technology.

However, an immortal energy source that can continue to generate electricity for a thousand years.

This really refreshes everyone's worldview.

For a time, everyone didn't know whether to believe it or not.

The silence of the audience continues!


And on the other side of the ocean.

In the black palace.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, the commander's face instantly turned gloomy!

He even stood up in surprise: "This is impossible! Our star flag country has the most advanced nuclear technology, but it can only do one nuclear fuel and ensure the operation of the nuclear aircraft carrier for twenty-five years!"

"And the immortal energy of magic technology works for a thousand years? This is impossible!"

The chief commander directly refuted and angered.

The other senior executives and a group of old people present frowned.

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