Don't say it's a company.

Even if a certain country suddenly proposed eternal energy, they would only scoff at it.

but now.

The release of eternal energy is to bring them huge losses.

With dimensionality reduction, they took away the magic technology companies of their semiconductor industry and automobile industry.

No matter how incredible the company's technology is, people will pay attention.

Eternal energy is not impossible!

Therefore, everyone present clenched their hands involuntarily.

If immortal energy is real.

The change to this world will be indescribable!

They all watched the press conference silently, listening to the simultaneous translators beside their ears constantly translating Ye Chen's words!


The atmosphere at the scene was still very quiet.

But Ye Chen knew that this time it was not a cold scene.

But the audience is too shocked and unbelievable!

So Ye Chen waved his hand gently and began to believe in introducing his own eternal energy.

"Everyone should know about nuclear fission, nuclear fusion!"

"Nuclear fission is the splitting of atoms, producing energy in the process..."

"And nuclear fusion, the fusion of atoms, also produces energy!"

"Such as nuclear power plants, Yuan bullets, these are the products of nuclear fission technology."

"And our magic technology, first developed the controllable nuclear fusion technology!"

"After that, we merged the processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. We made it controllable, and finally, we developed the current energy for immortality!"

"Atoms in immortal energy are constantly split and reorganized to maximize energy production!"

Ye Chen's explanation made the barrage in the live broadcast room full of question marks...

what are you saying?

We don't understand at all!

And in the black palace of the star flag country.

The faces of everyone were even more ugly.

They thought that Ye Chen was likely to have developed controllable nuclear fusion technology.

This is beyond the level of nuclear energy in the world today.

But when they heard Ye Chen's explanation.

Only then did they realize that the technology developed by Ye Chen was more advanced than they thought.

Nuclear fusion plus nuclear fission?To simulate immortality as much as possible?

It's a genius idea.

But the difficulty is completely beyond imagination.

It is sensational that Ye Chen could develop such a technology!


Ye Chen briefly explained the principle.

Looking at most of the audience with confused expressions, he smiled slightly: "These boring principles will be skipped for the time being!"

"Next, I will explain in detail the superior performance of eternal energy!"

"One cubic meter of immortal energy can theoretically continue to generate electricity for a thousand years!"

"And the annual power generation can reach one trillion kilowatt-hours!"

"What is this concept?"

"Huaxia's national consumption of electricity last year was [-] trillion kilowatt-hours. That is to say, as long as there are eight immortal energy sources, it can meet the electricity consumption of the whole country for a whole year."

"And the advantages of immortal energy are many."

"First of all, the stability is high, and there will be no accidents like traditional nuclear power plants!"

"Secondly, it will not pollute the environment! It will not pollute the air like a thermal power station, nor will it affect the ecology like a hydropower station!"

"At the same time, one nuclear fuel can be used for a thousand years. During this thousand-year cycle of fission and fusion, the radiation of nuclear fuel will be minimized, even lower than the nuclear waste water that a country claims to be able to drink!"

"Moreover, in Huaxia now, the eternal energy power station has been put into use! The major power plants have also been closed because of this. I think everyone should be aware of it!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

Ye Chen slowly introduced the advantages of eternal energy.

When Ye Chen finished his introduction, all the audience in the audience cheered at this moment.

Eternal energy, so powerful?

Eight immortal energy sources can meet China's electricity consumption for a year?

This is nothing short of a miracle!

"I went. I said why the thermal power station in my hometown suddenly shut down and the air became better. It turned out to be because the eternal energy was put into use?"

"That's right. Our voltage was always unstable before. It is said that the power supply was insufficient. In the past month or so, it suddenly stabilized. Now think about it, it must be the credit of Eternal Energy!"

"Eternal energy is simply outstanding... It completely smashes traditional power stations!"

"It's incredible, my mind is still dizzy! Eternal energy, a product that even science fiction movies don't even dare to brag about, has really been realized by Mr. Ye! As Mr. Ye said, for those of us with life expectancy For only a hundred years of human beings, a thousand years is no different from eternal life!"

"Boss Ye is awesome! I kowtow to President Ye here!"

Countless netizens have been completely shocked by the powerful performance of Eternal Energy.

It is pollution-free, more environmentally friendly, and the power generation is even stronger, even lasting for a thousand years.

It's nothing short of a miracle.


And in this very moment.

Energy stocks in the global stock market fell wildly.

The major oil companies directly lost one-third of their market value.

The emergence of immortal energy has fundamentally hit Jiang Wei to today's traditional energy market.

But the hardest hit are the shale gas companies that have been vigorously developed in the country.

Their stock price fell by half.

After all, in addition to being an energy source, oil itself is also an industrial product and has a great industrial role.

But shale gas is pure energy.

. . .

The impact of immortal energy is even greater!

Magic Technology has just started a press conference, and the global stock market has evaporated at least one trillion in market value!


And in the star flag country.

In the black palace.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressed!

"Eternal energy... this is incredible!"

"Yeah, doesn't it mean that humans will no longer be limited by energy? This will change the pattern of all walks of life! Humans will be able to easily go to the stars in the future!"

"Ye Chen, it's really unexpected! Not only has he mastered controllable nuclear fusion, but he has even gone a step further!"

"Why doesn't such a talent belong to our Star Flag Nation! If it belongs to our Star Flag Nation, we might be able to unify the world by now!"

Everyone present was involuntarily exclaiming in amazement.

And the commander himself stared at Ye Chen on the TV screen with squinting eyes, murderous.

The impact that Ye Chen brought to them was simply too great.

"We can't wait any longer!"

The chief commander looked at the several old men at the scene and spoke seriously.

"The field where immortal energy can be applied is too large!"

"And Huaxia, which has eternal energy, will continue to develop, how terrible it will be? This is impossible to imagine!"

"It didn't take long for the immortal energy to appear, and when they couldn't completely digest the new technology and turned it into combat power, we had to take action!"

"Otherwise, the further we delay, the more China develops, the lower our winning rate will be!"

The words of the great commander made all the senior leaders present nodded in agreement.

And those old people are the heads of the top chaebols of the Star Flag Country, both in the political and business circles.

They secretly control and influence the entire Star Flag Country.

In terms of real power, they are greater than the Grand Commander.

Listening to the commander's words, the group of old men glanced at each other and nodded.

The commander-in-chief was right.

With eternal energy and no longer limited by energy, it is difficult for anyone to estimate how fast China will develop.

Time is not on the side of the Star Flag Country now.

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