But they know that their next plan wants to succeed, and the price to pay is several times greater than the original!

But it strengthened their resolve.

We must not let magic technology and Huaxia continue to develop!


However, just when everyone thought that was all.

The next moment, the picture changed.

A full ten streamlined fighter planes were parked in the airport.

Everyone saw it all at once.

This is the most advanced J[-] fighter jet.

The countless audiences in Huaxia were suddenly pleasantly surprised.

Could it be that the powerful J-[-] has also been upgraded?

And the foreign elites have not relaxed their faces, and they have become more gloomy after seeing this scene.

Could it be that the air force of the other party has also been strengthened by the epic level because of the technology of magic technology?


in the public eye.

The ten J-[-] aircraft in the picture were activated.

Not as ordinary people expected, the fighter took off by running to the run-up.

Dozens of J[-] planes, like helicopters, took off directly from the spot.

The next moment, he rushed into the sky in an instant.

These fighters complete various difficult tactical actions in the sky.

The most terrifying thing is that the fighter plane, which is already terrifying per hour, can suddenly stop in the air and hang directly in the air.

In the end, it fell straight down.

Unlike ordinary fighter jets, they need runways to assist landing!

Seeing this scene, countless people were even more shocked!

"Fuck, the anti-gravity annihilates [-], it's like a bug! After the anti-gravity technology is added, it can take off and land anywhere, and its mobility has been enhanced by more than one level!"

"The most terrifying part is that you can stay in the air like a helicopter, okay? This greatly increases the flexibility of the aircraft. It is easy to play with the enemy, avoid the enemy's attack, and counterattack the enemy. It is simply the king of air combat!"

"Our air force has always been ranked in the middle and upper reaches, not the top. Now, I am proud to announce that we are also the top air force in the world!"

"That's right! Who would dare to say that our air force is weak in the future!"

The cheers at the scene boiled over at this moment, almost toppling the ceiling.

Outside the venue, there were also cheers.

Countless people in Tianhai City came outside the venue while holding their mobile phones, watching the live broadcast, just to cheer and support on the spot!

You can see the excitement and pride of the Chinese people!


And this moment...

The faces of the elites of various countries have completely turned blue!

Looking at the terrifying J-[-], they couldn't imagine it.

The country with the largest army in the world has the top air force.


How will you fight after this?

The elites of Impression Country are already full of remorse.

He was already thinking in his mind.

Otherwise, wait until tomorrow, go to visit in person, and apologize to the other party.

It was really wrong before!Forgive my brother!

Obviously, the terrifying J-[-] made them very attentive!


And in the star flag country.

The face of the great commander was as black as the bottom of a pot at this moment.

The head of the Air Force at the scene was also a little pale.

"This kind of J-[-] equipped with anti-gravity technology has increased its threat more than ten times... Before, our air force completely crushed them, but now, as long as they have such fighters, it will be difficult to win or lose. material……!"

"Even if we win in the end, our Air Force is estimated to be no different from scrapping!"

Hear from the Air Force chief.

The atmosphere at the scene was even heavier!

The commander gritted his teeth coldly: "No care... Fifteen nuclear aircraft carriers are our real killers... At that time, block all the sea areas and let them..."

The chief commander's threats were not finished yet.

The video screen at the Magic Technology Conference has changed again!

And look at the screen.

What the commander was about to say was instantly swallowed.

His eyes widened in disbelief!


And in the audience, at this moment, everyone invariably took a breath.

What did they see?

They saw two maritime aircraft carriers galloping through the wind and waves.

The aircraft carrier is huge, like land at sea.

On the aircraft carrier, there are hundreds of J-[-]s parked.

Aircraft carrier.

This is the top product of human civilization so far.

It is also a symbol of power.

Could it be that the aircraft carrier has also been modified?

Got an epic boost?

The expectations in the hearts of countless Chinese people have risen to the top.

And the hearts of countless overseas elites were mentioned in the throat at this moment.

Even the great commander couldn't say a word.

He stared at the live broadcast screen.

The hands hidden under the table kept shaking!


Just among people's guesses.

The next moment, the aircraft carrier stood up suddenly.

The huge aircraft carrier turned out to be abruptly separated from the ocean.

In this way, in the sight of countless people, the distance from the sea has reached a height of ten meters.

However, the carrier continues to rise.

Finally, it came to a height of [-] meters before stopping.

Looking up from the bottom, it just feels like the sky is covered by two aircraft carriers.

The sky is dark and the pressure is huge.

The two overlords of the sea, at this moment, seem to have become sky fortresses!

This scene is really shocking.

Especially the terrifying pressure makes it difficult for countless people to even breathe.

"It's terrifying! The flying aircraft carrier is like two big mountains pressing on everyone's heads. Just looking at the picture, I feel sweating profusely. It's hard to imagine how spectacular it would be to see this scene with my own eyes! "

"After the emergence of anti-gravity technology, the distinction between the air force and the navy will be completely blurred!"

"Doesn't it mean that the aircraft carrier will no longer be the overlord of the ocean, but will also be the overlord of the sky? Damn it, it's so cool!"

"Look at the J-[-] parked on the aircraft carrier, and cooperate with the firepower. It feels that an aircraft carrier can easily destroy some weaker enemies!"

"I think there must be an increase in combat power, but it's definitely not as scary as everyone thinks! After all, the farther the anti-gravity technology is from the ground, the more energy it consumes, and the aircraft carrier is so big, it's difficult to hang in the air for a long time!"

"What you said upstairs makes sense. It's not as scary as everyone thinks. If the energy is insufficient after flying, it will directly become a living target of the missile!"

And on the other side of the ocean...

The commander looked at this scene, and large drops of sweat had already rolled down his forehead.

And whether it is the Air Force or the head of the Navy, it is also Alexander.

This mountain-like aircraft carrier simply raised the level of terror to the extreme!

Fighting against such a terrifying behemoth of war will make everyone sweat!

The entire conference room was silent and the atmosphere was depressed.

But at this moment, the great commander forcibly calmed down.

He looked at the crowd, and said first, "It's okay! What if you can fly? There is not enough energy, and you won't be able to fly for too long. At that time, it will be a living target. Once our missiles are locked, they will be able to blast him into scrap metal in half a minute!"

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