Hearing the commander's words, everyone nodded.

Fortunately so.

If this aircraft carrier has the same nuclear technology as them, wouldn't it be...


Magic Technology, but just released a product like Eternal Energy that far exceeds their nuclear technology!

Eternal energy, shouldn't it have been applied to the aircraft carrier?

Thinking of this, everyone's face became even paler than before.

And the great commander also thought of this at this moment.

Looking at the live broadcast screen, he was instantly speechless...



At this moment, the aircraft carrier equipped with anti-gravity technology on the screen was launched instantly.

The next moment, it galloped away in the air as fast as lightning.

The speed of that huge aircraft carrier was beyond imagination at this moment.

It's like a big mountain, running bravely.

The impact was simply indescribable in words.

At this moment, data also appeared on the screen.

And everyone who saw the data widened their eyes.

"Fuck... the speed reached [-] kilometers per hour?"

"This is unbelievable! An aircraft carrier can reach a speed of [-] per hour? The heavy artillery of the aircraft carrier is already terrifying, and the speed is so amazing, coupled with the superb flexibility of the J[-]... I can't imagine that such an aircraft carrier can carry What a huge disruption!"

"Look, the data also says that the two refitted aircraft carriers are all equipped with immortal energy, which can provide the aircraft carrier with the maximum load power at all times."

"Eternal energy can work for a thousand years. Does that mean that the service life of an aircraft carrier is only [-] years, doesn't it mean that an aircraft carrier can run around the earth for [-] years without rest?"

"It's not impossible, some parts still need to be repaired. But as you said, our aircraft carrier will have an endless endurance, and with a speed of [-] kilometers, it is really invincible!"

"So, after the army and the air force, our navy is also invincible?"

"Invincible is not enough. After all, there are missiles in this world, and they can still threaten aircraft carriers. But one of the best is for sure! We no longer have to be afraid of any country in the sea!"

"Damn... At this moment, my blood is boiling, and my tears are left. I have been waiting for this day for so many years, and it is finally here!"

"Yeah, we finally don't have to fear any enemies anymore!"

"Magic technology is awesome, it is magic technology that promotes our military!"

"I've decided, even if Magic Technology relies on the power grid to charge indiscriminately in the future, I will recognize it, just take it as my gratitude for Magic Technology's contribution!"

The whole place was boiling at this moment!

On the outside, the cheers were no weaker than in the stadium, or even higher.

One can imagine how many people have gathered outside the Tianhai Stadium!


The barrage of the entire network is also boiling.

However, the barrages of people from all over the world who had been dying were all silent.

They've been saying that before, but so...

They are proud of their military power.Has been attacking the Chinese audience on the barrage.

Yet now.

They couldn't say a word.

Completely shocked by the war killer displayed on the screen!

They are even afraid, afraid.

I had been swiping that Ye Chen was a cold country troll who was from the cold country, and completely shut up.

Everyone was trembling with fear to the core of the military power displayed by this!


And on the other side of the ocean.

The atmosphere in the Black Palace conference room dropped to freezing point.

At this moment, everyone did not want to speak.

Because they were completely stunned...

These enhanced new weapons are simply too powerful...

Is this called armament upgrade?

This is so special that it doesn't talk about martial arts at all, okay?

ps: I didn’t expect that asking for votes at the end of the chapter would arouse such disgust among readers, mainly because the grades were too poor.I'm really sorry for affecting everyone's reading experience.Not anymore.Thank you all for your support! .

Chapter 113

"Boss Ye is awesome!"

"Eternal energy is awesome!"

"Magic technology is awesome!"

"Huaxia is awesome!"

At this moment, in all parts of China, there are countless people shouting for magic technology.

The increase of national military power.

The increase in the sense of security and pride of the people is simply enormous.

Before the Star Flag, various sanctions and provocations.

Although the domestic people are confident that China is not weak, they are still a little worried.

After all, there are too many dog-legged sons in the Xingqi Kingdom.

The other party has formed an alliance. If there is a conflict, what Huaxia will face is not just the Star Flag Country.

Therefore, most of the people have great worries and grievances in their hearts.

And now.

Look at the anti-gravity tank that looks like a torrent of steel.

Look at the anti-gravity J[-] that looks like a child of the sky.

Take a look at the refitted aircraft carrier that covers the sky.

The worries and anxieties of the people at first dissipated at this moment.

At this moment, countless people gave birth to endless pride.

What about foreign targets?

What about blocking?

Even if one day it is really an enemy of the whole world, China will still have the power to fight.

Countless Chinese people have been waiting for this day for too long.

But today, they really saw the opportunity for Huaxia to return to the top of the world!

This made countless people burst into tears at this moment!

"I'm in my seventies. I thought we couldn't wait for this day. We would always be bullied by the Star Flag nation... I didn't expect that, I saw the day when we truly rose!"

"The world's top military force really no longer fears anyone. The Star Flag Country can no longer do whatever it wants!"

"Since then, the world has truly entered the era of bipolar hegemony!"

"All of this is due to Master Ye of Magic Technology!"

"That's right... I think magic technology is indispensable for our military rise! Even if we monopolize electricity and double the price of electricity in the future, I will be willing to pay for it!"

"Even if Mr. Ye's explanation was full of loopholes, I accepted it! I won't protest any more!"


And on the other side of the ocean, the star flag country.

In the black palace.

The crowd trembled.

Anti-gravity tanks and anti-gravity J-[-] fighters have improved their combat power, which is amazing enough.

And the anti-gravity immortal energy aircraft carrier that finally showed was beyond their expectations.

When the aircraft carrier has the powerful maneuverability of flight.

The military threat force brought by it has increased several times?


They have always been proud of it, thinking that the world's number one nuclear aircraft carrier is simply not worth mentioning.

The two are not at all like products of the same era.

"Just watched a press conference? Is our latest technology behind an entire era?"

Some people are hard to accept.

And the big commander's face was gloomy as if water could drip.

He looked at the military advisor coldly: "Can we still deal with them?"

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