The military advisor was a little hesitant when he heard the words, but he still said: "Magic technology was at most four or five months ago, and the energy of immortality was developed."

"So they don't have enough time to prepare, they can only refit the two original aircraft carriers at most, and there are no more aircraft carriers."

"They don't have time to build really new products!"

"An anti-gravity immortal energy aircraft carrier, coupled with the anti-gravity J-[-], has increased its combat effectiveness by more than ten times! But we are about to have fifteen nuclear aircraft carriers, plus the naval and air forces of our global allies!"

"Our overall combat power is still higher!"

"But in ground combat, the opponent's local battle, the already powerful army plus anti-gravity tanks, it is difficult for us to cross half the world and compete with the opponent!"

"But as long as we master the two battlefields of sea and air, we can use missiles to bombard each other continuously!"

"And allies such as Impression Country, Han Country, and Gongjiang Country can also help us contain the enemy!"

"Probably for at least three to five years!"

"Although we can definitely win in the end!"

"But our losses will also be too large to measure, and it is likely that we will decline from the first power, and the consequences will be unpredictable..."

The military advisor deduces the ending!

Hearing the words, the great commander narrowed his eyes.

The commander looked at the old people and said seriously: "Even if we pay a great price, we can't wait any longer!"

"Relying on the automotive industry and semiconductor industry, Huaxia has recently experienced rapid economic development, and they also have the strongest industrial capabilities in the world!"

"If it drags on, and their anti-gravity aircraft carrier has three or five more, then it will be completely difficult for us to compete with each other!"

"I can't give them any more time!"

"We have to make a move! As long as we have all the technologies that Magic Technology has now, no matter how big our losses are, we can make up for it in three or five years at most, and we will still be the No. [-] power at that time!"

"And we will inevitably consume allies, and will not let them have the opportunity to take advantage of the fisherman!"

"But if it's like now, do nothing."

"For up to three years, we will have no chance at all to hand over our status as a global leader!"

The commander saw clearly.

Time drags on.

China is stronger.

And Ye Chen, a genius who can always surprise, who knows what technology he will come up with in the future?

In a few decades, maybe all Star Destroyers have been built!

Marven Ye's threat is the biggest, so they can't wait any longer!

Either get Ye Chen, or destroy Ye Chen.

For them, there is no third option.

Hearing the words, all the old men looked at each other and nodded.

They also agree with the meaning of the great commander.

Can't wait any longer.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Even if it pays a price, it must be completely solved!

"When the magic technology conference is over, call your allies and have a good discussion!"

An old man spoke up.

This made the big commander look happy!

"it is good!"

At this moment, they made a decision and felt a sense of relief.

They continued to watch the magic technology conference, if there were no surprises afterwards.

Then they will be desperate!


At the press conference.

The crowd was surging, and countless people stood up from their seats and shouted Ye Chen's name.

Looking at the scene that was completely different from the previous deserted scene.

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

He pressed his hands together, signaling silence.

Seeing Ye Chen's actions, the excited people suddenly quieted down.

They silently listened to Ye Chen's speech.

The audience was silent.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, and his voice spread throughout the venue.

"Next, I will explain the whole story of Magic Technology's acquisition of the power grid, and at the same time dispel everyone's worries!"

Ye Chen just spoke.

Someone in the audience shouted: "Mr. Ye, no need, you have made such a big contribution, it doesn't matter if you charge more for electricity, we accept it!"

"Yes, I'm happy to make Magic Technology make money! The more I earn, the better, as long as Magic Technology can come up with more technology in the future!"

"Mr. Ye, let us raise our eyebrows and monopolize electricity, as long as we don't let us turn on the lights in the future!"

"It's a big deal that I won't charge mobile games in the future. Let Penguin earn my money to make junk games. It's better to let President Ye make more money and develop more new technologies!"

"That's right, I'm not going to chop my hands in Ahri anymore. The money I save should pay more for the electricity bill!"


Completely different from previous protests.

The audience at the scene now thinks that if Ye Chen makes more money, he should make more money.

After all, Ye Chen is too good.

Such as Penguin, what are those companies doing when they make money?

They only think about how to make more money from the people.

While magic technology has made money, it has come up with so many new technologies, making the military power of the entire China stronger countless times!

Even if the electricity is monopolized by magic technology, so it spends more electricity bills.

They are also willing!


Ye Chen listened to the voice of the scene that he didn't need to explain, let's make more money.Some helpless smiles.

He waved his hand to signal silence.

Ye Chencai continued: "First of all, Magic Technology still adheres to the concept that technology is people-oriented and technology serves humanity!"

"Magic Technology's acquisition of the power grid is for the advent of new technologies in the future, and there is no intention of monopoly in essence!"

"Secondly, even if the power grid is acquired by me, it still takes serving the people as the first priority!"

"What Huaxia Power Grid would do before, and the Magic Power Grid after its name change will do it too!"

"And what Huaxia Power Grid couldn't do before, Magic Power Grid, will do it!"

"That is to say, the Magic Power Grid will only be better than the previous Huaxia Power Grid!"

"The power grid will still supply electricity to any remote mountain village in the country in the future, and will still provide the best quality service to every citizen!"

"At the same time, the power grid will introduce new technologies to bring even greater surprises to the people of the country in the future!"

Ye Chen spoke solemnly.

This made the eyes of everyone present lit up.

Although they were willingly monopolized and smashed because of Ye Chen's contributions.

But they didn't expect that Ye Chen's acquisition of the power grid was for the deployment of new technologies?

There is no idea of ​​a monopoly per se.

Sure enough, Mr. Ye is not one of those greedy capitalists in the world.

President Ye, is a clear stream among the capitalists!

It surprises them a bit!

After all, it is not easy for ordinary people to make some money.It is better to spend less money if you can.

And what will be the new technology that allows Magic Technology to acquire the power grid to deploy?

People are looking forward to this!

At this moment, there was a loud cheer on the scene.


Ye Chen listened to the applause and smiled slightly.

Then he said solemnly again: "And at this press conference, I will send the first surprise to the people of the whole country!"

Ye Chen's words made everyone curious.

The first surprise?

What is it?

Under the attention of countless people, Ye Chen said slowly: "Magic Grid Company will adjust the national electricity price next month!"

"Because the electricity generated by Eternal Energy is cheaper than the original thermal power and hydropower!"

"So, I am here to announce that the national electricity price will be reduced!"

"From the [-]st of next month, the price of electricity used by residents across the country will be reduced to [-] cents per kilowatt hour!"

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