When Ye Chen's voice fell.

Countless viewers watching the live broadcast were all boiling.

Even the originally indifferent old man and old lady heard the news and widened their eyes.

Because electricity prices are closely related to their lives.

Originally, they were a little apprehensive and worried when they heard that Ye Chen was going to adjust the electricity price.

But when they heard that the electricity consumption of residents in the whole country dropped to [-] cents per kilowatt-hour, they were completely shocked!

Everyone cheered.

You know, although the domestic electricity prices vary from city to city.

But it is generally around fifty to eighty cents.

In this high-tech era, basically any family needs to spend more than [-] RMB in electricity bills casually a month.

This is also a considerable burden for many young people with low monthly salaries.

And Ye Chen wants to reduce the electricity bill to a dime nationwide?

What does this mean?

Electricity prices are five times lower.

If they still use the same amount of electricity every month, wouldn't it only cost one-fifth the cost?

This is simply, so surprising!

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room immediately swiped the screen when they heard the news!

"Damn it, a dime per hour of electricity? This is a free gift! I used to be reluctant to turn on the air conditioner in summer, but now I dare to turn on the air conditioner and become a big family?"

"Indeed, there is no heating in our southern cave, [-] kilowatts of oil tincture, electric heaters, etc., cost one or two yuan per hour to drive. It costs thirty or forty to drive a day, and ordinary people can't stand it. Isn't it only three or four dollars a day?"

"As a southerner, I really knelt down for President Ye! When I play League of Legends, I lose my rank in winter, why? Isn't it just my hands shaking when there is no heating in the south? And now, I can finally turn on the electric heater. It's time to play the game! Thank you, President Ye, for fulfilling the child's winter silver dream!"

"I don't know if other companies will feel ashamed when they hear what Mr. Ye said. Mr. Ye will lower our electricity bill because the cost has dropped! And what about other companies? If the cost has dropped, they will not lower the price for us, and make more money. The money will only go into their own pockets. Name Buick's most classic three-cylinder engine here!"

"I want to apologize to President Ye. Before, I was worried that President Ye would increase the price of electricity, but I didn't expect that President Ye would directly choose to reduce the price! To be honest, I am really ashamed. belly!"

"At one point, Mr. Ye didn't intend to pick up the people's wool at all. This is the real rich man of the people! Compared with Mr. Ye, a rich man surnamed Ma should ask himself, do you also match the words "rich man of the people?"

"A dime at a time, isn't it too cheap? I'm a little worried that Ye will not lose money? After all, the technology of immortal energy must be very expensive, right? And the research and development funds must not be low!"

"Yeah, why don't Mr. Ye raise the price, we are very satisfied with the electricity bill reduced to three cents!"

"Yes, Mr. Ye, don't lose money, make more money to develop new technologies!"

"Please, Mr. Ye, raise the price, we can afford these electricity bills!"


Ye Chen's mental strength is amazing.

Hearing the shouts of the audience, Ye Chen was speechless for a while.

It is estimated that Magic Technology is the only company that has consumers asking for price increases.

If other commercial companies heard it, they would probably drool with envy.

However, the magic technology he founded was not for making money.

And the main place to make money is also the wool of various countries and major capitals.

That's why it has such a good reputation.

However, the loss that consumers are worried about does not exist!

All technologies of immortality energy belong to magic technology.

Mithril is also unique to its own, and it is completely cost price.

A one-cubic-meter immortal energy reactor costs only [-] million yuan to manufacture!

Fourteen immortal energy power stations have been built in Huaxia.

The total cost is only more than [-] billion, and at most there is a little labor and maintenance cost every year.

In China, the electricity consumption will definitely increase sharply this year due to the drop in electricity bills.

It is easy to reach ten trillion degrees of power consumption.

And once the electricity bill is a dime.

The electricity bill of ten trillion kilowatt-hours is a terrifying one trillion RMB!

That is to say, even if Monet lowered its electricity price, its revenue still reached one trillion yuan.

Throw away the construction cost of [-] billion.

Then cut out labor and other expenses.

Magic Technology relies on the power grid, and its annual profit must reach at least [-] billion yuan.

Such a high net profit has already beaten [-]% of the world's companies.

And most importantly.

Immortal energy can continue to generate electricity for a thousand years.

That is to say, for a thousand years, Eternal Energy has been continuously making money for Ye Chen.

It's just lying down and making money.

Even printing money is not so easy!


"Thank you for your concern!"

"But Magic Power Grid will not lose money, please rest assured!"

"Secondly, Monet still upholds the responsibility of promoting the development of the whole society!"

"So I want to send the second surprise to the whole country: starting from the [-]st of next month, the country will cancel the distinction between commercial electricity and industrial electricity..."

"From now on, any company or factory will no longer have to pay higher electricity bills than residents' electricity bills. All electricity bills will be unified with residents' electricity bills, and it's a dime!"

"This move is to boost business and industry in the country!"

When Ye Chen delivered the second surprise.

The barrage, which had just barely calmed down, swiped frantically again.

The owners of countless self-employed individuals, companies, and factories in China jumped up in surprise when they heard this sentence!


Magic technology, this is too generous!

Obviously not a state-owned enterprise, but more responsible than state-owned enterprises, it is simply indescribable! .

Chapter 114

Domestically, commercial and industrial electricity consumption is already higher.

Commercial electricity is basically one dollar per hour of electricity.

And industrial electricity, can reach one five kilowatts of electricity.

Now that Ye Chen has canceled the distinction of domestic electricity use, all the prices have been reduced to [-] cents?

this moment.

Countless domestic business owners, self-employed, and factory owners all widened their eyes in surprise.

Even those who open supermarkets and small shops are all smiles.

And the bosses of big companies like Malaysia and Pony have also shut up in silence.

Originally, they were the ones with the loudest opposition.

After all, magic technology is developing faster and faster, and it involves more and more industries.

Many big companies are concerned that magic technology is taking advantage of its monopoly to enter their industry.

And now...

Electricity prices dropped directly to a cent?

In many large shopping malls, the monthly electricity cost is as much as hundreds of thousands, and now it has been directly reduced by ten times?

For domestic factories, the huge electricity bill of several millions per month is directly saved by [-] times.

Real interests lie ahead.

How could they possibly object?

Not just real industry gains.

Just like Malaysia, the Internet high-tech enterprise where Xiaoma is located, the electricity bill is actually a lot of money.

The power consumption of various web servers is skyrocketing.

For example, Microhardware, in order to save energy, threw the server directly to the seabed to cool down and reduce power consumption.

Penguins spend hundreds of millions of yuan in electricity bills every year.

As for Ali's electricity bill, it's only a little bit more.

Looking at electricity bills now.

The giant bosses of Internet companies such as Malaysia and Pony are also obediently shut up!

after all……

A dime for electricity.

It's really delicious!

But in their hearts, there is also an inexplicable shame...

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