Compared with Ye Chen, what they did was really far worse!

They don't understand.

In the case of capital seeking profit.

How can there be such an outlier like Ye Chen who puts money and does not make money in the world.

The brilliance emanating from Ye Chen made them feel a little ashamed.


And in China.

The old man led a group of high-level executives to watch the press conference and smiled.

"I just said we can trust magic technology, trust Marven Ye!"

"Even if Magic Technology doesn't cut electricity bills, he won't be blamed, but he still cut electricity bills without hesitation, affecting his own interests!"

"Today, industrial electricity is once a dime, which is at least five or six times cheaper than the price of electricity in any country in the world!"

"Such electricity prices can give our country's industry a greater advantage in global competition!"

"Magic technology is really our lucky star in China!"

The old man clicked his tongue.

The rest of the people also nodded.

At this moment, all their vigilance against magic technology has been dispelled!

Magic technology is really completely different from those capitals.


And abroad.

Many big bosses widened their eyes when they saw the price of industrial electricity that Ye Chen said.

Once a dime, it's as cheap as if you don't need money at all.

To know the general power plant, the cost is two to three cents.

In many countries, such as Denmark, the price of electricity is even as high as two yuan.

Compared with the electricity price in Huaxia, it is simply ridiculously expensive!

Many company bosses have already begun to think about investing in Huaxia to build factories to save costs!

As for ordinary people abroad, they are even more envious to the point where their eyes are red.

They are all calling now.

The electricity price of their own country is required to immediately drop to the same level as that of Huaxia.

These demands made the bosses of major power companies smile wryly.

People's magic technology is the energy of eternal life, and the new technology reduces dimensionality.

Our costs are more than that, how can we fight others?


"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry!"

"Mr. Ye, we were wrong before!"

"Oh my god, I never thought that after the power grid was acquired by Magic Technology, it would benefit the people even more than before!"

"To be honest, I don't know why, but I hope that Magic Technology can monopolize our lives in the future. After all, Magic Technology is not a company like Sanchiang. President Ye's ambition is really more ambitious than we imagined!"

"Mr. Ye has now brought us to the era of eternal energy. I am looking forward to seeing that in ten years, President Ye will not bring us into the interstellar era!"

"This conference has brought me too many surprises! Looking forward to the next conference of Magic Technology!"

Countless people are apologizing to Ye Chen.

And more people are satisfied with today's press conference.

Today's press conference is simply too cool!

We have benefited from it, and we have also seen an increase in the country's military power.

Many people are already looking forward to the future conference of Magic Technology before this conference is over.

After all, most people are not satisfied.

But they all know that the conference of magic technology usually only takes half an hour to an hour.

It's been more than half an hour now.

The conference is definitely coming to an end!

No matter what, I have to leave.


And on the other side of the ocean.

In the black palace.

The chief commander had a gloomy face: "Marven Ye is planning to dump electricity at a low price?"

"The price of electricity is lower than the cost of power generation in our countries. I believe it will not be long before the small countries around China will be connected to the magic power grid!"

"And electricity represents the industrial lifeline of a country. When the industrial lifeline of those small countries is caught in the hands of Huaxia, they will inevitably become allies of Huaxia!"

"He estimates that he also wants to promote eternal energy to our big countries!"

"Ye Chen, you are really ambitious, you shouldn't underestimate it!"

"With new technology, you can really do whatever you want!"

The great commander saw through a lot of things, and was even more afraid of Ye Chen.

He looked at the crowd and said loudly: "The press conference seems to be over! Everyone, we can't sit back and watch China's development, we must fight!"

"Otherwise, if we wait any longer, our allies may be divided and won over!"

"We must take advantage of the present moment to strike a fatal blow!"

The commander spoke earnestly.

And everyone present nodded.

But just as they got up, ready to go to prepare for the next war.

To Ye Chen, who was broadcasting live around the world, he spoke again.

"This concludes the introduction and application of immortal energy!"

"Next, this press conference officially begins!"

"We will officially bring you new products of magic technology..."

When they heard Ye Chen's words, everyone in the conference room was shocked.

The product of Eternal Energy, which has a far-reaching impact on the earth, deserves any country to hold a three-hour press conference and to brag about it.

And this turned out to be just a product that came with this conference.

Is the introduction of eternal energy finished?

The press conference has just started?

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

They looked at the shocked expressions on each other's faces in disbelief.

Magic Technology, what will be the new product to come out next?

How can you make a genius like Ye Chen value so much?

Will new technology bring changes to the world?

Will it affect their plans?

The hearts of everyone sank immediately, and they obediently sat back in their chairs and continued to watch the press conference.


And this scene happened in every corner of the world.

Immortal energy is scary enough!

However, this is just a side product of this launch?

Next is the official product of the conference?

This is really shocking!


"??? What did I hear? The conference officially started?"

"I'm going! Immortal energy is just an appetizer, and it's really starting now?"

"I've been silent! I can only shout in my rotten voice: President Ye is awesome!"

"I'm more looking forward to it, what will the new product be?"

Huaxia's network was boiling directly.

People were taken aback.

At the scene, many spectators who had already planned to leave the stage were also stunned at first, and then sat in their seats excitedly.

This press conference was really unexpected.

Mr. Ye, always brings great surprises to people!

Mingming has been researching immortal energy some time ago.

Now there are new products released?

This is simply genius.

The world really can't see where Ye Chen's limit is.

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