
In the eyes of countless people, Ye Chen smiled and said.

"Next, I will bring you new products of magic technology..."

When the words fell, Ye Chen raised his arm, revealing his wrist.

On the big screen, everyone could clearly see that Ye Chen was wearing a watch on his wrist!

Suddenly there was an uproar.

"The new product of Magic Technology, could it be a smart watch?"

"It looks like it is. A watch can be rich in functions, why is it more important than eternal energy?"

"No, look, this watch doesn't seem to have a dial? It doesn't have a screen!"

"I'm going, it's really... it's just the shape of the watch. What kind of product is this?"

"Magic Technology is not an ordinary technology company. It has to hold a press conference to change the color of the mobile phone. This thing is definitely not ordinary!"

Everyone looked at the new products that Ye Chen showed, and they were all confused.

It has the shape of a watch, but no dial, no screen.

Completely different from a watch.

What the hell is this?

This makes people's expectations even higher.

After all, Magic Technology can come up with epoch-making products every time!


Seeing everyone's curious expressions, Ye Chen spoke softly.

"This watch-like device is a new product of our magic technology..."

"Awareness Device!"

Awareness device?

When they heard this name, everyone was shocked.

Magic technology made its fortune on the ring of consciousness, and later launched a dream-making system, visual equipment and other products related to the human brain.

Since the beginning of magic technology, there have been many more companies around the world that study human brain consciousness.

But even so.

In the field of human brain consciousness research in the world, magic technology is still far ahead,

Other companies, not even the Consciousness Ring counterpart, have yet to make it.

And now, Magic Technology has launched a new awareness product?

What kind of function will there be?

Countless consumers around the world are looking forward to this.

And the elites of various countries have a bit of a toothache when they hear the words "consciousness equipment".

Before, Magic Technology relied on visual equipment to take away a lot of their wool.

And now, shouldn't Magic Technology have to repeat its old tricks and come up with a device that can provide assistance to deaf patients or mute patients?


And in the curiosity of all.

Ye Chen began to slowly introduce the functions of his new products!

"Now is the era of smartphones, even if today's mobile phones are equipped with a consciousness ring and a dream-making system, it is more convenient to use than a touch screen."

"But in essence, everyone still needs to get information through the screen, send information, and interact with the machine."

"This way of interaction greatly reduces the efficiency of communication."

"At the same time, the blue light emitted by the mobile phone screen also causes damage to the eyes of most people."

"The popularity of smartphones around the world in recent years has tripled the number of people with myopia in the world!"

"Even more and more adults with normal eyes are developing myopia."

"And the new products of our magic technology will completely eliminate the backward interaction method of the screen!"

Ye Chen said what he said.

Everyone at the scene was boiling.

Because Ye Chen revealed too much information.

The new products of magic technology will replace today's mobile phones.

And no longer need a screen.

That is to say, the watch without a screen in Ye Chen's hand is a new product that can replace mobile phones.

How not surprising!

".~ I turned on my phone to use the timer function, and found that I played with my phone for more than four hours a day. It's horrible!"

"That's right! Didn't even the little pony from Penguin said at a meeting that since the popularity of smartphones, his myopia has risen by more than [-] degrees!"

"My eyes are very tired when I play with my phone every day, but I can't control myself at all!"

"Mr. Ye's simple words made my expectations come up! What is the interaction method that does not require a screen?"

"The consciousness device in Mr. Ye's hand, shouldn't it be able to directly transmit the screen of the mobile phone to the brain?"

Countless people were shocked!

They were looking forward to Ye Chen's next detailed introduction.

And in the cold country.

Originally, the three-chimpanzee Li, who was comfortably holding two first-line female stars in the cold country, watching the live broadcast while enjoying.

His face changed instantly!

Knock out the screen?

To know that after losing the interests of semiconductors.

The three gorillas still made a lot of money by relying on the wave of replacements caused by the Mithril chip, making up for a lot of losses.

After all, no matter how powerful a mobile phone is, it still needs a screen.

But now, Ye Chen is about to eliminate even the screen?

Li Shi couldn't be calm anymore, panicked!

After all, if other companies said that, he would only scoff at it, and would not bother to listen.

What do you use your phone for without a screen?By your telepathy with your phone?

However, it is Magic Technology and Ye Chen who proposes to eliminate the screen in front of global consumers now!

Ye Chen has developed too many incredible technologies, and eliminated too many industries that were alive and well.

such as peripherals.

such as petrol cars.

Another example is the smart blind stick!

Even computers are on the verge of being obsoleted by Mithril chips.

And now, it seems that it is not difficult for Ye Chen to eliminate a screen!

Li is panicking now.

And as panicked as the Li family, there are many people.

For example, because the semiconductor industry was taken away by Ye Chen.

The wave of replacements has led to a surge in demand for screens, and many foreign manufacturers have invested in screen companies.

They are watching the launch now.

When I heard that Ye Chen was going to eliminate the screen, I felt like a dog in my heart...

They feel targeted.


And at the same time.

The world's major mobile phone manufacturers are also stunned.

Brother, we still use your mithril chip to make mobile phones, work for you, and make money for you?

In the blink of an eye, you released a new product.

Directly out of the phone directly?

So what do we do?

At this moment, most companies including Huayao and Fruits panicked!

They felt that they were backstabbed by Ye Chen!


Ye Chen just paused for a moment, and then continued: "I think many viewers have already guessed it!"

"That's right, our magic technology is going further in consciousness research!"

"From today, humans will be able to communicate all information directly with machines!"

"The picture that the mobile phone should display will be directly transmitted to the human brain, and it will be displayed most clearly!"

"Humans can work directly in the brain, watch movies, listen to songs, chat, play games..."

"From now on, humans will no longer need to be limited by screen resolution."

"People can see the most perfect high-resolution picture."

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