Ye Chen allows them to cooperate, which means they don't have to go bankrupt!

But there was also a bitter smile on their faces.

Since then.

Global mobile phone manufacturers are really working for Ye Chen!


"Consciousness devices don't just replace mobile phones! There are huge changes to all walks of life!"

"This is a huge market of at least tens of trillions of dollars!"

"Consciousness equipment must be in our hands!"

On the other side of the ocean, the commander spoke coldly.

The technology that Magic Technology has now mastered is too eye-catching!

Must get, no matter how expensive it is!

"Everyone, the introduction of the consciousness equipment has been completed, and this conference is about to end!"

"Next, it's time for us to do the right thing!"

The chief commander looked at the high-level and old people in the conference room, got up and said.

Everyone nodded when they heard the words.

The press conference is over.

Consciousness devices are indeed valuable, arguably in addition to immortality energy.

The greatest invention of the twenty-first century on earth.

However, consciousness equipment has no effect on changing the pattern of war in a short period of time.

They can also relax and prepare for war!


Just when everyone got up and was about to leave the conference room.

They heard Ye Chen at the press conference and spoke again.

Unlike previous conferences, Ye Chen simply ended the conference neatly after introducing the product.

Instead, he said loudly to countless audiences around the world: "The introduction of consciousness equipment is now officially completed!"

"Next, I will bring a ray of hope to everyone in the world, especially the elderly, or the terminally ill!"

When Ye Chen's voice fell.

The bodies of a group of people suddenly stiffened.

The press conference isn't over yet?

Ye Chen still has something to announce?

And what was said in the words brought a ray of hope to the elderly and terminally ill patients?

This made everyone present curious.

Does Ye Chen have any new products to release?

And is it for the elderly or the sick?

The average age of the people present was basically sixty-five years old.

Even the relatively young commander is sixty years old!

They are all old people. Could it be that Ye Chen has developed a new product specifically for the elderly?

The curiosity in their hearts was aroused.

They looked at each other a few times before returning to their seats.

"It's not in a hurry anyway,"

The chief commander said a little embarrassedly.

Although he hates Ye Chen, he agrees with Ye Chen's scientific research level.

If Marven Ye really develops a technology that is beneficial to the elderly or the sick, he is not willing to miss it!

And so are the rest.

Especially those in power of the chaebols, whose average age is seventy years old.

They are more looking forward to Ye Chen's excellent technology than the commander!


And the audience at the scene.

Also surprised.

After a brief moment of surprise, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Magic Technology, is there any new product?

Looking at the previous immortal energy and consciousness equipment, their sense of anticipation was immediately raised.

Especially some elderly people, or patients, are looking forward to it.

More than four billion people around the world looked at Ye Chen seriously through the screen.

And Ye Chen said with a chuckle: "As we all know, our magic technology is far ahead of the world's technology level in human brain research!"

"And our consciousness device actually digitizes the user's various perceptions and transmits it!"

"And if this technology develops further, what do you think it will look like?"

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the audience.

And all the audiences were a little stunned when they heard the words.

What will human consciousness look like after it is digitized and developed?

Everyone looked at each other, they were quite confused and couldn't guess.

But there are high-tech talents, listening to Ye Chen's words, but suddenly widened his eyes.

There are many smart people in the world who have thought of the deep meaning revealed in Ye Chen's words!


Magic technology can digitize human perception consciousness.

The essence of the human brain is actually composed of various thoughts, thoughts and consciousness.

And what Ye Chen said, the further technology of digitization of consciousness...

Could it be...


"Brain data?"

"Directly convert all the thinking and consciousness of the human brain into data!"

"In this case, even if the human body decays, the consciousness can be converted into data and uploaded to the hard disk? Or even uploaded to the Internet?"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"And in that case..."

In the black palace conference room.

There are high-level people who can't help but blurt out their own guesses!

The words of this high-level executive made the faces of everyone present show a look of surprise.

Awareness data goes a step further?

Turned out to be the brain data?

You must know that they are the high-level leaders of the star flag country, the chaebol controllers.

They are all very young and are about to reach the end of their lives.

Although they enjoy the world's top medical resources.

But still desperate to find that he is aging step by step.

The body is deteriorating step by step.

For them now, wealth and status are not important.

Only life is the most important thing.

They have such great wealth and status, but dead, what's the point?

Therefore, they have invested in immortality laboratories in both the Arctic and Antarctic.

They study hibernation, they study brain replacement, and they study cell immortality.

However, despite the huge sums of money, there have been some results.

But these technologies cannot delay their aging at all.

They could only watch in despair as their old friends died, and the rabbits died and the foxes were sad.

And now, Ye Chen's words made the eyes of all of them light up.

eternal life.

Even data is immortal.

There is also a huge temptation.

They stared closely at Ye Chen on the screen, with fiery eyes, looking forward to Ye Chen's determination of their thoughts.

And this scene happened in countless countries around the world.

For those elites.

They have acquired countless wealth and status.

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