The only thing they can't control is their own lives.

And if the brain data they guessed is really possible to succeed.

. . . .

For them, this is definitely the most surprising technology of the [-]st century!


There are many smart people in the world.

And many ordinary people also saw the barrage they sent.

Looking at the four words of data immortality, I almost suffocated!

Birth, old age, sickness and death are the inevitable fate of human beings.

From ancient times to the present, cycle by cycle.

Whether it is the former emperor or the rich man who controls global finance, he must bow his head in front of life.

And Ye Chen, can you break this cycle?

Let human beings really live forever on earth?

At this moment, countless people are boiling!


Watching the countless excited audience standing up.

Ye Chen smiled: "Everyone must have guessed it..."

"Yes, the next step in the dataization of consciousness is the dataization of the brain!"

"Those old people or terminally ill patients, although they have to abandon their bodies!"

"But turning it into data and living in a virtual world isn't a bad choice, isn't it?"

Marven Ye confirmed the audience's guess.

It made the whole place boil.

They saw the hope of eternal life for mankind!

But many people also have doubts, can this really be successful?

Many people even worry about gain and loss.

Ye Chen raised the corner of his mouth slightly and looked at the audience at the scene: "Today's consciousness technology can simulate a virtual world that is close to reality!"

"Simulate the taste, simulate the texture, simulate the weight, almost everything on the earth..."

"And immortal energy can provide endless energy, coupled with the powerful performance and storage space of Mithril semiconductor!"

"It can be said that the hardware and energy problems have been completely solved!"

"And then, it's a technical problem!"

"But completely digitizing the brain, even for me, is a very difficult technology!"


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And the elderly watching videos around the world are full of worries.

Hardware facilities have satisfied the concept of data immortality.

But a genius like Ye Chen also thinks technology is difficult?

If Ye Chen finds it difficult.

That must be really difficult.

After all, it only took Ye Chen a few months to develop the genius of immortal energy.

Could it be that they can't see the opportunity of immortality and maturity of data in their lifetime?

Countless people are disappointed and even desperate at this moment.

The next moment, they heard Ye Chen's words: "So, I think it will take me at least three years to develop this new technology!"

When Ye Chen's words sounded.

The whole place fell into an eerie silence.

Countless people looked at Ye Chen, dumbfounded...

And countless elderly and sick people all over the world have their eyes widened.

Their mood just now was as exciting as they were on a roller coaster.

The heart can't stand it!

Difficult you say?

Is it a maximum of three years to develop the technology?

This is simply too Versailles, right?

What do you think when you let those researchers who have been doing research for more than ten years hear this?

After three years of research and development of brain data, data immortality technology is still slow?

So how is it so fast?

At this moment, countless people didn't know how to complain about Ye Chen.

But they were even more convinced of Ye Chen's extraordinary talent!

In the world, how could there be such an outstanding genius as Ye Chen?


At this moment, the world is boiling.

Whether they are enemies of magic technology or not.

After hearing the three-year deadline, both fell into ecstasy.


In three years, will we enter the age of immortality?Ten thousand.

Chapter 117

"Eternal energy, consciousness equipment, and data immortality now? It can be achieved within three years! It feels like since the creation of magic technology, our human technology has been on a rocket to develop wildly!"

"Before, I was desperate and felt that life was boring. I worked hard until I retired at the age of sixty-five. As a result, my health was not good, and I couldn't enjoy life at all! It's good now, when we leave this world, we can be happy in another world. !"

"It's really a very hopeless thing for people to feel that their body is getting old. I am forty years old, and I feel the decline of my body function, and I am very frightened! Now, I see new hope!"

"Wow... After the brain becomes data and I live in a virtual world, will I be able to play various games? It's just ridiculous..."

"Then the game company is also cool. In the past, it could only make money from living people, but now it can even make money from dead people... But the problem is, when you die, there is no pension and so on, and you still have money to charge. 648?"

"Damn, what I said upstairs made me sweat! I suddenly had the motivation to fight. In order to be able to call the wind and call the rain in the virtual world after death, I decided to work hard and not lie down!"

"Three years, three years later, step into the new world!"

Not just Chinese netizens.

Countless netizens all over the world are extremely excited at this moment.

Humanity's fear of death has been completely shattered today.

Think about being able to enjoy a life that is even more wonderful than living now when you die.

This is simply too much to look forward to!


And all over the country.

Many old people are bored sitting in the room, sitting in the nursing home, sitting in the garden of the community.

They just feel that life is boring.

They seem to be a burden.

Their health is not good, their children have to go to work and have no time to accompany them, and they feel that their lives are gradually coming to an end.

in fear of death.

Their minds have become numb.

And at this moment, when they heard the magic technology's data immortality technology, their eyes widened.

In the virtual world, they will have healthy bodies and they will have wonderful lives.

Even if the children want to see themselves, as long as they communicate with consciousness devices, they can communicate face-to-face as if they were real...

When hearing this, the cloudy eyes that had lost their luster in countless eyes glowed with new vitality.

"Three years? Just wait another three years..."

Countless old people are full of expectations for this world again.

They must live to three years later.


This scene happened in every corner of the world.

And in the hospital.

There are many patients who are suffering from illness and want to die.

Seeing the new concept of data immortality announced by Ye Chen on the hospital TV screen, their eyes widened involuntarily.

They also saw hope.

Originally in pain, many patients who have given up treatment have regained their vitality.

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