"Doctor, I think I can save you..."

"I must live until three years later!"

Seeing those patients who had resisted treatment glow with a quest for life.

Many helpless patients and nurses have their eyes lit up!

They looked at Ye Chen on the screen gratefully.

Ye Chen, let countless desperate people rekindle their hope for life!



A group of high-level officials sat there, watching this scene, and their eyes widened in unison.

"Marven Ye, it really always surprises people."

"Even we are afraid of death! And now, Ye Chen has brought us hope!"

"Data immortality, if it is really realized, I really don't know what the world will look like!"

"Many terminally ill patients will definitely stop struggling, choose to enter the virtual world and give up treatment, which will save us a lot of medical insurance funds. After all, nearly half of the medical insurance funds are used for elderly patients!"

"It's good for society as a whole!"

"And many elderly people may also choose to enter the virtual world!"

"But after they entered the virtual world? Are they still alive? Will the pension be paid?"

"And those who enter the virtual world are not considered our citizens?"

"The most important thing is that I'm a little worried. What if the virtual world is too beautiful, and many young people stop fighting and choose data technology?"

There are also concerns about the huge impact of data immortality on society.

Hearing this, the old man smiled lightly: "The advancement of science and technology will always bring changes to society."

"Don't worry, after the immortality technology is truly realized, let's not worry about whether there are some of these! Problems can only be solved when they arise!"

"If you worry about problems and hinder technological progress, that's real stupidity!"

"Everyone, pay more attention to your body in recent years!"

"I miss the days when I was young and you played freely on the court. In the future, we may be able to play another game in the virtual world..."

The rest of the people also laughed when they heard this.


Data immortality technology.

Let them not only see the hope of eternal life.

I also saw the possibility of returning to youth.

Who doesn't miss their youth?


And high-level officials from all over the world have the same attitude.

They are very happy.

Delighted to an indescribable extent.

At this moment, many people who originally hated Ye Chen for causing them losses became Ye Chen's fans directly.

Ye Chen is no longer their enemy.

But their savior!


And on the other side of the ocean.

In the black palace conference room.

The eyes of all the senior executives and the old man shone with hope.

The audience was silent, and there was no more murderous arrogance before, to start a war and plunder everything.

The Grand Commander himself even held the edge of the chair tightly, suppressing his inner excitement.

The youngest person present was the new head of the El family.

After Old El was killed by Ye Chen.

Forty-year-old little Al took office.

He has deep hatred for Ye Chen, magic technology, and Huaxia.

So he felt the silent atmosphere of the scene, stood up first, and sneered: "It's just a technical idea!"

"Besides, people should die when they die. What's the matter with turning into data? Is it an NPC in the game?"

"What nonsense!"

"Everyone, it seems that the press conference is really coming to an end this time!"

"We can't wait any longer, we have to take action. What do you think? Chief?"

Little El looked at the big commander.

The chief commander was the most vicious person before.

However, when he heard Xiao Aier's words, the commander smiled awkwardly: "What, I think war should be carefully considered!"

Upon hearing this, Little Elton became anxious: "What else is there to consider? Didn't you say that time waits for no one? If China continues to develop, we will not be rivals!"

The leader was even more embarrassed.

What Yin said to Little El was what he had been saying just now.


He really doesn't want to go to war now.

For no other reason, it is because of data immortality technology.

He was born in 1941 and is now seventy-five years old.

He wields great wealth and wields great power, yet he is still powerless against death.

And now, I finally saw the hope of eternal life.

Let him enjoy his wealth forever.

At this moment, how could he choose to go to war?

After the war, there were too many surprises.

In case it affects the research and development progress of data immortality technology, he does not catch up.

His bowels will be remorseful before he dies.

In the face of personal life, what is the benefit?

Moreover, even if there is no war.

Even if the Star Flag Country is really surpassed by China, so what?

What if the Star Flag nation declined?

For those who hold the wealth, the country declines, and they are still the best.

Such as the world's poorest continent of Heizhou.

Ordinary people are miserable, right?Can't afford to eat.

People starve to death every year.

But on the main road of Heizhou, the rich are still very rich, and the sports cars made of all gold are blinding people's eyes.

The poverty and wealth of the country, whether it is strong or not.

Only ordinary people are affected.

For these high-ranking bigwigs, at most, it's just a loss of some money.

So, they don't want to go to war.

The war is in the national interest.

Instead of going to war, it is for their own interests to ensure the smooth development of data immortality technology.

How to choose?

Clear at a glance!


So, facing the anxious duty of little Al.

The commander said in a righteous manner: "There are so many patients and elderly people in our country who are suffering. They are in need of data immortality technology. We cannot start a war at this moment and let the people down!"

Little Al was in a hurry.

The words of the great commander are too shameless.

Who this guy is, he knows clearly.

How could he care about ordinary people?

He has already seen that the chief commander and other silent old people are all fascinated by the data immortality technology.

But he hates Ye Chen!

Although it was the agent who killed his father, Old Al.

But Ye Chen was the culprit.

He wanted Ye Chen to bury his father with him.

"Isn't it consciousness technology? As long as we win the war, all technology is ours. With the consciousness technology of magic technology, we can completely develop data immortality by ourselves!"

Little El said, hoping to make everyone change their minds.

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