"In the future, everyone is scolding you for playing games with your eyes closed? You can confidently say that I play games with your eyes closed!"

"But although it's cool to play games, I'm a little bit tired."

"After all, when I think of what President Ye said, that virtual game is the same as an online game novel, I feel that the current game is a bit boring!"

"I'm really looking forward to the birth of the first virtual game right now!"

"That must be a new beginning of the gaming era!"

"At the same time, the consciousness device also has more functions that I haven't developed yet...such as..."

66 said at the end, suddenly paused.

As if thinking of something very interesting, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

The audience watched 66 suddenly smirk, and hurriedly sent a barrage to inquire.

66 Did you discover any new features?

And 66's face showed the old driver's smile: "I suddenly remembered a joke, that is, when men and women are together, men like to ask women similar questions no matter how they behave..."

"For example, am I fierce? Is Lao Tzu fierce? Or whether it is comfortable or not..."

"But in the future, if the man asks again, the woman will directly share her feelings with the man using the conscious device..."

"You said, how much a blow to most men..."

"I estimate that after the popularization of consciousness equipment, this habit of many male compatriots will be changed!"

"After all, it's so boring to humiliate yourself!"

66 When it comes to the end, the joy is overwhelming.

And the words of 66 made countless male audiences silent...

They unconsciously substituted into the scene 66 said, and suddenly felt a little dull...

The popularization of awareness equipment is a bit of a blow to men's self-confidence! .

Chapter 119

A day passed.

Hundreds of thousands of consumers who received awareness devices on the same day have already posted their one-day experience online.

"Today I gave birth, and both my husband and I got a consciousness device."

"Everyone knows how uncomfortable it is during pregnancy, but my husband doesn't take it seriously. After I give birth, I want to have a second child. I think giving birth is a very simple thing."

"So, before I gave birth to a child today, I directly connected with my husband to share consciousness and asked him to feel all my feelings at the same time when I gave birth to a child."

"Everyone knows how painful it is to have a baby. When I came out of the delivery room, my husband sat there crying, saying that it was too painful. He was very distressed for me and said that he would never have a second child again!"

"So ladies and gentlemen, the consciousness device is really amazing. Men don't understand how painful it is to have a child in the future? Share the pain with them directly, let them see how uncomfortable it is, and see if they dare to have a second child!"

There was a pregnant woman who had just given birth to share her experience.

His words immediately attracted the praise of countless people.

Many people have found that the most important role of consciousness equipment is to bring the distance between human minds.

In the past, even between husband and wife, it was difficult to empathize and compare hearts.

But consciousness devices make the impossible possible.

In the major forums, there are countless sharing of the experience of using consciousness equipment.

"Awareness devices are really convenient. You don't need to connect to Bluetooth anymore when you are driving a car, and you can hear the voice directly in your mind. If the other party also uses a consciousness device, you can reply directly with your brain, and the sense of privacy is particularly strong. , it's so clear!"

"You're right upstairs, I tried it on the bus today, and listening to music is really cool, even if the outside world is noisier, you can still be immersed in the song, and you can read novels and videos with your eyes closed. Outrageous!"

"I'm a video up, and it's so convenient to use consciousness equipment to shoot videos today. I'm sure that in the future, short videos in the world will be shot with eyes, and when consciousness equipment becomes popular, consciousness Video will also go mainstream!”


"My long-distance girlfriend and I both grabbed the consciousness device, and in the afternoon, my girlfriend shared the experimental consciousness with me."

"Because the internet speed on my side is not good, the two of them shared the card together! So she shared it with me unilaterally, so that I could see her perspective, listen to the voice she heard, and feel everything she felt..."

"As a result, because she was busy with work later, and she was not familiar with consciousness equipment, she forgot that she was sharing consciousness with me..."

"Later I saw her. When she was working, she entered the boss's office, locked the door on her own initiative, and then knelt in front of the boss..."

"But I'm very strong, and even so, I haven't stopped receiving her sharing... In the green light above my head and my confusion, I discovered one thing..."

"That is, being a woman is really cool, I feel like I have opened the door to a new world!"

"Fuck, it's awesome upstairs, when your girlfriend loves you, feel the whole process, it's more awesome than face-to-face NTR!"

"I feel that the green hat upstairs has turned green into the sun!"

"Everyone didn't pay attention to the main point at all, okay? The point is, the one upstairs thinks he has opened the door to a new world!"

"It's terrifying!"

I have to say, there are too many excellent netizens.

The various functions of consciousness equipment have been excavated to strange places.

But the popularity of consciousness equipment is an indisputable fact.

More and more people, watching various shared videos, want to buy consciousness rings more and more.

And abroad.

Countless netizens jumped over the wall to enter Huaxia Internet, and looked at all kinds of interesting, wonderful or sand-sculpted consciousness equipment experience, and their eyes were red with envy.


The consciousness equipment of magic technology is only available in China for the time being!

For the time being, they can only buy some second-hand consciousness rings and Mithril mobile phones that have been eliminated by Huaxia consumers from Huaxia's second-hand website.

As for consciousness equipment, you can't buy it if you want to.

At this moment, proud of them.

I feel as if I've been beaten up as a second-class citizen of Earth.


"Mr. Ye, our awareness equipment is selling well and is well received!"

"The stock of one million units was sold out in just [-] seconds after it was released at noon today!"

In Ye Chen's office, Lan Feifei said excitedly.

When Ye Chen heard the words, he nodded: "How is the output of the factory?"

Lan Feifei immediately reported seriously: "Our consciousness equipment factory is upgraded from the consciousness ring factory. The daily output can reach [-] consciousness equipment, calculated according to the profit of [-] yuan per unit."

"The average daily profit of consciousness equipment can reach [-] million yuan!"

[-] million a day?

Nearly [-] billion yuan a year.

This number flashed through Ye Chen's mind without caring too much.

The sale of consciousness devices is not for money at all.

Moreover, [-] billion yuan a year, for today's magic technology, really does not rank.

Eternal Energy cooperates with the military, and the annual profit is hundreds of billions.

Not to mention the power grid, the annual profit is at least trillions, and when the overseas market is opened up, there will only be more.

The anti-gravity business is a cash cow, and it is close to trillions of dollars every year.

In comparison, consciousness equipment is an epoch-making product that is the main business of any company.

In the business of magic technology, some are not ranked.

However, consciousness devices are not meant to make money.

Even if it is free, Ye Chen is actually willing.


Ye Chen only cares about the popularity of consciousness devices.

The output of [-] units per day is far from meeting Ye Chen's needs.

What Ye Chen hopes is.

Before the launch of its own awareness network technology, Huaxia's awareness equipment penetration rate could reach [-]%!

With a daily output of [-], it would take [-] years to produce a billion devices, and Ye Chen couldn't wait that long!

As for expanding production, it will take a long time to build a new factory, which is a waste of time.

"How about the production of consciousness chips?"

Ye Chen asked seriously.

And Lan Feifei heard the words and thought seriously: "Now the daily output of consciousness chips can reach [-] million pieces. If necessary, we can buy lithography machines at any time to increase the output."

"Our chip factory can carry a maximum daily output of five million!"

Hearing this number, Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction: "Then let me know, buy a lithography machine, and expand production."

Chip production is high.

Although magic technology can't create so many consciousness devices by itself.

However, major mobile phone manufacturers will naturally rush to seek cooperation.

Today, when the mobile phone industry has been hit hard, they must be in a hurry to make a transformation.

They all have mobile phone assembly factories in their hands, and they can easily manufacture [-] million devices a day with a little change of the assembly line.

In this way, consciousness equipment can be popularized in China within a year at most!

It was barely able to meet Ye Chen's request!

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