
And sure enough.

After the press conference of Magic Technology yesterday.

Mobile phone manufacturers all over the world have gone straight to China.

Cook from the fruit company, Mr. Li from the three gorillas, etc., arrived by plane overnight.

And the CEOs of domestic mobile phone manufacturers also came to Tianhai City one after another.

Looking at Ye Chen sitting in the main seat in the conference room.

Their moods are very complicated.

Before, they also felt that Ye Chen was essentially a capitalist like them.

It's just a little more pretentious and a better reputation

But now they feel that Ye Chen is really different from them.

Just taking the initiative to reduce electricity bills, they simply can't do it.

After all, for them, if they can make money, they will lose money.

But Ye Chen did it without hesitation...

Not to mention the global mobile phone market has actually been dominated by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's Mithril chip earned [-]% of the profit in the mobile phone market.

In such a stable cash flow industry, Ye Chen could replace it with new technology without hesitation.

It's really hard to understand.

You must know that most companies in the world, if the old products are particularly profitable, even if they have new products in their hands, they will not hesitate to hide them.

After all, you can make money lying down, so why bother?

However, Ye Chen did not hesitate to make the choice to eliminate old products and launch new ones.

What does this mean?

Ye Chen really firmly believes that technology is people-oriented, and hopes that ordinary people can enjoy the dividends of scientific and technological progress.

This is not Ye Chen's lie!

Such a person is so dazzling.

Therefore, many people present, even though they did not like Ye Chen because of their position and interests.

But it is also inevitable to admire Ye Chen from the bottom of my heart!


"Consciousness chip and consciousness sensor, these two core components, are packaged and sold for a total of [-] RMB. Plus [-]% of the price of your equipment as a patent royalty!"

Ye Chen spoke lightly and did not quote too high a price.

This made all the bosses present widen their eyes.

The price is indeed much cheaper than they expected.

The boss of the three orangutans, Mrs. Li, had a smug look on his face.

The rest were also delighted at the price.

Ye Chen glanced at them flatly, but did not speak.

The low price of core components is also for popularization.

After all, there are a large number of people in Huaxia who are reluctant to spend [-] yuan to buy awareness equipment.

Therefore, in the future consciousness device market, there must be about [-] consciousness devices.

There should also be low-end awareness equipment of four or five thousand yuan.

Since the establishment of Magic Technology, it has successively gained the dominance of two major industries, and even forced major companies to operate in China.

This Huaxia has indirectly provided tens of millions of jobs.

The average salary in Tianhai City has risen from [-] to [-].

Major factories have also raised basic wages in order to recruit people.

Now even the waiter of the hotel, the salary has risen to more than [-].

It can be said that [-]% of the people in China can afford consciousness equipment.

that's enough.


"Mr. Ye, can we change the appearance of the consciousness device? For example, instead of the appearance of a watch, it can be made into a necklace, a ring, etc..."

Cook spoke earnestly.

If everyone can make a consciousness device, then there must be differentiation.

The technology of the fruit company is very powerful, and it might be able to make the consciousness equipment into the size of a ring!

Competition is everywhere.

In this regard, Ye Chen nodded noncommittally: "Yes, as long as it conforms to the specifications of consciousness equipment of magic technology, you can make it into any appearance!"

But to make consciousness equipment small, technology is required.

It is estimated that Huayao, fruit, three orangutan, rice, and ov have the opportunity to come up with it.

And most small manufacturers, unless they are willing to spend money on research and development.

Otherwise, even if you enter the era of consciousness equipment, you can only mix in the low-end field.

The CEO of Huayao, Mr. Ren said, "So, Mr. Ye, how is your company's production of consciousness chips and sensors? How many goods can we get?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately glanced at each other vigilantly. .

Indeed, this is important.

If there is not much production of consciousness chips, they may have to grab a share.

Ye Chen smiled slightly when he heard the words, and saw the crowd smiling lightly and said, "You don't have to worry about the production volume."

"Our daily output of chips can reach [-] million pieces. A share of [-] million of them will be provided to you, which can definitely meet your needs."

As soon as Ye Chen's words sounded, everyone was relieved.

Four hundred and ninety thousand?Indeed enough.

"Mr. Ye, can we place an order now? We Huayao want a million copies a day?"

"Our fruit can also eat a million servings of chips a day!"

"Our three orangutans are even fiercer and can eat two million!"

"Our ov can also eat two million chips a day..."

"...We can eat a million rice!"

Everyone immediately got up.

The rest of the small companies were in a hurry.

For the one million and two million you want, [-] million core chips and sensors are supplied every day, what should we do?


Seeing the expressions of everyone scrambling for a share, Ye Chen was happy.

Ye Chen can understand them, with the popularity of awareness equipment.

Now the market is completely in short supply state.

Whoever has more goods will sell more.

A business that is guaranteed to make a profit without losing money is naturally a snatch.

However, Ye Chen shook his head: "No need to rush, we will allocate shares according to the output that each family can achieve now!"

"If I want to manufacture consciousness equipment and obtain the supply of consciousness chips, I have another request!"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly became serious.

Don't look at Ye Chen's youth.

But in the shopping mall, anyone who dares to face Ye Chen lightly will not end well.

They were attentively waiting for Ye Chen to speak.


Ye Chen glanced at everyone with a dull expression: "My request is that the goods you produce can only be sold in China!"

"Until Huaxia's market is saturated, it will not be able to start selling in foreign markets!"

"If there is a violation by a company before the penetration rate in China reaches [-]%, there will be large-scale sales of awareness equipment abroad."

"Then whose products are sold abroad, I will cancel their share of consciousness chips."

Ye Chen's words made many foreign manufacturers frown.

This request was something they didn't expect.


This is so weird...

As foreign manufacturers, they all have their own countries.

If the new products are only sold in China, you can imagine what they will be sprayed by their nationals.

And the bosses of domestic manufacturers are also a little confused.

They don't understand, isn't it bad to make money from foreigners?

Why must Huaxia popularize awareness equipment first?


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