"Mr. Ye, after all, we are a Star Flag Company. If the product is no longer listed in Star Flag, we will be sprayed to death by the people!"

"Otherwise, I promise that at least half of our fruit company's products will be sold in the Huaxia market, and the rest will remain in the country?"

Cook said seriously and wanted to discuss it.

However, Ye Chen shook his head without hesitation.


Whether the consciousness equipment sold abroad at this stage is good or bad, it means nothing to Ye Chen.

The product of consciousness equipment is not for making money, but to lay the foundation for the popularization of (Dede Zhao) consciousness network.

Marven Ye doesn't care about the money.

Ye Chen is about to officially start developing a new energy network and build a consciousness network.

Communication networks are also one of the most important areas of national security.

It can be seen from the experiences of Hua Yao in various countries.

Countries will certainly not easily allow the energy communication network developed by Ye Chen in the future to enter their market.

Moreover, the energy communication network also needs the support of eternal energy.

That is, Ye Chen wants to control their electricity.

In this case, it means that Ye Chen has mastered two important fields of communication and energy in a country.

Except for Huaxia, no country would easily allow it.


and so.

Look globally.

Only Huaxia is the most suitable for the first layout of consciousness network.

Let the users of the national awareness equipment connect to the awareness network and provide Ye Chen with spiritual power.

And people from abroad, even if they get the device now, can't connect to the consciousness network, it has no effect on Ye Chen.

Therefore, the priority of popularizing China is the highest.

The more people using Huaxia Consciousness Device, the more mental power Ye Chen can get after the launch of Consciousness Network.

You can quickly increase your strength.

Become a god fast.

As for abroad?

If the consciousness network wants to be popularized, it is estimated that it will only be possible after Ye Chen subdues them.

Especially the Star Flag country, relying on its network advantages, monitors the world.

How could they easily accept the expansion of the web of consciousness.

and so……

Ye Chen looked at everyone present seriously, calm and indifferent: "There is no room for negotiation on this restriction!"

"If I can't accept it, I'm not reluctant!"

Ye Chen's convinced and resolute attitude made the corners of the mouths of major foreign manufacturers twitch.

don't you force it?

Well said, but who dares not to listen to you?

Cook, Mrs. Lee and others were a little downcast for a while.

Ye Chen is simply the god of technology.

This feeling of being powerless to resist is really uncomfortable!

However, they can only accept.

Be scolded by the natives.

If you refuse, you will completely lose the admission ticket to the vast market of consciousness equipment.

At that time, it will end in the same way as Lianxiang Company! .

Chapter 120

Now Ye Chen, who controls magic technology, is really too powerful.

Facing Ye Chen's request, many companies did not have the courage to refuse at all.

They quickly agreed.

Signed a contract of intent to purchase.

However, the specific supply share is determined by Magic Technology.

Not for favoritism.

It just intends to allocate according to the scale and production capacity of major mobile phone manufacturers.

In order to allow companies to produce awareness equipment in the most efficient and fastest way, and distribute goods throughout China.

Today, the personal terminal of Consciousness Network has been successfully promoted.

Immortal energy has also become popular.


What Ye Chen has to do is to start developing the web of consciousness itself.

It will be a brand new communication network that can transmit energy.

This is not an upgrade of the existing 4g, 5g, but a comprehensive innovation.

In addition to helping Ye Chen gather the spiritual power of all users who access the consciousness network, the consciousness network can help Ye Chen become a god.

There are many uses.

And there is another point, that is, the three major operators of Huaxia are going to be unlucky.

The three major operators are too bloated, and Ye Chen has no plans to acquire them.

Therefore, the construction and maintenance of the consciousness network in the future will be in charge of the Magic Grid Company.

The three major operators will soon become history!

However, Ye Chen has no plans to invest in new research for the time being.

Tired for half a year.

should take a rest...

Moreover, I promised Cheng Mengyao before that after the launch of the consciousness device, she will take her and Xiao Porridge to travel in China for a week.

Cheng Mengyao was looking forward to this, and was fully prepared.

And Ye Chen, of course, will not be unbelieving.

Where should I go?

Let's go to Rongcheng.

Eat hot pot, sing and sing, and you can also visit the giant pandas by the way.

If you are interested, you can bring two back to raise them.

Anyway, for the current Ye Chen.

It's really not a big deal to have two pandas to raise...


In the blink of an eye, nearly a week has passed.

On the Internet, more and more people are phasing out mobile phones and upgrading to awareness devices.

Don't be surprised if you're walking down the street and see someone talking to themselves without headphones.

This must be a conscious device user.

The person he contacted was still using a mobile phone, so he had to speak to communicate.

Otherwise, communication is possible directly in the brain.

There are more and more users of conscious devices, and for longer periods of time.

The changes brought about by the society have gradually become prominent.

For example, Penguin, whose stock price has been cut in half, is unwilling to be wiped out of its position in the communications field.

With a strong Internet team, he develops application standards for awareness equipment.

In just five days, an app for making friends and chatting with strangers was launched...

As long as the user has turned on the positioning authorization, they can randomly match friends in the same city.

This is completely different from the chat function that comes with the magic technology awareness device.

The communication function that comes with the awareness device is mainly for socializing between acquaintances.

You need to know the person's name and number, or face to face to add a friend.

Penguin's Weibo dating app focuses on making friends with strangers.

This first exclusive APP of Consciousness Network suddenly aroused the enthusiasm of netizens, who downloaded and experienced one after another, and directly ranked first in the free list of the Dream-making System App Store.

It can be said that this is the artifact of the Consciousness Network version of the artifact...

Companies such as Momo and Tantan have been slow to respond, but they are not willing to fail, and have developed their own APPs…

And major live broadcast platforms are also developing live broadcast APPs that can convey the feelings of the anchor...

Major video companies are starting to develop apps that can play awareness videos!

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