"Consciousness technology can be said to completely make up for the shortcomings of online shopping platforms that cannot be truly experienced. In the future, online shopping will definitely be more prosperous!"

"So we must be the first to launch awareness applications, ahead of competitors like Ali, Jingdong, and Amazon!"

"As long as we do it, we may become the world's largest shopping platform!"

Having said this, Huang Shanzheng's face was full of excitement.

He saw a bright future.

"Consciousness equipment is simply the most amazing invention of the [-]st century!"

"How can a genius like Ye Chen appear in the world!"

In the end, Huangshan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

He has always considered himself a business genius.

But compared with a character like Ye Chen, he felt ashamed.


After returning from Rongcheng.

Cheng Mengyao's already gentle royal sister-in-law style has added a charming temperament that only a young woman can have!

These days, she is very happy to accompany Ye Chen on a tour of the mountains and waters.

And Xiao Porridge has her mother's care at night.

Therefore, Cheng Mengyao finally got his wish.

Even back to Tianhai City.

Cheng Mengyao is still reminiscing about the aftertaste.

But she didn't ask for more, and even rejected Ye Chen's plan to buy her a house.

If she can achieve what she wants, she is already satisfied!

If you can give birth to a child with Ye Chen in the future, it will be even more perfect!

Cheng Mengyao is very much looking forward to this.

Instead of going back to the company, Mengyao took a few more days off.

Because she is so tired!


And Ye Chen returned to the company feeling quite refreshed.

Cheng Mengyao is perfect.

It is said that women are made of water, which is not bad at all.

The environment of Rongcheng is really good, and the journey is very pleasant.

As for the giant panda, Ye Chen also saw it, and it was quite cute.

But Ye Chen didn't bring the panda back.

The main reason is that the giant panda is a bit delicate, and it is really troublesome to build a special residence and prepare special bamboo.

But Ye Chen also had a new idea.

That is, after waiting, send some gentle animals such as pandas, monkeys, raccoons, giraffes, and elk to Xingchen Island.

Anyway, in the future, Xingchen Island will become a city in the sky, isolated from the earth, and there is no fear of natural enemies.

With these gentle animals in the city of the sky, it can also add a lot of fun!


"Mr. Ye, you're finally back! Rongcheng must be fun, I haven't been there yet..."

When Lan Feifei saw Ye Chen, there was surprise on her pretty face, but there was still a trace of resentment.

President Ye went to Rongcheng to play, but he didn't bring himself.

Fortunately, Lan Feifei didn't know who Ye Chen was going with.

Otherwise, Lan Feifei would be even more resentful.

Ye Chen looked at his pitiful little secretary, smiled slightly, and patted her furry little head: "Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful. Next time I'll take you to the beach with you!"

Hear Ye Chen's promise.

Lan Feifei's resentment was instantly swept away, and she became happy.

"it is good……"

Lan Feifei picked up the hair by her ear and smiled sweetly.

Ye Chen stretched leisurely, looked out the window, and said lightly, "Has something happened in the company recently?"

When Lan Feifei heard the words, she shook her head, but nodded again.

"Mr. Ye, I was on a hot search the day before yesterday, even though it has nothing to do with our company."

"But it involves our consciousness equipment!"

"The impact caused many consumers to have a lot of resistance to our awareness devices!"

Hearing this, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes.

The popularization of consciousness equipment is very important to Ye Chen.

If the people resist, it will be very troublesome.

"what happened?"

Ye Chen became serious.

Lan Feifei, on the other hand, spoke out what Huang Shanzheng, the boss of Pin Xixi, had done recently.

At the same time, he also mentioned some incidents in the country that forced the sharing of consciousness by relying on power or status.

At the end, Lan Feifei was filled with righteous indignation: "These people are too much!"

"I heard that many people in Pinxixi have been forced to resign because they refused to open their minds to sharing!"

"There is a high degree of discussion about these things on the Internet, but because of spending money to reduce the popularity, these things can't be searched at all!"

"But that's already having a big impact on us."

"Many people no longer buy our consciousness equipment, for fear that the boss will force the sharing of consciousness."

"Before this incident, our [-] consciousness devices would be robbed in one second at most."

"And now, it will take nearly ten minutes to sell out!"

"It can be seen that the impact is huge."

What Lan Feifei said made Ye Chen's brows wrinkle deeply.

What Pin Xixi did and the impact it caused made Ye Chen very dissatisfied.

On the one hand, it is a question of three views.

Even though Ye Chen was a magician, he never did anything wrong, except in the face of the enemy.

The practice of fighting Xixi is unacceptable to Ye Chen's morality.


The popularization of consciousness equipment is related to Ye Chen's road to becoming a god.

What Pin Xixi did, caused the people to resist consciousness equipment, which seriously affected Ye Chen's path to becoming a god.

How could Ye Chen not frown.

Ye Chen's mouth curled into a sneer: "In fact, I also have my responsibility for this matter. I underestimated the lower limit of some people..."

"Since I'm back today, let's fix it!"

And saw the sneer at the corner of Ye Chen's mouth.

Lan Feifei, who was familiar with Ye Chen, immediately understood.

Ye was always really angry.

And the consequences of Mr. Ye's anger are very serious!

Just look at what Lian thinks about.

Fighting Xixi's boss Huang Shanzheng has to pay a very painful price! .

Chapter 121

On the internet.

Countless netizens have been discussing the recent frequent incidents of forced awareness sharing.

Most ordinary people are deeply anxious and uneasy.

"Pin Xixi heard that consciousness review has been implemented internally. Those who do not accept consciousness sharing will deduct your salary in various ways, give you small shoes, and force you to leave. It is simply inhumane.~"

"They also dropped the trending search. They were still at the top of the trending search the day before yesterday, but they disappeared in the blink of an eye. It's shameless-!"

"Is there really no one to take care of it? Anyway, if no one takes care of it, I will definitely not buy consciousness equipment. It's too insecure. Consciousness is forced to be reviewed, and there is no dignity at all!"

"Yes, I heard that Qiandu is also planning to develop a similar model to encourage employees to share awareness. If employees allow executives to review awareness, they will be given priority for promotion and salary increases. I heard that it will be implemented soon. It's gone!"

"The lower limit of capital is simply too low. If you say it is encouragement, isn't it persecution? Qiandu is also a garbage company."

"I was very happy to grab the awareness device, but now I don't dare to wear it out, for fear of being seen by the boss, and want to share awareness with me!"

"@Magic Technology, @relevant departments, come and take care of it, good technology is used by those capital to do evil..."


And inside Pinxixi.

The corners of Huangshan's mouth twitched.

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