Recently, there has been a lot of protests inside Xixi.

There are many employees leaving.

But there are already more than a dozen people who have signed an agreement that resources are subject to awareness supervision, and have accepted awareness review by executives.

And these more than a dozen employees were intentionally increased their wages and promoted their positions, which were used as typical propaganda within the company.

The meaning of Huangshan dispute is very clear.

Accept the awareness review, you can get a promotion and a salary increase.

If you don't accept it, you will be forced to leave.

The skilled red dates and sticks made many people in the company feel a little desperate.

After all, many people have mortgages, car loans and household expenses, and their living pressures are very high, and they simply do not dare to resign casually.

And Huangshan Zheng also seized this point and applied both soft and hard.

Huang Shanzheng was very happy at the moment.

Because according to this development, it won't be long before he can screen out a group of the most obedient employees.

Looking at the fishing reels on the Internet, Huang Shanzheng didn't care.

Laws will be introduced to prohibit these behaviors over time, but it will definitely take a while.

When the time comes, the big deal is to pay the fine.

That's a thing too?

Huang Shanzheng looked at the vice president in charge of application development, and said seriously: "How is our APP development?"

The vice president hurriedly replied: "It has been developed!"

"Businesses can use awareness devices to upload various functions and experience of products to our APP background!"

"Users of the client can experience the awareness products uploaded by the merchants when browsing the products!"

"I have already inquired about it. Jingdong, Ali, and Amazon are still developing APPs. We are the first company in the world to develop a conscious shopping APP!"

"Just now, I have uploaded our virtual shopping Pinxixi APP to Magic Technology's app store."

"Wait until we pass the application review of magic technology. We will definitely become the biggest giant in the field of conscious shopping because we seize the opportunity."

The vice president reported seriously.

And Huang Shanzheng also showed a smile.

My own fight, Xixi, has only been established for a few years.

If you take this opportunity to become a global shopping giant, you will become the godfather of business.

But immediately, he had some regrets: "Unfortunately, Magic Technology has strict requirements on the privacy permissions of applications. Otherwise, if we can review the user's awareness, we can recommend products and advertisements based on the user's awareness!"

"This is more accurate than the previous big data promotion and can bring more benefits."

Hearing the words, the vice president nodded in agreement: "Mr. Huang is right. Although that Ye Chen is a genius, he doesn't look like a businessman at all, and he doesn't earn a lot of money that should be earned."

"If he is not a genius, just an ordinary boss, it is estimated that his magic technology has already closed down!"

was talking.

The vice president suddenly changed his face.

"Mr. Ye, just now my consciousness device reminded me that our app review failed, and we can't put it on the app store of the Dream System!"

The vice president's eyes widened.

Huangshan frowned when he heard the words, but he didn't care too much: "It should be a permission issue, right? The review of magic technology is really strict! Notify the APP R&D department and modify it according to the other party's opinion!"

The Huangshan Dispute did not take it seriously.

Previously, fruit companies were also very strict in their application review.

Pin Xixi has become accustomed to the APP being called back frequently for abusing user privacy.

However, the vice president shook his head in shock: "Mr. Huang, no, our app was not called back because of a permission issue, but..."

Speaking, the vice president took a screenshot of the app in his mind and sent it to Huang Shanzheng.

Huang Shan's brows furrowed even tighter.

He didn't understand, if it wasn't a permission issue, what was it?

My own APP has fully complied with the application specifications of the dream-making system!

When Huang Shanzheng's mind, after receiving the screenshot sent by the vice president.

Huang Shanzheng was stunned for a moment.

"Your company has been included in the cooperation blacklist of Magic Technology!"

"From now on, Magic Technology will stop all cooperation with your company except power supply!"

"Our company hereby solemnly informs that all your company's apps will be removed from the app store today..."

"Blacklist period: .12 days - permanent..."

"If you are confused, please call Magic Technology's enterprise cooperation customer service number: 0395..."


Huang Shanzheng's face completely solidified at this moment.

Your own Pinxixi company has been blacklisted by Magic Technology?

All of your own apps can't be put on the app store of the dream-making system?

You know, even without mentioning consciousness devices.

Ninety percent of the mobile phones or computers in the world are also dream-making systems.

And Pinxixi is an online shopping company, if you can't even upload the APP.

How does the user use it?

And if there are no users, the company is not far away from bankruptcy!

At this moment, Huangshan was sweating profusely.

"what happened?"

He looked at the vice president.

However, the vice president didn't know anything.

They don't know what happened.

Huang Shanzheng immediately called the customer service number, wondering if there was any misunderstanding.

However, in the next moment, he found that his consciousness device could not be used.

In my mind, I can no longer open the interface of the consciousness device.

Instead, it was pitch black, with only a few big characters floating around: "Because you violated the norms for the use of consciousness devices, your account will be banned from today, and you will be pulled into the user blacklist..."

"Users who are blacklisted will not be able to use all services of magic technology except power supply!"

"Blacklist period: .12 days - permanent..."

"If you are confused, please call Magic Technology's customer service number: 0359—..."

At this moment, Huangshan Zheng completely collapsed.

Why is it not just the company that is blacklisted, but even myself?

He knows that consciousness equipment is real-name system.

Now blacklisted, even if I buy a new consciousness device, I can't use it.

As for borrowing from someone else?Less likely.

The consciousness equipment of magic technology can distinguish everyone's consciousness, and the consciousness that is not bound cannot be used at all, so as to avoid the loss of consciousness equipment if it is stolen or lost!

And yourself, in addition to the basic power supply later?

Can't enjoy any services of Magic Technology anymore?

Unable to use consciousness devices, at least cell phones.

I can't use the dream-making system, at least I can still use the previous ios system of Fruit Company.

I have money, but it's not too hard to lose it.

At most, it is a little inconvenient, and it is impossible to experience high-tech.

But you must know that Magic Technology will launch data immortality technology three years later?

At that time, will the blacklisted self also not be able to enjoy the immortality of data?

When others are old, they become data directly and go to the virtual world, Hipi Immortal.

And you are getting old?But can only wait to die!

Huang Shanzheng was really afraid in his heart!

Being blacklisted by magic technology can be said to be more terrifying than being included in the Entity List by Star Flag.

Huangshan Zheng could not accept such an ending.

He didn't know how he got into magic technology.

But it must be solved, even if it costs a lot of money, it must solve the problem!

Huang Shanzheng looked at the vice president beside him, and said anxiously, "Hurry up and contact Magic Technology's customer service department... I was banned by mistake, and I want to appeal. By the way, I will contact Mr. Lei and ask Mr. Lei to introduce him. I want to go there in person. Magic Technology meets President Ye!"

Huang Shanzheng wanted to find a relationship at this moment.

The vice president nodded immediately.

However, the next moment, the vice president's face became ugly.


His consciousness device was also banned and blacklisted.

The ban period is also permanent.

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