At this moment, both of them panicked.

Pull out the outdated mobile phone from the drawer and make calls like crazy...

Being blacklisted by magic technology is simply too terrifying!


And on the Internet.

Many netizens are posting posts, boycotting the fight, and making a protest.

But they felt powerless in the face of big corporations.

Their resistance is too insignificant.

But at this moment, someone posted a surprise post: "Everyone, go to the official website of Magic Technology, Magic Technology has issued a statement on the recent events!"

Hearing this, countless netizens immediately came to the official website of Magic Technology.

And when they saw the new announcement on the official website, their eyes widened in surprise.

Many people immediately reprinted the announcement and posted it on major forums.

Soon, the new announcement of Magic Technology ranked first in the hot search of major social platforms.

"Some people and companies have recently appeared on the Internet to force our users to share awareness. This is an act of disregard of personal privacy and has touched the bottom line of our magic technology."

"Technology should be used to benefit the public, not used by capital to exploit the public!"

"Our company hereby solemnly announces that from today, any involuntary sharing of consciousness is prohibited!"

"At the same time, enticing awareness sharing, such as salary increases, promotions, etc., is prohibited..."

"Even among relatives, coercive and enticing sharing of consciousness is prohibited..."

"If you find anything, please report it directly to the Supervision Department of Magic Technology!"

"If the company has forced or induced awareness sharing behavior, the company will be directly pulled into the blacklist of Magic Technology's cooperation list."

"Magic Technology will stop all cooperation with this company..."

"Personal behavior, directly into the user blacklist of Magic Technology..."

"The account will be banned, and you will no longer be able to enjoy all the services of Magic Technology!"

"Note: Whether it is blacklisted or not, it will not affect the use of electricity by companies and individuals. This is the right of any citizen, don't worry!"

"At the same time, the consciousness equipment will be upgraded online in the near future, adding new functions!"

"If it is found that the user's conscious sharing behavior is mixed with reluctance, the sharing will be directly interrupted by the system..."

Magic Technology's statement has always been concise.

However, this statement has injected a shot in the arm for netizens who have been worried about the privacy issues of conscious devices recently!

Countless netizens looked at the content and immediately boiled.

"Magic technology is mighty! In this way, let's see if those companies dare..."

"I'm going, Magic Technology is moving so fast! I just opened the app store of the dream-making system, and found that all Pinxixi's APPs have been removed from the shelves, and I can't find it at all! It seems that Pinxixi has been pulled into the black. The list is up!"

"It's a good thing. I've always been worried that if Pinxixi still engages in that viral marketing strategy, and all my friends send me a knife to cut my head, then I'll really collapse..."

"More than that. Let me tell you another good news. I used to be a senior executive of Pinxixi, and I have a friend with a consciousness device of Mr. Pinxixi. I just tried to send him a message, but I was prompted that the other party's account has been banned, please Try another way to contact the user!"

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"Hahaha, even the boss has been blacklisted by magic technology, Mr. Ye is really unselfish... It's so heartwarming! These people deserve it!"

"Mr. Ye really didn't disappoint us. He developed consciousness equipment for the people to enjoy the convenience brought by high technology, not for capital to exploit us!"

"More than that. In the future, my wife will not be able to force me to share consciousness. After all, the big data of magic technology will compare each consciousness sharing. If I find unwilling emotions, it will be regarded as forced consciousness sharing, and then I will be considered as my own. If you don't report it, your wife's account will also be blocked!"

"Good thing. My dad has been asking me to share my awareness with him. He wants to know if I have studied hard in school, and if I have disturbed the relationship, which annoys me. Now that this announcement comes out, he will definitely not dare to force me any more!"

"The major companies will definitely not dare to do any coercion and inducement. After all, the blacklist of magic technology feels more terrifying than the entity list of Star Flag."

"I think everyone should not be too optimistic. It's better to look at the situation before buying consciousness equipment... For the time being, let's observe it for two days and then..."

"Upstairs, do you think others are fools? Let us observe for two days, and then let you grab the consciousness equipment?"

"Damn it, the real intentions have been discovered... Now netizens can't be fooled!"

Countless netizens were talking about it.

It is even more joyful that Pinxixi was blacklisted, all the apps were taken off the shelves, and even the boss and executives did not run away.

Countless netizens have also regained their confidence in the consciousness device.

After all, magic technology never does face engineering.

The previous 4s events are still vivid in my mind.

If you say ban, that's a real ban, and you don't give any face at all.

You must know that magic technology has a monopoly position in the technology world today.

It can be said that being banned by magic technology, unable to use consciousness equipment, unable to use dream-making system, this is equivalent to isolation from high-tech.

. . . 0

Moreover, Magic Technology will launch data immortality in the future.

If you are banned, wouldn't you even have the chance to live forever?

Such severe punishment is more terrifying than going to prison.

I believe that absolutely no one dares to force others to share consciousness.


And many domestic companies.

Originally, I planned to use the consciousness device to do things.

Not as blatant as Xixi.

Instead, it intends to encourage employees and executives to share awareness through incentives.

In this way, loyal and hard-working employees can be vetted and promoted.

It can also prevent executives from eating inside and out and other behaviors.

For the company's operation, it is simply a benefit and no harm.

But now, all the company's plans have been cancelled immediately.

Even President Li, the boss of Qiandu Company, directly announced that he would never coerce any employee to share consciousness.

Not even voluntarily.

You can see his fear.

For fear of being blacklisted.

You know, Internet companies are blacklisted by Magic Technology, which is no different from bankruptcy.

The boss of the company will also become the direct responsible person and be pulled into the blacklist.

If you lose the chance to immortalize your data in the future, you will definitely regret it for the rest of your life.

They all know how to choose...


The power of magic technology today is really too great.

Personal privacy that could not be protected in the first place.

Just because of an announcement from Magic Technology, it became a hot potato.

It is estimated that even if there are employees now who take the initiative to show their loyalty and want to share their awareness with the boss, no one dares to accept it.

And before those executives, teachers, etc. on the Internet who forced employees to share awareness.

They were also punished and put on the blacklist.

It made them regretful.

And at Pinxixi's headquarters.

Huang Shanzheng and a group of executives regretted to the extreme after watching the announcement of Magic Technology.

They finally understood why they were blacklisted.

And once blacklisted.

No matter how rich they are in this life, they will not be able to live comfortably.

Unable to enjoy the virtual world, unable to watch future virtual movies.

You may even lose the chance of future data immortality.

Their future will be even worse than that of ordinary people!

However, misfortunes do not come singly!

Relevant departments also launched the Awareness Privacy Protection Act today.

The bill says any employee who has been forced to review awareness can report it to the relevant authorities.

The company must compensate employees at least RMB [-].

And employees who left because they refused to share awareness, or were forced to leave.

You can also go to the labor protection department for arbitration. The company must pay the employees half a year's wages, with a minimum amount of not less than [-] yuan.

as compensation.

when the bill was promulgated.

Huang Shanzheng's desperate eyes turned completely dark.

Now all Pinxixi apps have been removed from the shelves, which means that the business is completely over.

Close to closing down.

Huangshan Zheng is ready to dissolve the company.

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