Compared with Pin Xixi, the magic technology that he controls is not a company of an order of magnitude at all.

The dream-making system has swept the world, including [-]% of the market share.

The consciousness device is the substitute of the mobile phone in the future, and it will definitely replace the mobile phone.

This is already equivalent to Ye Chen monopolizing the terminal equipment of the global Internet.

Major social platforms, technology companies, if they want to make money, they all have to look at Ye Chen's face.

It is a small request to block some well-known accounts.

Major social platforms, who dare not listen?

As for the closure of the public account, will the fishing boat backlash?

That's a big joke.

These public knowledge, in front of the behemoth of magic technology, are not even ants.

After issuing the command yourself.

They will never have a chance to speak again!

And Lan Feifei was also surprised when she heard the words.

Magic technology never does evil, so there's no need to steer the reel.

But at this moment, I heard Ye Chen speak.

Only then did she understand how terrifying the influence of magic technology today is.

This is a company with annual turnover that can be ranked in the top [-] countries in the world.

This is a giant company that the world has never seen before.

Those well-known people also dare to stand on the opposite side of magic technology.

It's just killing it!


"It's so irritating! It's okay to be shameless abroad, there are people in China who speak out for foreign countries!"

"The pressure of magic technology is so great that I don't think I can resist it!"

"Besides the nickname, the spiritual master craftsman is short and tight, and he was suddenly banned. His personal account cannot be found on the entire platform."

"Not only is it short, big and tight, but the back-shaped frame that has never let us Chinese people eat meat has also been banned, and the entire network video has been deleted, as if it disappeared directly."

"This is the only good news recently!"

And the small big tight and others.

They were all happily counting money at home.

This time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs gave a lot of benefits, and I got it just by posting a few Weibo, which is a bloody profit.

Wait until the money is counted.

Diao Dajin used the consciousness device, intending to see the response of the Weibo he posted.

But when he looked at the reminder that he was blacklisted and permanently banned from the consciousness device, he was stunned...

He's a smart guy and reacted right away.

It must be because of the Weibo that I received the money.

But Magic Technology, why did it put itself on the blacklist because of its own words?

This does not respect freedom of speech.

It's simply too lawless.

You must use your influence to make the world understand the overbearing power of magic technology and call for an anti-monopoly investigation of magic technology.

It's better to have the country split up magic tech.

Do it when you think of it.

Diao Dajin immediately pulled out the mobile phone that he had eliminated and wanted to log in to his Weibo account.

As a result, he was shocked to find out.

His Weibo account with millions of fans was also blocked.

Hurry up to open the prestige, the prestige has also been blocked!

Station B, Zhihu...

All social platforms and their accounts have been banned.


Short and tight, and finally panicked.

But his family is very powerful, and he called the family and asked for help.

At the same time, he also registered for the trumpet and wanted to speak.

But something shocking happened.

The trumpet registered by oneself, as long as he announces that he is short, big and tight, and tells that he has encountered the hegemonic suppression of magic technology and obstructs his freedom of speech.

Within a minute, the account will be blocked immediately.

I don't believe in evil, I tried several times on various platforms, but it didn't work.

Short and tight for the first time in despair!

At this moment, he felt as if there was a behemoth, sneering and watching all his actions.

And all of his resistance is just a man's arm and a car, and he is beyond his ability.

Dwarf looked closely at the dollar bills on the table, feeling that the bills that were so cute just now looked so hot at the moment.

And when the family members replied, there was nothing they could do.

How could Xiao Dajin still not understand, this time he really kicked the iron plate.

From now on, he will never have a chance to speak out.

At the same time, he was blacklisted by magic technology, unable to use consciousness equipment, and there is no chance to enjoy the immortality of data in the future.

thought here.

Dwarf's eyes darkened, and he passed out!

A similar scene happened in many places.

It was only today that countless public figures realized that he had been staying in the office of the Magic Building.

A man who basically doesn't speak out except for conferences.

What a terrifying power.

They will never turn around.

Completely become a transparent person on the Internet, and there is no possibility of any voice.


Cleaned up this group of known.

Huaxia's Internet suddenly looks much cleaner.

Ye Chen also felt smooth.

"Go to inform the propaganda department and issue an announcement saying that our magic technology is committed to providing services for the better life of human beings around the world, and will not do wicked things to detain scientific researchers..."

"Allowing countries to recall their scientists..."

"At the same time, I hope that all countries can create eternal energy for the benefit of people all over the world!"

Ye Chen smiled lightly.

When Lan Feifei heard the words, she nodded immediately and notified the propaganda department with the awareness device.

Wait until Lan Feifei finishes delivering Ye Chen's order.

Ye Chen moved his neck and looked at the setting sun: "Go get fit and get off work!"

A beautiful day has come to an end.


And soon.

Countries have seen the announcement of magic technology.

"A country without morality and bottom line would imprison and assassinate scientists from other countries!

Our magical technology has lofty ambitions, how can we do such despicable and shameless things.

We are committed to making global progress together.

Welcome to send people from various countries to discuss the return of nuclear physicists from various countries!

At the same time, we hope that the world can enter the era of eternal energy, so that every ordinary person can enjoy cheap electricity and have a better life. "

The announcement is concise.

But when he saw the announcement, his face instantly turned black.


Who are you implying?

This is no longer a hint, and it is almost directly named and scolded.

However, the commander did not care about the implied meaning in the Magic Technology Announcement.

After all, Ye Chen was forced to make friends.

The technology is about to be acquired by them.

It's no fun to change anyone.

The commander asked himself, and if he was Ye Chen, he would have to scold him.

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