Even more harshly!

"Swear, swear, you can get immortal energy technology with just a few words, it's a bloody profit!"

The great commander laughed and immediately instructed his staff.

Ask your embassy to go to the Magic Technology Building tomorrow to negotiate the return of scientific researchers.

And all countries in the world have the same attitude.

Their means worked.

Ye Chen gave in.

It is natural to bring the researchers back to China as soon as possible and develop their own immortal energy technology.

And China's Internet, sighed about this.

But to no avail.

This is so frustrating.


The next morning, Ye Chen leisurely made a cup of tea at home.

I plan to think about the specific research and development ideas of the consciousness network.

But at this moment, the company called.

Ambassadors from various countries have arrived.

I want to discuss with Ye Chen about the return of nuclear physicists!

The sun was gentle today, Ye Chen just wanted to lie on a chair and bask in the sun.

Besides, this little thing.

Ye Chen was too lazy to make a special trip.

So directly hand over the matter to Lan Feifei.

"Remember, let them settle the liquidated damages on the spot!"

"Otherwise, when they know that the researchers they brought back can't say anything, then we won't want money."


And in the conference room of Magic Technology.

When the ambassadors of various countries knew that Ye Chen would not come, they all frowned after Ye Chen's secretary negotiated with them.

Ye Chen is too arrogant.

They are ambassadors of various countries, and when they came in person, Ye Chen didn't even see them, and only sent a secretary.

This contempt has been equated with humiliation.

However, they have a mission and can only do nothing and swallow this breath.

At the same time they also thought.

Ye Chen was forced to hand over people, and the precious technology is about to spread to the world, so he must be in a bad mood now.

Is it normal to lose your temper without seeing them?

Thinking of this, the ambassadors glanced at each other and laughed out loud.

But when they saw the liquidated damages for the early termination of the labor contract, they were all stunned!

"What are you kidding? The six scientific researchers of our Gongjiang Kingdom need [-] million US dollars in liquidated damages?"

Ambassador Gongjianguo was shocked by the number of liquidated damages.

This is also too high.

How dare those nuclear physicists sign contracts with such high liquidated damages?

The expressions of the ambassadors of other countries were also very ugly.

Because the liquidated damages for each person are five million dollars.

A total of [-] researchers, they will pay a total of [-] million US dollars?

This is not a small amount.

And Lan Feifei looked at the faces of everyone, and her pretty face showed a smile: "Everyone, the contract is written in black and white, and it is clearly written."

"After all, our magic technology has spent a lot of energy and material resources in cultivating these researchers. A genius like Mr. Ye is even more devoted to teaching them hands-on."

"Five million dollars is really just the cost of our loss! If you don't want to, please come back!"

"But we will release an announcement. It's not that we won't let people go, it's that you are not willing to pay liquidated damages!"

When the people present heard Lan Feifei's words, their faces turned green.

But they had no choice but to make phone calls to their own countries.

After the commander heard the report, he didn't care and asked for money directly: "Little money..."

"The technology of immortal energy can be purchased for tens of millions of dollars, which is simply a waste of money!"

"I'll give you money to redeem people right here."

"To avoid having too many dreams at night, I will take people back to China by plane today. I will prepare a grand event here, and invite celebrities from all walks of life in the country to welcome back with eternal energy and start the heroes of the eternal energy era of our star flag country!"

The chief commander happily allocated money and wanted to make a big scene.

Swept away the previous depression, inspiring.

By the way, Ye Chen can also be angry.

Your technology belongs to us now, are you angry?


The situation of the ambassadors of other countries is also the same as that of the star flag country.

Free money to redeem people.

Lan Feifei looked at the receipt, and smiled.

Mr. Ye of his own family is amazing.

Use global talents to develop eternal energy.

Not only did he not get paid at all, he even made a net profit of US$[-] million, which is close to [-] billion RMB.

Looking at the same smiling ambassadors of various countries.

Lan Feifei couldn't help but be happier.

They are smiling so happily now.

When they know that eternal energy must use mithril, the exclusive material of magic technology, what will their faces look like?


Countries are fast.

For fear of night long dreams, and for fear of accidents, such as magic technology backtracking, Huaxia backtracking and the like.

After receiving the people, they immediately chartered their own planes to return to China.

on a transoceanic plane.

The ambassador of the Star Flag is very enthusiastic to Oppenheim and other physicists who have just left the magic technology nuclear laboratory.

"The price of taking you back is very high!"

"We promised a lot of China's harsh conditions!"

"Even the huge liquidated damages of five million dollars per person were extorted by Magic Technology!"

"But all the hard work is worth it. You return to China with your technology and will become heroes of our Star Flag Country."

"You will bring eternal energy to the Star Flag Nation."

"Please let me bow for you!"

After speaking, the ambassador bowed solemnly.

But Oppenheim and others were stunned for a moment...

Take back yourself and others to pay such a huge price?


Oppenheim wanted to tell the ambassador that we can't make immortal energy. .

But the ambassador did not give Oppenheim a chance to speak. He took out his mobile phone and showed Oppenheim the news of the Star Flag Country.

From the moment Oppenheim stepped on the plane and returned home.

The media of Star Flag has already received the news.

Star Flag has already started a carnival in China.

Their media made Oppenheim a national hero.

Even Oppenheim and others tried hard to steal technology from magic technology, and finally tried to return to China.

It was also made up by some media to be vivid and thrilling.

Today, all citizens are looking forward to Oppenheim and other scientists who have returned with technology.

Looking forward to Oppenheim bringing immortal energy to the Star Flag nation.

Looking at these news, the faces of Oppenheim and others were even more ugly.

They can't create eternal energy at all...

Oppenheim wanted to explain.

if not.

More expectation, more disappointment.

When they returned to their own country, everyone found that they could not produce eternal energy.

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