Then you have to be sprayed to death by the angry crowd!

Completely become a joke of the Star Flag.


However, the ambassador did not give Oppenheim a chance to explain. He said with a smile: "The plane will arrive at Xingqi International Airport at nine o'clock tomorrow. The grand commander has prepared a grand banquet at the airport and will personally pick you up..."

"It will also be broadcast live on national television!"

"Do you know how many physicists in China envy you? You will become a household name star..."

The faces of Oppenheim and others turned completely green: "Don't..."

The ambassador looked at Oppenheim's ugly face, and immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, you must be very hard to steal the technology in the nuclear test of magic technology, and you are worried..."

"It's safe now, you have a good rest, please enjoy the carnival tomorrow, this is the honor you deserve!"

After speaking, the ambassador carefully pulled the curtain and returned to his seat.

And Oppenheim and others, with big eyes and small eyes...

The current situation made them panic.

How to explain?

The crowd slept through the night.


the next day.

Star flag country time at nine in the morning.

The plane landed at the airport on time.

When the hatch is open, the boarding ladder is ready.

Countless media have pointed their cameras at the cabin door for live TV broadcasts.

The chief commander brought a group of high-level, celebrities, smiling and waiting for them to get off the plane.

Under the urging of the ambassador, Oppenheim and others walked down the steps hesitantly.

Finally came to the front of the big commander.

The commander shook the hands of the returning scientists one by one.

Seeing them full of red blood, full of tired faces, admiration.

"You have worked hard... You were able to return to China with your technology, but you couldn't sleep all night..."

"Everyone, please applaud our heroes!"

The commander's voice fell, and everyone at the scene applauded violently.

And the countless star and flag viewers watching the live broadcast are also cheering for Oppenheim.

Only Oppenheim and others knew it.

Are they afraid they can't sleep?


"Oppenheim, the great star of our Star Flag Country, come on, tell everyone a few words..."

The Grand Commander was to hand the microphone to Oppenheim.

And at this moment, Oppenheim was completely panicked.

If he really said it, he would deceive the whole country.

At that time, even if the power of the family is not weak, it will not be able to keep him!

So, Oppenheim couldn't hold it any longer.

He carefully leaned into the ear of the great commander, and said in a faint voice that only the great commander could hear: "Great commander, we can't create eternal energy!"

"Eternal energy uses the special mithril alloy, we can't make it at all..."

And the originally excited great commander.

After hearing Oppenheim's words, his face instantly stiffened, and the corners of his mouth twitched...

He looked at Oppenheim in disbelief?

I set up your return ceremony so solemnly.

In the end, what did you just say to me? .

Chapter 124

"What did you say?"

The Great Commander's face changed.

In order to bring Oppenheim and others back.

Star Flag has paid too many conditions.

Especially in the trade strategy, made great concessions.

Not to mention paying tens of millions of dollars in liquidated damages to Magic Technology.

the result you tell me?

Can't we create eternal energy?

Then why are you coming back?

It was a hot day, but the commander felt cold all over.

He glared at Oppenheim with a twisted face.

He finally understood why Huaxia was not firm in the stance of not letting people go.

Why would Ye Chen put people back so easily?

Bullshit whore.

Obviously he was being prostituted.

He sent someone to do research and development for Ye Chen, helped Ye Chen create eternal energy, and gave Ye Chen some money?

This is simply a big joke.

Most importantly, they even thought they had won before.

It was completely being played by Ye Chen as a monkey.

This is a great humiliation...

The distorted expression of the chief commander was noticed by the media present, and it was a strange look.

And celebrities from all walks of life also looked at the commander curiously.

Wondering what exactly happened.

The corner of the commander's mouth twitched, which was broadcast live on TV.

What else can be done?

Even if you know that Ye Chen has been pitted, you will continue to perform.

Otherwise, you will really become a laughing stock!

"It's okay, Oppenheim just whispered to me that he will definitely give our Star Flag Country a more perfect energy source!"

Immediately, he hinted at Oppenheim.

Oppenheim and the others looked at all the celebrities and media present and nodded helplessly.

They already understood what the Great Commander meant.

Even if it is to make up, it has to go on.


In various countries, countless high-level officials welcomed back their own nuclear physicists.

Their expectations were instantly dashed.

But thinking of the people who are looking forward to it, what can they do?

Just hide the news.

Let the people of this country continue to expect that they can produce eternal energy at home.

However, the nuclear physicist who just returned from the country told the truth in an interview with the media just after getting off the plane.

In the face of the enthusiastic media, the Chinese physicist opened his mouth to the public with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, our return to China cannot bring back immortal energy technology for the people!"

"First of all, the core material required for eternal energy is a special mithril alloy."

"We can't make mithril, so we can't make immortal energy at all!"

"Among all countries in the world, only Huaxia with magic technology can make eternal energy!"

"terribly sorry!"

When the interview of the Chinese scientist was seen by countless people in the live broadcast.

Countless foreign people are sensational!

Their moods were up and down.

The strong hope turned into disappointment in an instant.

The core material of eternal energy is actually the mithril material exclusive to magic technology?

How to make this?

The countries that originally planned to conceal it were stabbed in the back by a nuclear physicist in Germany.

Faced with inquiries from the public.

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