Some countries are silent.

Some countries are ashamed to admit.

Dozens of returning nuclear physicists from the Gongjiang Country directly held an apology conference.

Bow to the people of the country and apologize.

Now, everyone understands...

They really can't create eternal energy.

They cannot enjoy the cheap electricity brought by eternal energy like the Chinese people.

Some time ago, the welcoming ceremonies of various countries have become a joke!

"Originally, plagiarizing technology is very shameful, but it turns out that plagiarism can't be plagiarized. Fortunately, it is broadcast live across the country. The face of our star flag country has been disgraced by the commander!"

"The technical barriers of magic technology today are too terrifying. In the past, China looked up to us, but it has only been more than a year and less than two years. In many high-tech fields, we have fallen behind and become the chasers 々ˇ!"

"It is said that the energy of eternal life was completely developed by Ye Chen. The scientists of our countries are just helping Ye Chen."

"The commander of the Maoxiong Kingdom has already said that Ye Chen's value alone is higher than ten nuclear aircraft carriers, and he will be able to change the direction of the earth in the [-]st century!"

"Why isn't Ye Chen from our Han country!"


And in the country.

Netizens who were extremely depressed because of the release incident all widened their eyes with excitement at the moment.

The surprise came too suddenly.

It turns out that nuclear physicists from various countries cannot create eternal energy even if they return to China?

Completely back to a lonely ah!

"Mr. Ye is awesome, eternal energy will always belong to us in China!"

"Hahaha... Are the sticks still dancing? They also said that they can create better eternal energy? Do they? I'll wait!"

"I heard that when countries can take people back, they not only signed a lot of contracts for the exchange of benefits, but also sent a total of [-] million US dollars in liquidated damages to Magic Technology!"

"Haha! I'm so happy. I sent people to China with bad intentions, but Mr. Ye was directly prostituted, and he even gave Mr. Ye [-] million yuan. He is a great man!"

"Countries must be depressed to death! When their citizens hear this, they all feel that they are being taken advantage of!"


And in the star flag country.

In the black palace.

The Great Commander's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The banquet that had been forcibly continued before was directly punctured by the backstab of a Chinese scientist.

It has directly become the laughing stock of people around the world.

Now the people in Xingqi are all accusing themselves of deceiving the whole nation.


Before I invested heavily in semiconductors, I invested heavily in anti-gravity.

These wrong investments have led to huge losses, and the backlash has come.

Money and jobs are taken away by magic technology.

The unemployment rate of the people of the Star Flag has reached [-]%.

Millions more people are receiving benefits.

The life of the people at the bottom is getting worse and worse.

There are already many people who boycott the Grand Commander himself.

Because the commander did not fulfill his promise at all.

Not only did their lives not get better, but they got worse.

This wave of public dissatisfaction is getting bigger and bigger.

In this regard, the great commander is also very helpless.

Who would have thought that Huaxia, who had been lagging behind, would suddenly appear as a monster like Ye Chen?

But the commander knew that it was useless to find reasons.

People just look at the results.

Therefore, he must find a new direction for the star and flag country that can grow the economy.

This new field must be able to provide a large number of jobs.

The commander narrowed his eyes, looked at the consciousness device on his wrist, and fell into deep thought...


Today, consciousness devices have not been officially sold abroad.

But the elites and wealthy people in various countries naturally have a way to get them, and they have already begun to use them in advance.

It has to be said that the experience of the consciousness device is excellent.

But there is a huge problem.

That is conscious communication, which occupies a huge amount of data and requires a particularly high network speed.

To know,

In many countries, 4g is not popular, and 3g network is the mainstream.

Not to mention the more advanced 5G.

In such a network environment, the experience effect of conscious devices is not perfect.

The leader also admitted in his heart that consciousness devices with more perfect functions will inevitably dominate the global smart terminal market.

The Star Flag nation simply cannot compete in this regard.

However, the global popularization of consciousness devices and its huge network demand will lead to the innovation of global communication networks.

and so……

The big commander's eyes flashed: "A brand new communication network, this is a huge new market created by consciousness equipment!"

"It can bring in trillions of dollars in income every year, and it can bring millions of jobs."

"The Star Flag Nation must seize this opportunity!"

"Also, the benefits of mastering the new communications market are enormous."

"Not only money and jobs, but also a back door in the communications field!"

"Through the back door, we can monitor and steal secrets around the world. Under our new communication standard, we may be able to steal the secrets of mithril technology and consciousness technology from magic technology!"

When the great commander thought of this, his whole body trembled and he was extremely excited.

Just like Huaxia was difficult to break through in other fields.

You can only bet on 5g technology, so invest heavily in 5g technology.

Today's Star Flag Country is also facing the same predicament as Huaxia at the time.

This battle cannot be lost.

As long as it wins, the Star Flag nation can still rise.

And he is still the greatest commander.

The chief commander's eyes flickered with light, and he got up and looked at his staff: "Hold a high-level meeting immediately!"

"We will eliminate Huayao's 5g technology in the field of communications!"

"Start in the field of communications."

"Our star flag country must not be surpassed by Huaxia!"


And in China.

With the increasing popularity of awareness devices.

Countless netizens are increasingly dissatisfied with today's communication and information technology.

on the one hand.

Communication fees are expensive.

The traffic cost of 5g is inherently high, and the data occupied by consciousness communication is huge.

Just play casually, and you will spend hundreds of grams of traffic a day. Even if you have mines at home, you can't support it!

On the other hand, even 5g can only barely satisfy the use of consciousness devices at this stage.

But with the increasing use of consciousness devices.

5G base stations across the country are gradually unable to support such a large data exchange.

In places where there are many people, even 5g, the card is similar to 2g.

Therefore, countless people have made feedback and appeals on the Internet.


"... grass... This is too much. It's more difficult to communicate with your girlfriend than to send WeChat directly!"

"Yes, as more and more people in the company buy consciousness devices, the company's WiFi can't stand it at all, and no one with the card can use it!"

"@huayao, don't continue to popularize 5g, hurry up and introduce new technology!"

"I heard that Huayao already has a reserve of 6g communication technology, and soon 6g will sweep the world due to the popularization of consciousness devices."

"I didn't expect that Huayao would become the biggest winner!"

"@Three major operators, let's cut fees! Their previous jokes are coming true. After playing for a month, the traffic fee is enough to buy a suite!"

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