Countless netizens were talking about it.

And in Huayao Company, in the president's office.

Hua Yao's President Ren and President Yu were both smiling from ear to ear.

"The popularization of awareness devices has brought new development prospects to the field of communications!"

"This is a perfect opportunity, we must not miss it!"

President Yu opened his mouth with a smile.

And Mr. Ren nodded: "No one thought that the remaining 5g of the original performance would suddenly not be enough!"

"However, we have a 6G technical reserve, which can theoretically reach an information transmission rate of 3G per second!"

"Perfectly suitable for the speed requirements of conscious devices!"

"The global communication technology will inevitably need to be upgraded!"

"As long as we seize the opportunity, we can completely defeat the communication network providers such as Gaotong, Nokia and Cisco."

"We will become a global communications giant!"

Speaking of this, there seemed to be a light flashing in Mr. Ren's turbid eyes.

Recently, Huayao has been exempted from sanctions, and mobile phones are selling well, and now their own awareness devices are also selling well.

Had a good day.

But this is entirely a technology that relies on magic technology.

In the face of magic technology, and in the face of (got) Ye Chen, Hua Yao has no right to speak.

There are many netizens in the outside world who say that Huayao will soon become a subsidiary of Magic Technology.


But if Huayao controls the global communications field.

Na Huayao will become one of the world's leading giants.

With the advantages of communication field.

Huayao can also have enough right to speak and cooperate with Magic Technology on an equal footing!

So, this time must be successful.


Mr. Ren was very emotional and said with pride: "Let's go, let's go see Mr. Ye..."

"The spread of new communication technologies will also have huge benefits for the spread of awareness devices."

"Mr. Ye will definitely cooperate with us!"

After all, the two went directly to Magic Technology.

And Ye Chen sat in the office and smiled as netizens became more and more dissatisfied with the Internet.

The time is ripe.

The development and manufacture of a new communication network can be started.

Contact Huayao first.

Discuss what price you should pay for your own communications team.

But at this moment, Lan Feifei knocked on the door and entered the room in a graceful manner: "Mr. Ye, President Ren and President Yu of Huayao are here, saying they want to see you."

When Ye Chen heard this, a smile appeared on his face.

President Ren and President Yu of Huayao are here?

This simply means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

As soon as I thought of them, they came!

Thinking that when he wanted to make chips, Huayao sent chip design talents.

Now, I have to study the web of consciousness myself.

Huayao's talents in the field of communication should also make contributions to themselves!

It has to be said that magic technology can develop to today.

There is a huge relationship with Huayao who has worked hard to cultivate and transport talents for himself, ah Ren!

Hua Yao's contribution is indispensable.

Really my own good brother! .

Chapter 125

"Mr. Ye, you've played a lot of countries this time!"

"Originally, we were also worried about the consequences of getting immortal energy technology abroad, but I didn't expect you to expect it!"

"I really admire it, the future generations are terrifying!"

In the conference room, seeing Ye Chen, President Hua Yaoyu spoke with admiration.

It's not intentional exaggeration to please Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen was really too strong.

To know that Huayao was sanctioned by the Star Flag, there was nothing to do.

And what about Ye Chen?

How can the commander make the list of entities on magic technology, how to remove it.

Not to mention that Magic Technology has won several competitions with global giants.

This time, he even prostituted talents from all over the world, and even made a profit of [-] million US dollars.

Counting down Huaxia companies, in the face of the mighty Star Flag nation, which one has achieved this level?

Ye Chen is simply a myth!


"You're welcome!"

Ye Chen was happy when he heard the words, and invited the two to sit down.

Sitting in the main seat, Ye Chen looked at the two of them: "President Ren, President Yu, I heard that Huayao's consciousness device sold well after it was launched?"

Hearing this, President Yu suddenly smiled.

The consciousness equipment department of Huayao is also served by President Yu.

Huayao's bracelet-type awareness device sells very well.

And Huayao is also developing ring awareness equipment.

if successful.

Sure to make a splash and occupy the high-end market in the awareness equipment industry.

However, no matter how well he did it, he was still working for Ye Chen.

Today's Huayao, although not involved in any shares of Magic Technology.

But the relationship with magic technology is no different from superiors and subordinates.

Completely grasped the core technology by magic technology.

If one day, the two will be at odds with each other.

In the face of magic technology, Huayao has no means of resistance.

Therefore, Mr. Ren said with a smile: "Your company's consciousness chip has completely revolutionized today's personal terminal equipment!"

"But now on the Internet, netizens are reacting that the current 5G network cannot meet the needs of awareness devices for network signals."

"Not to mention that in the future, after the launch of online awareness videos and large-scale virtual online games, the current network must be even more stretched!"

"This situation will hinder the global adoption of awareness devices and affect consumer confidence in purchasing."

"So, the world needs a more advanced communication network than 5g to meet consumers' growing demand for internet speed!"

Ren is always laying the groundwork.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's mouth twitched: "That's right! Awareness devices need a better network, and 5g is indeed not enough!"

Hearing Ye Chen's words, President Ren immediately laughed.

The purpose of their arrival is to cooperate with Ye Chen's magic technology.

In order to improve its own 6g technology and perfectly adapt to consciousness devices.

As long as the new communication technology can perfectly adapt to consciousness equipment, it will surely sweep the communication market of various countries.

By the time.

Huayao will become a true global giant.

It is no longer simply a subordinate relationship with magic technology, but a real cooperative relationship.

Therefore, Mr. Ren said with a gentle smile: "Mr. Ye, we Huayao are the most closely related partners with Magic Technology!"

"We have sufficient technical reserves. As long as Magic Technology provides some technical standard support for consciousness equipment, our 6g network will surely be able to sweep the world and create the most perfect global promotion environment for consciousness equipment!"

"And we can promise that 6g can be commercialized as long as half a year at most!"

"According to our predictions, our 6g technology has a three to four times improvement in energy consumption and signal strength compared to 5g."

"And the download and upload speed of 6g can theoretically reach a transfer speed of 3G per second, which can absolutely meet the signal requirements of conscious devices!"

Mr. Ren talked about his own technical advantages.

And Mr. Yu, who was beside him, also showed a smile.

My own 6g is not bad at all, as long as it is affirmed by Ye Chen and provides some technical support.

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