Huayao's 6G network is bound to rise and sweep the world!


The two of them didn't think Ye Chen would refuse.

After all, the performance of its own 6g network is already very good.

However, when Ye Chen listened to the words of the two, the corners of his mouth twitched.


5G is not yet widespread in the country.

You Huayao even have 6G technology?

No wonder Huayao can make Star Flag so vigilant and suppress all kinds of things.

This technical reserve is indeed terrifying.


It is a pity that Huayao's technical reserves are useless.

Because what Ye Chen wants to build is not an ordinary communication network at all.

It's the web of consciousness.

Although it can also transmit messages, it has more functions and is not a thing at all.

This is not a 5g, 6g, or even a 7g upgrade.

Even 10g is meaningless to Ye Chen.

The Web of Consciousness is an innovation.

It's not the same as today's communication technology.

Therefore, in the eyes of the two of them looking forward to it, Ye Chen shook his head regretfully: "I admire your company's spirit of technology research and development. But I'm sorry, Magic Technology has already registered a case and is preparing to develop new communications by itself. technology!"

When Ye Chen's voice fell.

President Ren and President Yu suddenly widened their eyes in surprise.

Magic Technology, actually planning to get involved in the field of communication?


In an instant, a sense of crisis flooded their hearts.

You know, the industry that Huayao relies on for a living is the field of communications.

Communication is the foundation for Huayao to start.

It is also relying on communication technology that Huayao can stand out in the competition in the field of mobile phones.

If other companies say they want to enter the field of communications.

Whether it is President Ren or President Yu, they will not take it too seriously.

After all, Huayao can erode the market share of global communication giant Cisco, stepping on the top of communication companies such as Nokia and Ericsson.

Huayao has full competitiveness and technical barriers in the field of communications.


The one who said this is magic technology!

It's Ye Chen!

This is a man who has made earth-shaking changes in the semiconductor industry, system industry, automobile industry, intelligent terminal and other industries in more than a year.

It has created an eternal energy that has never been imagined by human beings.

Even in the future, it will advance the possibility of human immortality.

This globally recognized genius, even if he has not yet acted.

But just one word can shake any industry and send the stock market of companies in that industry plummeting. .

President Ren and President Yu, looking at Ye Chen at this moment, had deep fear.

They did not expect that this time they would not discuss cooperation.

On the contrary, there is one more competitor!

And it's a competitor that no one wants to fight against.


"Mr. Ye, your company doesn't necessarily have to be hands-on in every industry!"

"Your company is already too powerful, and it also involves the military industry. Countries are already very vigilant about magic technology."

"Even if your company's future communication technology is very good, countries will not accept it."

"It's hard to expand globally."

"Similarly, your company is already too powerful. No company in the world has ever mastered the two major industries of the semiconductor industry and the automotive industry, let alone energy and electricity."

"If your company continues to expand so recklessly, even our country may not tolerate a company's control of energy and communications in the two major areas of people's livelihood."

"Maybe not yet. But in the future, magic technology will likely be forcibly split due to monopoly!"

President Yu looked at Ye Chen seriously.

And Mr. Ren also nodded: "President Ye, if you want, our 6g technology can be shared with Mr. Ye for [-]% of your ownership!"

"At the same time, we Huayao also guarantee that we Huayao will definitely always be the most loyal partner of Magic Technology!"

The two are persuading Ye Chen.

They really don't want Ye Chen to get involved in the field of communications.

However, Ye Chen smiled.

Ye Chen is not interested in monopoly.

Magic technology is not intended to involve all industries.

But energy, consciousness equipment and communication are the three areas that magic technology must monopolize.

And absolutely can not let others meddle, there is any possibility of interference.

This is about Ye Chen becoming a god.

There is no room for negotiation.

As for what the two said about the split, Ye Chen also knew that the two were not alarmist.

Even in today's country, there are still many voices who think that magic technology is too huge and must be regulated.

But Ye Chen was not worried that this would happen.

As a magician, there are so many ways to deal with this situation.

Not to mention, after the awareness network is popularized in China.

Ye Chen can gather the spiritual power of more than one billion people across the country.

Officially on the road to becoming a god.

At that time, Ye Chen's personal strength will improve by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, Ye Chen is not afraid of everything!


"Sorry, but this is one of my layouts!"

"Magic technology's layout in the field of communication is inevitable, and it must be monopolized and cannot cooperate with others!"

Ye Chen smiled and spoke to the two of them.

Hearing Ye Chen's non-negotiable answer.

Both were extremely disappointed.

They didn't have the courage to compete with Ye Chen.

But they are also unwilling to give up.

After all, the field of communication is the foundation of Huayao, if it is really monopolized by magic technology.

That Huayao will become an ordinary company in Huaxia.

The atmosphere became silent for a while.

And Ye Chen smiled lightly and said to the two of them, "Even if the two of you don't come to me, I will look for the two of you in these two days!"

"My plan is to acquire Huayao's communications department and merge it with Magic Power Grid!"

The two were even more shocked when they heard this.

Ye Chen had previously acquired their chip design department.

But the chip design was sanctioned at the time, leaving it to be wasted.

But the communications sector, how could it be sold?

They felt that Ye Chen took it for granted.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, but we, Huayao, will not give up the field of communications! Only with competitiveness can we make progress. I'm looking forward to being able to compete with a genius like President Ye!"

Mr. Ren did not give up, he chose to reject Ye Chen.

He is such a character, otherwise Hua Yao would not have developed to where he is today.


When Ye Chen heard Mr. Ren's rejection, he took a sip of water and said seriously: "Maybe it would seem that I am too arrogant to say that, but we have started to cooperate in the circle of consciousness, so I still want to persuade everyone... …”

"First of all, tell the two of you that the communication network I want to develop is completely different from the current communication network."

"I can tell you one thing for the time being, that is, the communication network I want to develop, not only can transmit information, but also transmit energy..."

"In my vision, a base station can provide a high-quality network for all users in a radius of hundreds of square kilometers, while providing them with energy!"

"In the future, as long as it is within the range of the base station, any device connected to our communication network will no longer need to be charged."

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