Ye Chen held the microphone, looked at the crowded crowd under the stage, and said softly: "Thank you for coming to the conference of Magic Technology..."

"There have been rumors from the outside world that the new product of our magic technology is a backward 90-nanometer chip! I have a different opinion on this..."

As soon as Ye Chen opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of the audience.

What does Ye Chen mean?

Could it be that the new products of Magic Technology are not actually 90-nanometer chips, but higher-process chips?

All the audience at the scene stared at Ye Chen intently.

And under the watchful eyes of Ye Chen, he said leisurely: "Our chip is indeed a 90-nanometer process, but it is not backward!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience sighed in disappointment.

In the last row, Mr. Liu, who had been watching Ye Chen gnashing his teeth, laughed even more regardless of the gazes of others.

Is 90nm still not behind?

Did you draw the conclusion by comparing it with the chip of the black and white TV?


And Ye Chen immediately smiled when he heard the disappointed sighs of the audience.

"Don't be in a hurry to boo..."

"Before introducing our new chip, I would like to introduce a new material developed by magic technology!"

The words fell, and the word Mithril appeared on the big screen behind Ye Chen.

The audience present was a little stunned.

Isn't that the release of the chip?

What about the material?

Ordinary consumers simply do not understand the importance of materials.

But Mr. Liu, who had been watching jokes in the last row, frowned.

Could it be that the trump card of magic technology is this new material called Mithril?

Looking at Ye Chen's confident smile on the big screen.

In the heart of President Lian Xiang Liu, an unpleasant feeling poured out...


"As we all know, today's chips are all made of silicon-based raw materials..."

"But according to Moore's Law, the highest precision that humans can achieve is 1 nanometer, which is one ten millionth of a centimeter."

"And now the chip industry has developed to the level of 5 nanometers, which is close to the performance ceiling of silicon-based chips."

"In other words, the chip industry is coming to an end."

"Our magic technology has no intention of continuing to cultivate backward materials, so we have developed a new material..."

"This new material is Mithril!"

"The properties of Mithril are a hundred times higher than those of silicon-based materials!"

"When Mithril is applied to the battery, under the same volume, the Mithril battery can store more than [-] times the power of ordinary batteries, and the charging speed is also faster, and it will not heat up and explode..."

"Applied to semiconductor chips, the performance and power consumption of the chips will be greatly improved..."

"Applied in the field of coatings, the heat absorption efficiency of solar generators will be increased by a hundred times!"


Ye Chen slowly introduced the various development prospects of Mithril.

The audience fell into silence at this moment.

And the barrage in the live broadcast room is full of question marks.

what's the situation?

When they watched the live broadcast today, didn't they just support magic technology and domestic chips?

Why did you hear such a high-tech material all of a sudden?

Do battery battery storage reach [-] times now?

Do chip chips have a hundred times the computing power?

Even with solar coatings, the thermal energy conversion efficiency can be greatly improved.

Isn't this too mystical?

real or fake?

The audience was dumbfounded and speechless.

This mithril is a little too much.

It's even more exaggerated than Mr. Luo's shark skin sterilization material.

They don't quite believe it.

And Mr. Liu, who was sitting in the last row, loosened his frown and let out a long sigh of relief.

If Ye Chen came up with graphene technology, maybe he would believe it.

But Mithril?Increase the computing power by a hundred times?

Just kidding!

How much did Ye Chen drink today to blow so big?

After today's press conference, does Ye Chen plan to stay in China and go directly to Africa?

Otherwise, if you blow such a big bull in China, will you still have the face to meet people in the future?


Ye Chen's voice fell.

There was no sound at the huge press conference of [-] people.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

However, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth twitched.

Ye Chen had expected this scene.

Mithril, the material of this magical world, is indeed incredibly strong.

So Ye Chen continued to speak without caring, and his voice resounded loudly in the conference venue: "After introducing our new materials, we can introduce the new chips...々ˇ..."

"Our new chip, named Mithril 001 chip!"

"As for performance, please look at the big screen!"

When Ye Chen's voice fell, the big screen behind Ye Chen instantly showed the performance of the Mithril 001 chip, and for the sake of clarity, a comparison chart with the chips on the market was listed on the side.

At the moment of seeing the comparison picture, the audience exclaimed.


Is there a problem with this data comparison chart?

If this is the game world, it is estimated that there will be big question marks on the foreheads of the audience at the scene.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage burst into flames in an instant.

"Am I dazzled? The Mithril 011 chip has better performance than the threadripper3990x processor released by AMD? What a joke!"

"More than surpassing, this performance comparison chart is ten times surpassing!"

"Forget about such outrageous performance data, the energy consumption is actually lower than that of the fruit company's latest mobile phone chip a13? This is a joke!"

"What's going on with this press conference? It's too outrageous. No matter how awesome the material is, it won't be able to create a chip with higher performance than computer chips and lower energy consumption than mobile phone chips, right?"

"On weekdays, I listen to the bragging of domestic mobile phone manufacturers, and each of them hangs fruit companies at the press conference. Now the magic technology is even more outrageous!"

"I have changed my opinion of Ye Chen. I used to think that Ye Chen is our idol. He is our idol. Now, for the sake of honor, he has become like an old fried dough stick in the mall, only bragging and cheating money?"

At this moment, the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of doubts.

And in the overseas black palace.

The grand commander, who was originally drowsy, was laughing uncontrollably at this moment.

If the real-time translator beside him hadn't helped quickly, he would have fallen directly under the table.

"Haha, it's getting more and more outrageous... I can't help it when I hear Mithril, and now this comparison picture makes me laugh to death..."

"Why didn't he say that Mithril really came from the wizarding world?"

The commander couldn't stop laughing.


And at the Semiconductor Alliance meeting.

It was the same laughter.

The boss of amd looked at the comparison chart and was speechless: "There is no one in the world that can surpass our threadripper3990x chip released by amd, my dear, this Mithril chip can't help surpassing, and directly surpasses us ten times!"

And Cook of the fruit company even held back a smile: "What's more outrageous is the energy consumption? It's ten times lower than our fruit company, doesn't it mean that the small battery of our fruit mobile phone equipped with his chip can be Play at high intensity for five days without charging!"

And Bill's lid, who had been worried all the time, relaxed at the moment: "My dear, I was shocked when I heard the new material, thinking that Magic Technology had figured out the graphene chip technology, and it turned out to be a magic material for me! "

And Brother Gu's Istan, even more echoed: "This Ye Chen is estimated to have become obsessed with magic novels, so it's okay to call a company Magic Technology. Now that even Mithril has been produced, Ye Chen will not I think I'm still a magician, so I can still use mithril to paint a magic circle..."

Istan's words brought the audience's laughter to the highest point.

The three orangutan Li, the tears of laughter are about to fall.

Fortunately, they did not miss this conference.

Even if it's a funny movie, it's not as interesting as this conference.

Ye Chen, a young man they regarded as a threat, now seems to have been driven crazy by honor and pressure.

"After this press conference, Ye Chen will become a joke around the world..."

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