
this moment.

The world is questioning.

The enemy burst into laughter.

And those who were looking forward to Ye Chen were full of disappointment.

They would rather watch Ye Chen come up with an ordinary, completely self-developed domestic chip.

I also don't want Ye Chen to brag in front of the whole world.

Ye Chen listened to the boos at the scene, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

After waiting for a full minute, Ye Chen leisurely took out a mobile phone from his pocket.

This is the latest mobile phone from Oppo.

"I know that you don't believe it, so next, I will demonstrate the performance of our chip for everyone..."

As soon as Ye Chen said this, the audience was quiet again.

How can such an outrageous chip be real.

Ye Chen even wanted a real machine demonstration?

It's outrageous.

Isn't this backstabbing yourself and exposing your own lies?

This operation made countless viewers feel a mess in their heads, unable to understand Ye Chen's thoughts.


And Ye Chen held the mobile phone in one hand and said lightly: "Everyone must have heard the joke of the Oppo family before. In order to sell mobile phones, the salespersons in the physical store told customers that their mobile phones can play anything, including influencing the alliance!"

When Ye Chen mentioned this matter, the corner of the oppo boss sitting below suddenly twitched.

And the audience who kept booing was amused by this incident.


Due to the rapid expansion of oppo, the salespersons were not trained well, and it was a big joke that oppo could play League of Legends.

But why did Ye Chen mention this?

Everyone looked at Ye Chen curiously.

And Ye Chen opened the latest OPPO phone in his hand and said seriously: "Actually, that salesperson is a prophet..."

"oppo can indeed play League of Legends, not even just League of Legends, all computer games can be played on oppo mobile phones!"

".~ Today, at the press conference, in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, I will justify the name of oppo!"

The audience was completely silent at the moment.

It's obviously a technology conference, why is it getting more and more magical?

How can the performance and battery of the mobile phone be able to drive computer games.

President Ye, this is too much pressure, did you just choose to let yourself go?


And Ye Chen didn't care about the audience's doubts at all.

Ye Chen just used the ring of consciousness to turn on the phone.

The screen of the mobile phone is projected on the big screen so that everyone can see it clearly.

Immediately, Ye Chen opened the League of Legends game installed on his phone under the watchful eyes of the public.

Log in to the game, select a match, and the game loads the interface, all in one go.

There is no lag in the whole picture, and there is no frame drop.

This made the audience exclaimed.

They all know that the dream-making system can install computer software.

Many up masters of station B have also tested it and sent a lot of evaluation videos.

But the result was a rollover.

The performance of mobile phones is much worse than that of computers.

Even the software that takes up the least memory on the computer will be stuck on the mobile phone with suspicion.

Moreover, the power of the mobile phone is avalanche directly, and it is easy to lose one percent of the power every second.

But the live game screen that Ye Chen is showing now is extremely smooth, without the slightest lag.

How can this be?

The audience, who was full of doubts in their hearts, widened their eyes.

In the live broadcast room, the constantly floating barrage of mockery, disappointment, and even cynicism disappeared instantly and turned into a series of question marks.

No one even posted the barrage, they were all watching Ye Chen's live broadcast.

in the sight of countless people.

Ye Chen uses the consciousness ring to control the heroes in the game smoothly, buy equipment, and go on the road...

Then kill and put on the road, directly super god.

In the end, he scored five kills in one fight and five in front of the opponent's spring.

Fifteen minutes to finish the game!

That's right...

Ye Chen played the game for fifteen minutes at the press conference.

And in these fifteen minutes, the audience was silent.

All the audience watched silently.

In the live broadcast room, only the barrage flashed from time to time.

Until Marven Ye ended the game neatly.

The time that seemed to stand still in the audience was restored.


"Is this really played on a mobile phone? Incredible!"

The audience at the scene, at this moment, exclaimed (Zhao Zhao) together.

In the live broadcast room, the originally few barrages surged wildly.

"Mr. Ye's skills are really good. I just checked the rank. The [-]-point game of the king in the first district is no different from the bronze game in front of Boss Ye. It's just random killing! It's a pity that Boss Ye doesn't play professional!"

"Is that stupid upstairs? Is this the time to care about Mr. Ye's game level? Mr. Ye played a computer game on his mobile phone, and the screen was stable at 90 frames without the slightest stuttering. That's the point!"

"Yes, not only does the screen not freeze, but also the power consumption is terrifyingly low. Have you noticed the battery percentage? After playing computer games for [-] minutes, only [-]% of the battery was lost. This is simply Miracle!"

"More than that, Mr. Ye turned on the phone's temperature display, and the phone's temperature has been kept at [-] degrees. To know the latest model of my fruit phone, after playing a game of King's Glory, the phone's temperature should be at least [-] degrees!"

"Isn't this really a screen recording? I'm a little confused right now... How could a mobile phone do this unless..."

"Unless, the chip in this oppo phone is really an epoch-making chip!"

"Could it be... that the Mithril chip that Mr. Ye said before is not a rant, but is true?"

The audience was a little restless at this moment, and many people whispered and discussed.

Ye Chen's smooth game showed too much information.

But it hit their stereotypes.

Make them unacceptable and unbelievable for a while.


But Ye Chen didn't explain, but closed the League of Legends with a light smile and opened another game...

"Cyberpunk 2077"

Looking at Ye Chen's actions, the audience burst into exclamations again at this moment...

Cyberpunk 2077, which can be said to be the most demanding game in the world.

Only the most top-of-the-line computer processors can run.

And when they looked at the big screen, it was smooth to the perfect game screen.

After a short silence, the audience completely boiled...

In the last row, Mr. Liu, who had been watching with a cold eye, and even put on a loudspeaker, preparing to make Ye Chen unable to come to the stage, his body became extremely stiff...

His eyes were full of disbelief!

how can that be? .

Chapter 65

There has never been such a press conference in the world where the host would openly play games on stage.

But today, in the midst of all the attention, it happened.

And this extraordinary game display shows too much information for consumers.

In the eyes of ordinary consumers, they only see that the mobile phone can play computer games, and the power consumption is not high.

They are very happy about this. In the future, as long as they have a mobile phone, they can play computer masterpieces anytime, anywhere?

Can play computer games easily, who still plays mobile games?

Coupled with the brain control of the consciousness ring, it is simply outrageous...


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