Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 26 - D And P's Adventure

Time returns to the point when Sam and his legendaries seperated. At first all the pokemons went in different directions.

But, it can be said that Dialga and Palkia are worthy of being called a duo as they reached the same place in the end.

They both reached the place with most dragon energy in Kanto region, the Dragonite island, an island hidden from outside world by the storms created by Dragonair.

As soon as Dialga and Palkia saw each other, they began to quarrel.

[I reached here first, Palkia you followed me. Go away, it is my training area in the next year.]

[No, I reached here first and the pokemons here are more in line with my type as they can control dragon and water type energy. You go to another place, Dialga]

[Let's decide it out with a battle.]×2

Both Dialga and Palkia agreed that only the winner will stay here. They began to fight all over the island and disturbed the Dragonites resting there but the Dragonites ignored them.

Dialga and Palkia's battle ended in draw as they both are same leveled at everything from level to species strength.

So for next few days, Dialga and Palkia kept battling once everyday. But all the battles ended in draw. After a week, the strongest Dragonite on the island got irritated by their daily battles and decided to teach them a lesson.

When Dialga and Palkia were battling as usual, the Dragonite came and ruthlessly beat them both. He later warned them to pipe down on this island and went back to his den to rest.

Next day, Dialga and Palkia confronted each other again but this time they both sat together and talked about life.

[Palkia, although we legendary pokemon but we are still too weak in front of many pokemons. No wonder Sam sent us out to see the world and train.]

[Yes, you are right, the strongest pokemon on an island can defeat us. It can be seen that there would a lot of pokemons stong as him or even stronger.]

[Let's compromise for a while and silently train on this island for a year and go to find Sam. What do you think, Palkia?]

[I will reluctantly share this island with you for now but remember as soon I defeat you, you have to go from here.]

[Hehe, we will see who defeats whom and leave the island. Let's go the Dragonite who beat us yesterday and challenge him but this time as a team. We should be able to last longer than yesterday if we co-operate with each other.]

[Ok, let's go]

So for next few weeks Dialga and Palkia continued there routine of getting beaten by the Dragonite but they also grew stronger at an astonishing speed.

Time flew and six months passed. Now Dialga and Palkia are able to last longer when fighting against the Dragonite. From initial five minutes insistance to current half an hour.


Pokemon - Dragonite

Type - Dragon , Flying

Ability - Inner Focus , Multiscale

Level - 61

Items - Dragon Scale


Today both Dialga and Palkia are confident in battling with Dragonite for an hour as they both learned two special moves yesterday night when they leveled up, Roar of Time and Spacial Rend.


Pokemon - Dialga

Type - Steel , Dragon

Ability - Pressure , Telepathy ( locked )

Level - 46

Items - Adamant Orb

Moves - Scary Face , Dragon Breath , Metal Claw , Iron Defense , Ancient Power , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Protect , Rest , Slash , Power Gem , Metal Burst , Iron Head , Earth Power , Dragon Pulse , Aura Sphere , Iron Tail , Magnet Rise , Stomping Tantrum , Roar of Time

Pokemon - Palkia

Type - Water , Dragon

Ability - Pressure , Telepathy ( locked )

Level - 46

Items - Lustrous Orb

Moves - Scary Face , Dragon Breath , Water Pulse , Rain Dance , Ancient Power , Dragon Claw , Hidden Power , Protect , Rest , Slash , Power Gem , Aqua Ring , Dragon Tail , Earth Power , Dragon Pulse , Focus Punch , Aura Sphere , Liquidation , Aqua Tail , Spacial Rend


Both Dialga and Palkia tried their best to defeat the Dragonite but the elite stage Dragonite can't be defeated by Dialga and Palkia with their current strength. So they were once again beaten black and white by Dragonite.

That evening, Dialga and Palkia sat together on the beach and were discussing today's battle. They made a goal for themselves that they must deafeat the Dragonite in next six months before returning to Sam.

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