Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 27 - Intermediate Breeder

Next morning, Sam left the Lavender town and went towards the Saffron City. The Saffron city gym is psychic type gym. But the gym leader Sabrina is a bit eccentric. She turns the challengers eho lase to her into dolls so it is said that unless you are 100% sure to defeat her, don't challenge the gym.

There are two goals of Sam in the Saffron city. Fist is the gym badge and second is the intermediate breeder exam. Unlike the primary breeder exam which is held once per year, the intermediate breeder exam is organised only when someone applys for the examination.

Sam went to the Breeder ȧssociation and applied for intermediate examination. He was asked to show his primary breeder certificate and deposit the fees.

Sam paid the fees and was told to enter the exam hall to write the paper. The paper was easy for Sam who has the ȧssistance of system. After the paper was checked and he was told that the next interview will be held tomorrow.

The intermediate breeder exam consistsof a written paper followed by the interview by top senior breeder. After which the practical seeion is held. It takes time to inform the senior breeder so that the interview is always held on next day.

Sam went to the pokemon center, gave his pokemons to Nurse Joy for health checkup and then rent a room in the pokemon center. He went to his and decided to rest for the day as he has spent a large amount of time in forest.

Next day, Sam went to the Breeder ȧssociation and there a senior breeder has already been waiting for him.

Soon his interview was over and Sam passed it with flying colours. The last practical session was also soon over and Sam was certified to become intermediate breeder.

Upon becoming the intermediate breeder a lot of new breeder information was available for him in the breeder ȧssociation. Sam spent the rest of the day studying and copying the information and pokeblock recipes.

Sam then went back to the pokemon center in the evening and went to his room to sleep. Next he woke up early and he went to the Saffron gym.

He entered the gym and met the gym apprentice and asked him to inform Sabrina, the gym leader, that a challenger has came.

While Sam was waiting for apprentice to come back he saw a middle aged man coming in the hall. Sam remembered his identity as soon he saw him. It was Sabrina's father.

Sabrina's father also saw Sam and remembered that he was the boy who has came to learn the yse of psychic from him.

They both talked for a while and then gym apprentice came and informed Sam that Sabrina is ready. Sam the followed tha apprentice and met the Psychic Sabrina. There were blue energy flowing out of Sabrina's body which is the symbol of her excess psychic.

Sabrina's father also followed and volunteered to become the refree. As soon as both Sabrina and Sam came to their respective positions, Sabrina's father announced the rules, "Both gym leader and challenger can only use one pokemon each. The trainer whose pokemon is unable to battle will lose."

As soon as Sabrina's father finished reciting the rules, Sabrina threw a pokeball and a Kadabra landed on the field. And Sam sent out the Gengar that he caught in the Lavender town's ghost tower.

'System show their stats.'



Pokemon - Kadabra

Type - Psychic

Ability - Inner Focus , Magic Guard(locked)

Level - 39

Items - Twisted Spoon

Moves - Teleport , Barrier , Fire Punch , Ice Punch , Knock Off , Psychic Terrain , Skill Swap , Thunder Punch , Confusion , Disable , Psybeam , Hidden Power , Shadow Ball , Miracle Eye , Reflect , Drain Punch , Signal Beam , Psycho Cut , Telekinesis , Ally Switch ,Zen Headbutt , Psychic


Pokemon - Gengar

Ability - Cursed Body

Level - 41

Items - Black Sludge , Toxic Orb

Moves - Confuse Ray , Lick , Astonish , Clear Smog , Haze , Perish Song , Hypnosis , Mean Look , Payback , Spite , Curse , Hex , Toxic , Shadow Punch , Night Shade , Sucker Punch , Fire Punch , Ice Punch , Thunder Punch , Shadow Claw , Psychic


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