Re:Start In Pokemon

Chapter 28 - Gengar VS Kadabra

As soon as Gengar landed on the field, he laughed creepily and the surrounding temperature dropped a few degrees due to Gengar apperance. The Kadabra got startled at the sudden drop in temperature.

"Kadebra, use Psybeam." Sabrina ordered.

"Gengar, dodge." Sam commanded and Gengar followed.

"Kadabra, continue to use Psybeam." "Gengar attack using Shadow ball while dodging the Psybeam." "Kadabra dodge using Teleport."

In the first confrontation, no one got hurt. Kadabra kept using Psybeam but Gengar kept dodging and firing Shadow ball but Kadabra kept dodging it by using Teleport at last moment.

"Gengar, use Shadow Claw." "Kadabra, use Zen Headbutt."

The battle kept moving forwards slowly at first but later it paced up and bot Sabrina and Sam subconsciously used ECG to command their pokemons.

[Gengar hide in shadow, go behind Kadabra and give it a Sucker Punch.]

Sabrina saw that Gengar disappeared in the shadow and tried to find it but couldn't find it.

Suddenly Gengar appeared from the shadow of Kadabra and gave it a Sucker Punch on back of its head. Kadabra noticed Gengar at last moment and tried to Teleport but was obviously late. It took a clear hit and flew to the other side of the field.

[Gengar, use Shadow Claw.]

[Kadabra, use Psycho Cut.]

A claw shaped and blade shaped energies collided in midair and rose a dust storm. After fighting for a long time both Kadabra and Gengar were bruised and injured all over.

[Kadabra, Foresight then Drain Punch] Suddenly Kadabra teleported in front of Gengar and hit with a punch. Gengar's health got absorbed by Kadabra.

It looked like Kadabra was winning but Sam gave a unexpected order to Gengar [Use Perish Song] and Gengar began to sing a weird song in its creepy voice.

Coupled with the previous fatigue, the effect of Perish Song nearly doubled and Sabrina knew that Kadabra will soon faint. Now both of the pokemons only have a little bit of energy left and whoever wins the last confrontation will win the battle.

[Kadabra use continous Psychic]

[Gengar , continuous Shadow Balls]

Soon a large dust storm rose from the middle of the field and soon covered the whole field. When dust settled both Kadabra and Gengar had fainted on the field.

Sabrina's father did his job upon seeing this. "Bothe Kadabra and Gengar are unable to battle. This battle between Sabrina, gym leader of Saffron gym, and Sam, challenger from Pallet town, ended in a draw."

Both Sabrina and San got surprised upon hearing this as they bith thought that Kadabra/Gengar would be able to stick to it.

After a short silence on the field, a small giggling sound came and both Sam and Sabrina's father looked towards the dire4 of the sound and saw Sabrina trying hard to control her smile.

Upon seeing this Sam and Sabrina's father looked at each other for a while and then started laughing. Sabrina was unable to stop her laughter under the influence of other two people on the field.

After some time, they stopped laughing and Sabrina came to Sam and said to him, "It was the first time I enjoyed the battle so much. Thank you for the wonderful match."

Then she took out the Marsh badge and handed it over to Sam saying, "Since it was a draw, I can decided to give to the badge or not but I decided to give it to you for the wonderful battle spirit of Gengar. Keep up the performance, I look forward to what you do at Indigo league."

"Thank you" Sam thanked Sabrina and put the Marsh badge in badge case. He then left the gym and went to pokemon center to rest.

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