The blazing sword formed in an instant.

Su Muyao pointed to the silver goshawk.

Whether it was to prevent the scourge of Tarzan from happening again.

Or for his immediate interests, Su Mu couldn't let the silver goshawk get the fruit.

"Human." Seeing Su Mu make a move to stop himself, the silver goshawk gritted his teeth. "You know what you're doing?"

"Dare to stop me, do you believe that I will kill you in a moment?"

The silver goshawk really gritted its teeth.

"Want to kill me?" Su Mu looked at the silver goshawk with disdain and mocked. "You don't seem to have the ability to do this."

Su Mu said, suddenly accelerating, and at the same time pointed at the silver goshawk.

At this time, the blazing sword flew straight towards the silver goshawk.

Su Mu's blazing sword was not an ordinary attack.

This silver goshawk did not dare to hard connect at all.

It can now only flap its wings again and dodge the attack of the blazing sword.

But this time and again, the advantages of the silver goshawk all disappeared.

Su Mu's position also came to the first at this time.

"Fruit, I'm coming!"

As long as Su Mu stretched out his hand at this time, he would definitely be able to get the fruit.

He quickly stretched out his hand in the direction of the fruit.

"Got it!"

At the moment when the fruit arrived, Su Mu's face was filled with a smile.

"It's over!"

"Hey, I never dreamed that this year's fruit battle would eventually be a human fruit."

"Don't say it's you, it is estimated that the alien beasts present, no one expected that this would be such a result."

"But it's good for humans to get it, at least we still have hope."


After Su Mu and the beasts landed, Su Mu found that the atmosphere seemed to be a little wrong.

The eyes of the strange beasts were like hungry wolves who had been hungry for a long time.

Su Mu's words have now become fat in their eyes.

With the landing of the Golden Tiger King and the old white wolf, the eyes of the strange beasts changed again.

"Tiger King, this human race has won the fruit, what do you say to do?"

"As long as the Tiger King gives your order, we will strike now and kill this human being."

"Tiger King, you give orders! We won't hesitate! "


At this time, the gazes of all the alien beasts were all focused on the face of the Golden Tiger King.

Su Mu's words felt a chill in his spine.

He had thought that after capturing the fruit, the matter here would be over.

But now it seems that after the fruit, things here have just begun.

"Have you forgotten the covenant?" The Golden Tiger King scanned all the alien beasts.

Some exotic beasts faced the Golden Tiger King's sweep and lowered their heads one after another.

But some alien beasts raised their heads and shouted, "If I remember correctly, the covenant seems to be a contest between the alien beasts.

"But the ultimate winner of this battle is a human being." Is this covenant still counted? The

Golden Tiger King glanced at the strange beast that had just spoken.

Su Mu also followed the Golden Tiger King's gaze.

The strange beast that spoke just now was a weasel with earthy yellow hair.

"Human, don't look at me." The weasel saw Gao Mu looking at him and said with disgust. "Even if you look at me, I still have to say something."

"It seems that there are strange beasts here, and they disagree with the covenant!" The Golden Tiger King spoke at this time.

As soon as these words came out, the strange beasts who had just spoken shrunk their necks.

As the king of ancient Taishan , the Golden Tiger King has absolute authority in ancient Taishan Mountain.

There were also many exotic beasts that wanted to challenge the authority of the Golden Tiger King.

But the final result was that all those strange beasts were thrown off the cliff, and there were no bones.

The Golden Tiger King's gaze fell on the weasel's body.

The weasel craned his neck and did not dare to say another word.

Because it knew very well that if it dared to speak indiscriminately, the Golden Tiger King would directly tear it in half.

"Who has any objections?"

At this time, the Golden Tiger King looked around at all the alien beasts.

The alien beasts kept silent.

"Tiger King, is it really good for you to do this for the sake of a human?"

When the beasts were silent, a voice sounded again.

Su Mu's brows frowned slightly, feeling that this voice was very familiar.

After thinking about it carefully, he remembered.

This voice was from the silver goshawk before.

"I said goshawk!" The Golden Tiger King looked up at the silver goshawk hovering in the sky and said coldly. "Do you think that if you hover in the sky, I can't help you?"

"That can't be." The silver goshawk looked down at the Golden Tiger King and said with a slight mockery in his tone. "I may look down on all the beasts under the sun. But I can't look down on you, my Tiger King! That

being said, the Golden Tiger King still saw the taste of mockery in the silver goshawk's eyes.

"If Lao Tzu doesn't tear you up today, Lao Tzu is really sorry for you."

The Golden Tiger King was really furious.

"Old white wolf, what do you say?" At this time, ask the old white wolf.

The old white wolf said after a slight hesitation: "What do you think, what should we do?" "

Help the tiger, kill the goshawk!" Qiu said to the old white wolf.

"Give me a reason."

The world of alien beasts is actually more cruel than the world of humans.

The law of the jungle is vividly expressed in the world of alien beasts.

"The reason is simple, goshawks are fiercer than tigers!" Give the old white wolf a reason.

For the old white wolf, this reason is enough.

"Then let's do it!"

The old white wolf smiled coldly.

"Thorn spear!"

He let out a low growl.

The thorn gun on the big tree quietly took shape.

Taking advantage of the fact that all the alien beasts were not paying attention, they spit thick phlegm onto the thorn spear.

Now everything is ready, only the east wind is owed.

Su Mu took advantage of this time to quietly clench the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand.

Today this silver goshawk must die.

A killer game has been formed.

But this silver goshawk did not know it.

"Tigers give birth to wings!"

The Golden Tiger King let out a low roar.

Behind it, two wings composed of flames quietly appeared.

It flapped its wings and flew in the direction of the silver goshawk.

"This..." The

silver goshawk did not expect that the Golden Tiger King would have this hand.

Not only the silver goshawk did not think of it.

All the exotic beasts present, including Su Mu, did not expect that the Golden Tiger King would have such a magical skill.

The golden tiger king, who had wings on his back, flew straight in the direction of the silver goshawk.

Don't look at the wings are made of flame, but the speed is extremely fast.

In just a few seconds, it flew in front of the silver goshawk.

Moreover, the Golden Tiger King is very skilled in the manipulation of wings.

Obviously, this trick is not recently realized.

"Blood kill!"

The Golden Tiger King, who was close to the silver goshawk, let out a low roar.

A touch of blood red appeared in his mouth.

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