The Golden Tiger King spat slightly.

Red flew straight towards the silver goshawk.

Red was in the air, directly turning into a long sword.

"Split the Sky!"

Not to be outdone, the silver goshawk is not to be outdone.

On the silver wings, a silver light bloomed.

The wings flew out and turned into a long sword in the air.


The silver longsword and the blood-red longsword collided in the air.

The harsh sound made all the alien beasts present spit blood in their mouths.

Su Mu and Old White Wolf are exceptions.

The realm of the two is high and the strength is strong.

So the collision of the long swords did not cause them harm.

Judging by the current situation.

The silver goshawk and the golden tiger king should be comparable in strength.

"Human, you'd better choose to help me at this time." The Golden Tiger King turned around and said to Su Mu at this time. "This goshawk is very hostile to you humans. If you don't kill him today, I'm afraid it will become a nightmare for your humanity. "

I know."

Su Mu stared at the silver goshawk.

The Golden Tiger King looked at the old white wolf.

Although the old white wolf did not speak, he told the Golden Tiger King with his eyes that he would also help.

"Golden Light Spell!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

The golden light spell turned into golden threads and flew straight towards the silver goshawk.

The speed of the gold wire was extremely fast, and it flew to the silver goshawk in an instant.

Although the gold thread did not trap the silver goshawk, it caused a little hindrance to its movement.


The old white wolf let out a low roar at this time.

The thorn spear, hidden in the shadows, suddenly appeared at this time.


The thorn spear broke through the air and flew straight in the direction of the silver goshawk.

At this time, the Golden Tiger King also approached in the direction of the silver goshawk.

It's pushing the silver goshawk's space.

The silver goshawk, forced by the Golden Thread and the Golden Tiger King, had to fly on the trajectory of the thorn spear.

It also thinks well.

The thorn gun is certainly strong.

But if the thorn gun can't hurt the point, it may be able to escape death.


The thorn spear pierced into the silver goshawk's body.

However, the place where it pierced was one of the legs of the silver goshawk.

After the thorn spear entered the silver goshawk's body, it suddenly disappeared.

"Hahaha!" The silver goshawk felt the injury in his leg and laughed proudly. "This time, isn't it high in the sky for me to fly?"

The injury to the leg did not affect the silver goshawk at all.

And now, it is out of the attack range of the Golden Tiger King.

It can escape completely with at least a slight wave of its wings.

But as soon as it finished laughing, it realized that something was wrong.

Because it finds that the speed of its blood flow sharply speeds up at this time.

A beast of its level can detect it with a slight discomfort in its body.

It quickly looked down at its injured leg.

The wound on the leg is now festering.

The originally bright red blood also turned black at this time.

"Poison! There was poison in the gun just now!

The silver goshawk shouted in panic.

It did not expect that the old white wolf would be so insidious.

"Okay, you can die."

At this time, the Golden Tiger King also flew up.

The silver goshawk flapped its wings and tried to continue fleeing.

However, it found that its wings seemed to be a little disobedient.


It screamed and planted its head directly towards the ground.


The silver goshawk landed on the ground and smashed a large hole in the ground.

The silver goshawk in the big pit was already unconscious at this time.

"Killed?" The Golden Tiger King looked at the old white wolf.

The old white wolf shook his head: "Let it wait to die!" After all, the poison on my gun is highly poisonous. "

Nope." Su Mu stood up at this time. He looked at the silver goshawk in the big pit and said in a very cold tone. "Even if the poison on your gun is highly poisonous, I will kill it now."

"Why?" The Golden Tiger King looked at Gao Mu puzzled.

"It's alive now, and being alive means having the hope of being alive." Only by completely killing it can we guarantee that it will not live again. "

Su Mu is not a villain.

But he knows very well that 'don't talk nonsense before killing, and don't forget to mend the knife after killing.' 'This villain's law.

For Su Mu to step forward to mend the knife, neither the Golden Tiger King nor the old white wolf objected.

Su Mu carried the Falling Sunset Soul Sword and came directly to the silver goshawk.

Su Mugang raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand.

The silver goshawk's eyes suddenly opened.

"Is it still alive?"

Su Mu didn't expect that with his body highly poisonous and falling from such a high sky, this silver goshawk was still alive.

"Split the Sky!"

The silver goshawk that opened his eyes let out a low roar.

In the next second, its wings spread out.

The silver feathers turned into a long sword and struck straight towards Su Mu.

With such a close distance, Su Mu simply didn't have time to react.

The silver feathers directly cut the clothes on Su Mu's body into rags.





But the silver feather hit Su Mu's body, but it made a jingling sound.

"Shhh!" Seeing this scene, the Golden Tiger King gasped and looked at Su Mu with a shocked face. "Nothing at all."

After being shocked, it also looked at the old white wolf not far away.

The faces of the old white wolf and the embarrassment were also full of shock.

"How did he do it?!" Izuku sighed.

The old white wolf shook his head and said with a slightly puzzled tone: "It seems that there are still many things in this world that we don't understand." "

The old white wolf fought the Silver Goshawk before.

It knew that such a close distance, if it was replaced by it and the Golden Tiger King, it would definitely be seriously injured.

But Su Mu was not only not seriously injured, but not even injured at all.

Not to mention the old white wolf and the golden tiger king.

Even the silver goshawk's eyes widened when he saw this scene.

"Human, how can you possibly block my killer blow!" The silver goshawk shouted.

"In this world, there are many things that you trash can't understand."

After releasing the Split Sky Slash just now, the last trace of strength of the silver goshawk was also exhausted.

It lay on the ground with a resignant expression.

"Game over!"

Su Mu waved the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand and was about to kill the silver goshawk.

"Who dares to touch my husband!"

At this time, a deafening roar sounded.

Su Mu and the other beasts looked towards the source of the sound.

I saw another silver goshawk flying towards this side.

Listening to what he said just now, the silver goshawk flying here should be the spouse of the silver goshawk on the ground.

Without the slightest hesitation, Su Mu directly raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand and slashed down.

The silver goshawk that fell to the ground already had hope in his eyes.


The Falling Sunset Soul Sword fell, and the silver goshawk that fell to the ground died.

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