When the crowd sells, they all grab orders.

Su Mu had already walked into the store.

"Hello, sir!"

At this time, a salesman stepped forward and greeted Su Mu with a smile.

Seeing that someone had already stepped forward, the faces of the sales showed a disappointed expression.


Su Mu smiled and nodded.

He is handsome in his own right.

Laughing, it makes the sale in front of me feel fascinated.

"Excuse me, sir, are you here to buy a car?" The sales asked Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded: "I want to buy a Cullinan!" As

soon as these words came out, the sales eyes lit up.

The price of Cullinan's car in their stores is about 6.5 million to 8 million.

As a salesperson, she can get a lot of commission from it.

"Then sir, please come with me!"

The sales smiled sweetly and directly led Su Mu to the area where Cullinan was located.

Usually, Su Mu has only seen Cullinan on a certain sound.

In reality, he was really shocked.

Especially when he saw the flying goddess, Su Mu's hormones burst out instantly.

"How much is this car? If I pay now, when can I pick up the car?

Su Mu asked two questions in succession.

These two questions directly confused the sales.

She has also been working here for a while.

But such a heroic guest as Su Mu, she really met it for the first time.

"Good guy, just saw the car, didn't even test drive, just asked how long to pick up the car."

"It is estimated that it is the second generation of a certain family, right? Otherwise, it would not be so rich.

"The second generation is not important, and we have seen a lot of the second generation." But how many of the handsome second generation have you seen?

"A no, such a handsome second generation, I really saw it for the first time."


The young lady of the sales, looking at Su Mu's eyes were straight.

"Sir." The sales lady in charge of receiving Su Mu is called a sweet smile. "Pay today if you really want to. At most, you can get the car in a week. "

A week?" When he heard that it would take a week to get the car, Su Mu was suddenly a little disappointed. "It's been too long."

As soon as she heard Su Mu say that it was too long, the young lady's heart immediately lifted.

"You want a car that you can drive away right away?" The young lady asked Su Mu tentatively.

Su Mu nodded: "I have never had a means of transportation, so I want to buy one that can be used directly."

As soon as these words came out, the salesmen suddenly quieted.

Su Mu's words contained a lot of information.

The most important thing is that the car that Su Mu wants to buy now is his first car.

"This is your first car?" The sales lady asked tentatively.

Su Mu smiled a little embarrassed: "I didn't have money to buy it before, but now I have money, so I want to buy a car to get around."

As soon as these words came out, the young ladies were even more shocked.

I couldn't afford to buy a car before.

This also shows that Su Mu was very poor before.

Now, he has money.

And it looks like it's not ordinary rich.

The young ladies were a little confused.

"Sir." The sales lady who received Su Mu took a deep breath and calmed herself down as much as possible. "If you want to buy it and drive away now, then I can only recommend this one to you."

The young lady looked at a car not far away and said to Su Mu.

That's also a Rolls-Royce.

But it's different from Cullinan.

This car is more common on the Internet.

"Rolls-Royce Phantom?" Su Mu asked subconsciously.

"That's right." The sales lady nodded. "The car is top-of-the-line, and it's a limited edition. When our boss bought this car, he wanted to drive it himself.

"But for some reason, he didn't open it, but just put it here for sale."

When Su Mu heard this, he immediately became interested.

"How much does this car cost?"

In fact, whether it is Cullinan or Phantom, it is a more classic model belonging to Rolls-Royce.

However, the phantom in front of him was different from the phantom in Su Mu's memory.

Seeing Su Mu's eyes, there was a look of doubt, and the young lady explained with a smile: "This car is the Rolls-Royce Phantom S."

"This car has never been seen in the world. So it's normal for you to think it's different from other phantoms. "

Let's be honest.

When Su Mu looked at this Rolls-Royce Phantom S, he was a little moved.

"Price?" Su Mu asked the young lady.

The young lady stretched out two fingers and said, "20 million!" "

Okay." Su Mu didn't even think about it, so he nodded directly. "20 million is 20 million! Hurry up and swipe your card to complete the formalities, I hope I can drive it away in an hour!

As Su Mu spoke, he also took out his bank card from his pocket and motioned for the young lady to swipe the card.

The sales lady was stunned.

Su Mu's heroism made her stunned again.

Seeing the young lady in a daze, Su Mu hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's okay!" The young lady waved her hand and respectfully took Su Mu's bank card. "I'll go get it done for you!"

After taking the bank card, the young lady did not leave in a hurry.

"Sir, it will take some time to go through these procedures. You come with me and I'll take you to the lounge!

The young lady said and made an inviting gesture to Su Mu.

The money has been spent, then Su Mu, who should enjoy it, still has to enjoy it.

Under the leadership of the young lady, Su Mu came to the VIP room.

The VIP rooms here cover an area of hundreds of square meters.

The decoration inside is very luxurious.

In addition to common furniture and appliances, there are many other uncommon home appliances and furniture.

"Is there a PS5? I want to play games! Su Mu asked the young lady with a smile.

The young lady was slightly stunned.

She has received many VIP room guests.

But like Su Mu, who opened her mouth to ask for a game console, she really met it for the first time.

But the young lady has really seen the world.

"Of course there is." She nodded, walked to a cupboard, and took out the PS5 inside. When she was about to close the cabinet door, she glanced back at Su Mu and asked. "What game do you want?"

"What games do you have?" Su Mu asked the young lady again.

"There are any games, what games you want, what games we have here." The young lady replied very confidently.

Su Mu didn't believe it.

He got up and walked in the direction of the cabinet.

"Good guy, what kind of game!"

The cabinet was large and filled with stuff.

Su Mu took a look.

As long as it is a PS5 game that appears in the city, this cabinet has it.

"I'll choose by myself, you hurry up and go through the formalities for me!"

Su Mu said to the young lady.

The young lady nodded and walked out of the VIP room.

Su Mu picked a game and began to play.

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