This car shop belongs to Tianfeng Group.

The founder and chairman of Tianfeng Group is a young man named Lu Tianfeng.

Because he has the same surname as Lu Zhenghao, everyone thinks that he is Lu Zhenghao's son.

That's right.

Lu Tianfeng is Lu Zhenghao's son, the prince of the Yuelu Group.

But this prince also really has a pursuit.

After graduating from college, he took his own money from childhood to adulthood to start a business.

In five years, his Tianfeng Group has changed from a small company that no one cares about to a well-known group in the business world.

Of course, compared with the Yuelu Group, this group is not even a drop in the bucket.

But this also shows from the side that this prince is not a gentleman.

At this time, Lu Tianfeng was checking the report in the store in the car dealership.

Normally speaking, this kind of trivial matter of checking reports is simply not his turn to be done by a chairman.

Because this car shop was created by him, and it is also where he made his first pot of gold.

So he has a lot of affection for the car dealership.

Everything in the car dealership, if not hands-on, at least pay attention to it from time to time.

"Turnover is up 20% year-on-year, and you're doing well this year."

After reading the report, Lu Tianfeng praised.

"It's still good that you cultivated it!" The store manager said with a complimentary face.

If someone else said this, Lu Tianfeng definitely thought that the other party was patting himself.

But when the store manager said this, Lu Tianfeng would not feel this way.

The reason is simple.

It is because of this store manager that he really cultivated it.

When Lu Tianfeng first started his business, one of his employees was the store manager in front of him.

This store manager has average management skills, but strong sales ability.

After all, it was one of his own employees, and Lu Tianfeng trusted him more.

Simply leave this car shop to him to manage.

"Okay." Lu Tianfeng waved his hand at the store manager and scolded with a smile. "There are no outsiders here, what are you and I pretending."

The store manager scratched the back of his head and smiled cheekily.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the store manager's office.

The store manager did not speak, but looked at Lu Tianfeng.

After all, now here, Lu Tianfeng is the largest.

"Come in!"

Lu Tianfeng shouted.

The door of the office opened, and the sales lady who had just received Su Mu walked in from outside the door.

"Manager, that Rolls-Royce Phantom S, sold!" The young lady shouted excitedly.

However, when she saw Lu Tianfeng in the office, the young lady immediately closed her mouth and showed an embarrassed expression on her face.

They usually have a good relationship with the store manager.

Sometimes, whoever has good sales performance can even ridicule the store manager.

But the young lady didn't expect that Lu Tianfeng was here at this time.

If she knew that Lu Tianfeng was here, she would definitely not be so big and small.

Lu Tianfeng also saw the embarrassment of the young lady, and he said with a smile: "The Rolls-Royce Phantom S you said, is it my car?" Seeing

that Lu Tianfeng was not angry, the young lady nodded.

However, the panic in his eyes and the nervousness on his face remained.

"How much did it sell?" Lu Tianfeng continued to ask.

"20 million!" The young lady said a number.

"Good." Lu Tianfeng nodded, looked at the sales lady, and said with great appreciation. "This car has been sold by you, it is estimated that your commission this time is indispensable!"

"Thank you, Mr. Lu!" The young lady is very restrained.

"Okay, I'll go see who bought this car!"

After Lu Tianfeng got up, he walked towards the outside of the office.

The store manager glared at the young lady.

The young lady spat out her tongue at the store manager mischievously.

"President Lu, let me take you!"

The young lady walked in front of President Lu and said to President Lu.

Lu Tianfeng did not choose to refuse the kindness of the young lady.

Under the leadership of the young lady, Lu Tianfeng came to the first floor.

"President Lu!"

"President Lu!"

"President Lu!"


Everyone who saw Lu Tianfeng greeted Lu Tianfeng one after another.

Lu Tianfeng also smiled and nodded.

Under the leadership of the young lady, Lu Tianfeng came to the door of the VIP room.

Just when the young lady was about to open the door, Lu Zhengfang stopped her.


Lu Zhengfang said to the young lady.

The young lady may have been so excited that she forgot the most basic etiquette of knocking.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lu!" The young lady hurriedly apologized.

"It's okay!"

President Lu didn't care.

The young lady walked to the door and knocked.

Su Mu, who was playing a game in the VIP room, heard a knock on the door and quickly paused the game.

He put the handle on the table, stood up and said, "Come in!" "

The door to the VIP room opened and the reception lady and a person walked in from outside the door.

"This gentleman, this is Lu Tianfeng, the chairman of our group, he wants to see you!" The young lady explained the situation to Su Mu.

"Good." Su Mu nodded.

"Lu Tianfeng!" Lu Tianfeng stretched out his right hand.

"Su Mu!" Su Mu also stretched out his right hand.

The hands of the two were held together.

But the eyes of the two looking at each other were a little wrong.

"President Lu is looking for me, what is the matter?" Su Mu asked Lu Tianfeng with a smile.

Lu Tianfeng glanced at the reception lady and said with a smile: "Please bring me a cup of green tea."

"What about you." Lu Tianfeng looked at Su Mu and asked with a smile. "Mr. Su wants to drink some Su Mu?"

"Green tea, thank you!" Su Mu smiled slightly.

After waiting for the young lady to leave, Su Mu asked Lu Tianfeng curiously: "What is the relationship between you and Lu Zhenghao and President Lu?"

"Lu Zhenghao is the father!" Lu Tianfeng introduced with a smile.

"President Lu's own son, disrespectful!" Su Mu smiled slightly.

"Mr. Su, I really didn't expect that the person who bought the car turned out to be you." Lu Tianfeng also had a smile on his face.

"You know me?" Su Mu felt surprised.

You know, this is the first time he and Lu Tianfeng have contacted.

"Some of the equipment when Ling Zun was hospitalized was still transferred from our group." Lu Tianfeng smiled slightly.

"Thank you Brother Lu."

Su Mu got up and bowed to Lu Tianfeng with a respectful face.

Lu Tianfeng didn't expect Su Mu to be so particular.

He also quickly got up and saluted, "Brother Su, it's really polite." The

two looked at each other and smiled.

Men's friendships are so simple to establish for a while.

"By the way, what is Brother Su looking for me about?" Su Mu returned to the topic.

"I just want to see who bought the Phantom S." Lu Tianfeng's words fell, and when he thought about it, he changed his words again. "But since Brother Su wants to buy it, then I definitely can't ask for your money."

"Don't." Lu Tianfeng said that he didn't want money, Su Mu was not only unhappy, but even felt a little hairy in his heart.

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