After parking the car, Su Mu and Lu Tianfeng walked down from the car together.

Shen Chen greeted him with a smile.

The smile on her face seemed to melt ice and snow.

Su Mu just glanced at it, and he had an indescribable heartbeat.

"Su Mu!" After getting off the car, Lu Tianfeng directly introduced. "His family's affairs should be solved by him."

"Mr. Su, hello!" Shen Chenlu bowed slightly and stretched out her right hand.

Su Mu was still looking at Shen Chenlu in a daze.

Seeing that Su Mu did not stretch out his hand for a long time, Lu Tianfeng glanced at Su Mu strangely.

"Ouch!" Seeing Su Mu staring at Shen Chenlu in a daze, he quickly touched him with his elbow. "Brother Su, Brother Su!"

Su Mu came back to his senses with an embarrassed face.

He scratched his head a little embarrassed, and looked at Shen Chenlu: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" "

It's okay, it's okay." Shen Chenlu waved her hand, indicating that she didn't mind.

After shaking hands slightly with Shen Chenlu, Shen Chenlu made an inviting gesture to Su Mu and Lu Tianfeng.

The two nodded and walked towards the villa.

The villa is huge.

The courtyard in front of the villa alone is hundreds of square meters.

After passing through the courtyard, we came to the door of the villa.

Shen Chenlu opened the door and invited the two to enter.

The living room of the villa is large, the decoration is not luxurious, but it is not ordinary either.

As soon as the three sat down, the maid brought tea.

After a few more simple pleasantries, Su Mu went straight to the topic: "What is the reason for letting me come this time?"

When Su Mu asked this, he looked at Shen Chenlu.

On the way here, Lu Tianfeng did not tell Su Mu the specific situation.

He only knew that something had happened to the Shen family recently.

But what exactly happened, he couldn't tell.

So in desperation, Su Mu could only wait for Shen Chenlu to say.

Shen Chenlu thought about it simply, and then began to speak.

Although their Feng Yu Group is not a top group, its business is also doing well.

But recently, somehow, the Wind Domain Group suddenly changed.

This change almost bankrupted the Wind Domain Group.

After carrying it, Shen Chenguang thought that it would be a smooth road in the future.

Unexpectedly, something happened recently.

These things made Shen Chenguang exhausted.

After finally finishing the treatment, Shen Chenguang planned to take a break.

But this rest did not matter, and he fell ill directly.

Hearing this, Su Mu glanced at Shen Chenlu strangely and said, "I'm sick, why don't you go to a doctor?"

"We're looking for a doctor." Shen Chen's eyes contained sadness, and he said with a slight cry in his tone. "But even the best doctors in the world can't diagnose my brother's condition."

"The world's top equipment is also used, but the cause is still not found. In desperation, I could only turn to Young Master Lu. "

Young Master Lu in Shen Chenlu's mouth should be Lu Tianfeng.

"I also asked our family doctor to see it, but the result was the same as what they saw."

"So, I had to ask some of the Inhuman doctors to take a look. But it doesn't matter if you don't look at it, there is a big problem when you see it..."

Lu Tianfeng said, and there was a feeling of palpitations.

"I said Young Master Lu, can you make it clear?" Lu Tianfeng's big gasp made Su Mu very helpless.

Lu Tianfeng sorted out his language a little and said, "Our family's alien doctor has seen it, and what he means is that Shen is always poisoned. Moreover, the realm of the inferior person is very high. If you want to crack this poison, you must come to the master of the alien.

"It's true that I'm an Inhuman, but I'm not a master among Inhumans."

Su Mu still didn't understand why Lu Tianfeng would look for himself.

"Mr. Su." At this time, Shen Chenlu stood up emotionally. She walked quickly to Su Mu's approach, and as soon as her legs were soft, she was about to kneel for Su Mu.

Fortunately, Su Mu's reaction was relatively fast, which stopped Shen Chenlu's behavior.

"Let's talk about something, what do you mean by kneeling?" Su Mu said helplessly.

"As long as Mr. Su can cure my brother, you can let me do anything." At the corners of Shen Chenlu's eyes, tears were already dripping.

Shen Chenlu was already good-looking.

At this time, her appearance of pear blossoms with rain is even more distressing.

Although Su Mu is well versed in the way of 'there is no woman in the heart, draw the sword of nature god'.

But seeing Shen Chenlu looking like this, he couldn't help but feel a slight in his heart.

"Hey." Su Mu sighed helplessly and said to Shen Chen. "Take me to see, I don't know if I can cure your brother."

Hearing that Su Mu was willing to help, Shen Chen burst into a smile.

"But I'm going to give you a vaccination first." Su Mu said to Shen Chenlu with a very serious expression at this time. "I'm not sure if I can cure your brother. All I can say is, I'll take a look first. "

Mr. Su rest assured, whether you can cure my brother or not, our Shen family will remember your good."

In Shen Chenlu's opinion, as long as Su Mu is willing to help, there is hope.

"Let's go."

Su Mu sighed.

Under the leadership of Shen Chenlu, Su Mu came to the second floor.

Shen Chenguang's room is very large.

But strangely, the curtains in the room were drawn.

"What is the situation?"

Su Mu looked at the curtain and asked Shen Chenguang.

"My dad, you can't get the sun!"

At this time, a leisurely voice sounded.

The sudden sound startled Su Mu.

Look towards the sound.

I saw a girl about the same age as Su Mu, but with a similar appearance to Shen Chenlu, standing in a corner of the room.

"My eldest brother's girl, Shen Youwei!" Shen Chenlu introduced to Su Mu and Lu Tianfeng.

Shen Youwei looked at Su Mu and Lu Tianfeng and asked Shen Chenlu: "Aunt, who are these two people?" "

Girl." Shen Chenlu smiled and explained. "They're here to see your dad."

"The two of them?" Shen Youwei looked at Su Mu and Lu Tianfeng with skeptical eyes.

"I'm not here to see a doctor, I'm just here to see." Su Mu quickly explained.

Shen You pursed her mouth slightly and said nothing.

She just looked at Su Mu with curious eyes.

Su Mu also looked at Shen Youwei with curious eyes.

He wanted to see what kind of person this girl who would change the Wind Domain Group in the future was.

This Shen Youwei is a little different from the Shen Youwei in Su Mu's imagination.

The Shen Youwei in Su Mu's imagination should be the kind of girl who is very generous, confident and sunny.

But this Shen Youwei in front of him is just the opposite.

"Mr. Su, or you can see my brother first." Shen Chenlu reminded on the side.


Fortunately, the room was relatively dark, so people could not see the embarrassed expression on Su Mu's face.

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