Su Mu walked straight to Shen Chenguang's bed.

Standing in front of his bed, somehow Su Mu felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Can I lift his quilt and take a look?" Su Mu looked back at Shen Chenlu.

Shen Chenlu nodded.

"Aunt." Shen Youwei stood beside Shen Chenlu and asked softly. "Can he really cure his father? How do I feel, this person looks like a liar? When

Shen Chenlu heard this, he quickly blocked Shen Youwei's mouth.

She glanced in the direction where Su Mu was, and seeing that Su Mu did not look over, she was obviously relieved.

"Girl, don't talk nonsense." Shen Chenlu glared at Shen Youwei.

Shen Youyou nodded slightly, looking unhappy.

"Yes." Shen Chenlu saw that Shen Youwei no longer spoke indiscriminately, and said to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded and lifted Shen Chenguang's quilt.

When the quilt was lifted, Su Mu smelled a stench that made him sick.

It's a very strange stench.

The stench is as if it is composed of many things, and it smells very complicated.

Under the quilt, Shen Chenguang only had a pair of shorts to cover his shame.

His skin looked very white.

However, this kind of white is not a healthy white, but an almost morbid white.

"What's the situation?"

Su Mu found that under Shen Chenguang's miserable white skin, something seemed to be squirming.


Su Mu opened the ghost.

As Su Mu's eyes began to change, everything about Shen Chenguang was also seen by Su Mu.


When he saw Shen Chenguang's situation clearly, Su Mu couldn't help but gasp.

The wriggling under Shen Chenguang's miserable white skin was actually a small worm.

The little bugs look very ugly.

It looks a bit like a maggot, but it's like a caterpillar.

The strangest thing is that the whole body of this bug shows a purple-black color.

What made Su Mu feel even more strange was that the face of this bug was actually a human face.

The appearance of this person's face is the appearance of Shen Chen's bare face.

"What the hell is this bug?"

It was the first time Su Mu had seen such a strange thing.

During the trip to Gu Tai Shan, he saw a lot of strange things.

But compared with this bug, Su Mu felt that this bug was still weird.

"Mr. Su." Seeing that Su Mu didn't speak, Shen Chenlu couldn't help but ask. "What can you see? Can you cure it, my brother?

Su Mu did not speak, but thought.

"I don't know, your brother's situation is too weird. Right now, I need to find someone to help! Su Mu said to Shen Chen.

When Shen Chenlu heard this, her heart couldn't help but sink.

"Aunt." Shen Youyou glanced at Su Mu slightly, and whispered to Shen Chen. "I'll just say, this man is a liar."

"Girl." Shen Chenlu looked at Shen Youwei a little angrily. "Can you understand something?"

"Mr. Su, it was Young Master Lu who helped invite you. People didn't say they wanted money or anything. You keep saying that people are liars, do you feel good about that?

Shen Chenlu's words directly made Shen Youyou slightly stunned.

Since Shen Youwei can remember, his aunt has always loved him.

Don't say like today's reprimand.

Before, she didn't even say a cruel word.

Shen Youwei, now sad.

But she also understands self-examination.

Thinking of what his aunt said just now, Shen Youwei also felt that he was a little excessive.

"I'm sorry." Shen Youwei looked in the direction of Su Mu and apologized to Su Mu very sincerely. "I don't know the situation, I shouldn't say you're a liar."

"It's okay." Su Mu waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

"I'll go out and make a call first." After a moment of silence, Su Mu said to Shen Chen.

"Please!" Shen Chenlu said to Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded and walked out of Shen Chenguang's room.

Walking out of Shen Chenguang's room, Su Mu took out his mobile phone.

In his mobile phone, he found the number of the Heavenly Master.

Don't look at Su Mu now, he is already a leader in the Inhuman World.

But in the entire alien world, the only person that Su Mu could find was Old Heavenly Master.

Tianshi Mansion, Dragon Tiger Mountain.

In the courtyard of the old Heavenly Master, the old Heavenly Master was making grass at this time.

Just as he was staring at a flower, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

When he saw the caller ID, he was obviously stunned.

Connecting the phone, he laughed and teased: "Su Mu boy, how come you have time to call this old guy of mine." Is there something you need help with this old guy of mine? Hearing

the ridicule of the old Heavenly Master, Su Mu suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

"Old Heavenly Master, it's like this..."

Then Su Mu told Old Heavenly Master about Shen Chenguang verbatim.

Moreover, he also described the appearance of the worm very seriously to the old master.

Listening to Su Mu's description, Old Heavenly Master's face became more and more gloomy.

After finishing the description, Su Mu asked the old heavenly master, "Do you know what this is?" "

Wang Zhao, Wang Zhao of the Immortal Gate!" Old Heavenly Master said in a very low voice.

"Immortal Gate? Wang Zhao? "

Whether it is the Immortal Sect or the so-called Wang Zhao, Su Mu has heard of it for the first time.

In his memory, after the revival of the aura, it seemed that there was no organization and force such as the Demon Immortal Gate.

"The Immortal Gate is a very evil existence. Twenty years ago, the famous and decent people in the Inhuman Realm worked together to eliminate it. Unexpectedly, it came back to life. The

Heavenly Master's tone was very heavy.

It was as if this Immortal Gate was a very powerful existence.

"Is this Immortal Gate very powerful?" Su Mu asked curiously.

"At that time, including me, there were a total of 20 masters in the Inhuman Realm. And in that battle, only me and the head of Wudang came back alive, and everyone else died in the Immortal Gate. "

Heavenly Master said it was simple.

But Su Mu still felt the fierceness of that battle.

"In the Demon Immortal Gate, the worms are divided into four levels."

"Worms, it's the lowest level."

"The second is Wang Zhao, Huang Zhao, and Emperor Zhao!"

"Ordinary worms are very simple to cultivate. That is, put 99 poisonous insects in a jar, do not give food, let them tear and bite. Finally open the jar, the only living poisonous worm is the worm.

"Wang's words are to put 99 worms in a jar." The final winner is Wang Zhao. "

The cultivation method of the emperor and the emperor is the same."

Hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help but gasp.

Just to cultivate one king moth, it takes 9801 poisonous insects.

The cultivation of emperors and emperors is even more numerous.

"Isn't this Wang Zhao difficult to deal with?" Su Mu asked the old Heavenly Master in a heavy tone.

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