Ma Tianming chewed and ate slowly, while Su Mu turned on the mode of crazy eating.

Su Mu's stomach was like a bottomless pit.

In less than a minute, the food was eaten by Su Mu.

Look at Ma Tianming again.

He had just eaten two buns.

Seeing Su Mu rubbing his stomach with satisfaction, Ma Tianming felt very incredible: "Brother, you are the reincarnation of a starving ghost, right?" What have you been through during this time? In

Ma Tianming's memory, Su Mu's amount of rice didn't seem to be so large.

"I've been working out lately, so I eat a lot." Su Mu's reason is really nonsense.

"I read a lot, don't lie to me!"

Su Mu's nonsense reason, Ma Tianming really didn't believe it.

But I don't believe it, Ma Tianming did not continue to delve into it.

After all, Ma Tianming is clear.

There are some things that cannot be delved into.

After breakfast, Su Mu and Ma Tianming were just about to leave the cafeteria.

But at this moment, they suddenly heard the exclamations of people.

"My God, why is there such a good-looking woman in this world."

"This beauty doesn't seem to be from our school, right?"

"It seems to be true, if it is, how can we only know now!"

"But if she is not from our school, then why is she in our school cafeteria?"

"If you ask this question, don't ask it next time."


Hearing everyone's discussion, Su Mu began to look around curiously.

After looking around, he really let Su Mu find the so-called beauty.

When Su Mu saw the beauty in everyone, his heart couldn't help but jump.

Ma Tianming was like a dick who had never seen the world at this time, his eyes widened and his mouth grew.

"Brother, it's really beautiful!" Ma Tianming muttered.

"It's beautiful indeed!"

No one noticed that when Su Mu said this, a trace of helplessness flashed at the corner of his mouth.

This so-called beauty, Su Mu is not familiar with, but he knows it.

"Shen Youwei, why is she here? Is she also a student at Qingbei University? "

That's right, this beautiful woman who is praised by everyone is no one else. It is Shen Chenguang's daughter, Shen Youwei.

What made Su Mu feel strange was that.

Whether it is his memory before he was reborn or his memory after he was reborn, there is no paragraph that Shen Youwei is a student of Qingbei University.

"Could it be the legendary butterfly effect?" Su Mu was puzzled.

This is really not the so-called butterfly effect.

The reason why Su Mu did not have a memory of Shen Youwei was a student of Qingbei University was because Su Mu had not seen Shen Youwei in school.

But this does not mean that Shen Youwei is not a student of Qingbei University.

Shen Youwei is not only a student of Qingbei University, but also a very excellent student of Qingbei University.

By her freshman year, she had already completed all of her undergraduate studies.

At the same time, it also participated in a world-class competition.

In this competition, Shen Youwei won the championship in the competition with very good results.

The gold content of this game is very high.

Because Shen Youwei has to face students from top universities around the world.

After this competition, Shen Youwei directly obtained the direct doctoral qualification of Qingbei University.

Not only that, the top universities in the world have also sent invitations to Shen Youwei.

But Shen Youwei said that he wanted to stay at Qingbei University.

After the game, Shen Youwei felt that he was fine in school.

Simply took a long vacation directly to myself.

The school also directly agreed to Shen Youwei's long vacation.

The reason why she went back to school this time was for Su Mu.

Her father, Shen Chenguang, has now recovered almost yet.

And the reason why her father was able to recover so quickly was all the credit of Su Mu.

In order to find Su Mu, she also deliberately looked for Lu Tianfeng.

Lu Tianfeng is also really unrighteous.

Directly told Shen Youwei that Su Mu was a student of Qingbei University.

After knowing that Su Mu was a student of Qingbei University, Shen Youwei was very happy.

She couldn't wait to find her mentor and eliminate her leave to return to school.

After returning to school, Shen Youwei has been inquiring about Su Mu.

This does not inquire and does not know.

After this inquiry, she found that Su Mu was actually a stormy figure.

"Let's go, don't look!"

Su Mu glanced at the time and patted Ma Tianming's shoulder.

Ma Tianming came back to his senses and wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

Su Mu looked at Ma Tianming with disdain on his face and said, "Can you have a little bit of relief?"

"You know a basket!" Ma Tianming said with disdain while walking towards the door of the cafeteria. "Looking at beautiful women can promote blood circulation, help sleep and long life."

Su Mu looked at Ma Tianming, sneered and mocked: "If you have culture, it's different!" Look at the beauty has so many Taoists! "

Huh!" Ma Tianming smiled coldly and waved his big hand. "It has nothing to do with whether there is culture or not."

The two teased each other like this and came to the classroom.

Su Mu's appearance once again caused a sensation among the students.

Su Mu looked calm.

In the morning class, Su Mu's class was boring.

It's not that Su Mu doesn't like classes, but because of the knowledge he is learning now, he has already learned before he was reborn.

After a simple meal in the cafeteria at noon, Su Mu returned to the dormitory.

Lying on the bed in the bedroom, Su Mu fell into memories.

Everything that happened during this time seemed to Su Mu as if it were a dream.

Especially his current realm.

"Concentrate heavily!"

Before he was reborn, he didn't even dare to imagine that his realm had reached concentration.

"Where should I go next?"

Su Mu's mind began to sort out the memories.

The vast memory flashed like a slide in Su Mu's mind.


At this time, the slideshow suddenly stopped.

In front of his eyes, a magnificent mountain appeared.

If Su Mu remembered correctly, this mountain should be a certain mountain in Xiangxi.

He picked up his phone and looked at the date on it.

After reading the date, Su Mu smiled.

The time of the incident in this mountain in Xiangxi coincided with the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday.

In other words, Su Mu can participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival Parade and then go to Xiangxi.

After determining the time and date, Su Mu put the phone back in his pocket.

After a simple nap, Su Mu returned to the classroom with Ma Tianming.

The afternoon class is still boring.

Just when Su Mu was drowsy, his mobile phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, Su Mu didn't want to hang up directly.

As soon as Su Mu hung up, the phone rang again.

He hung up again.

The phone rang again.

At this time, Su Mu's patience had been exhausted.

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