Su Mu directly hung up the phone and directly gave the other party a blacklist.

The world is finally quiet.

Su Mu continued to listen to the class.

An afternoon passed in a hurry.

"What do you say in the afternoon?" Ma Tianming asked Su Mu.

Su Mu glanced at his mobile phone and said with a smile: "Order a takeaway? "

The food in the school cafeteria is ok.

But if you eat too much, even dragon meat will become tasteless.

Su Mu took his mobile phone and prepared to order takeaway.

"Su Mu, why don't you answer my call?"

At this time, a voice sounded from outside the classroom door.

At this time, all the students' eyes were focused on the door of the classroom.

"Good fellow, it's Shen Youwei! Could it be that Su Mu and Shen Youwei knew each other?

"Before it was Shang Aoxue, now it is Shen Youwei. I don't understand, I don't understand!

"Handsome, and talented, and rich, what's not to understand?"

"Needless to say, why can't I meet a girl who is willing to be crazy for me?"


The students, who were already hungry, were no longer hungry at this time.

After all, what can be better than melon.

"What!" Su Mu looked at Shen Youwei with an embarrassed look and asked puzzled. "Did I answer your call?"

"I called you several times in the afternoon, and it was fine at first. Why can't I get through directly later? Shen Youwei walked into the classroom and began to question Su Mu.

"Oh." Su Mu only remembered at this time that he had indeed received a call in the afternoon. "Maybe I blacked you out."

As soon as these words came out, the boys in the classroom went crazy.

A beautiful woman like Shen Youwei.

Some classmates can even spend money in order to get her mobile phone number.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Su Mu, people directly blacked out Shen Youwei's phone.

"What a role model for my generation!"

Ma Tianming was coaxing next to him.

Su Mu glanced at Ma Tianming and warned: "If you make a fuss again, believe it or not, Laozi burst your dog's head."

Ma Tianming shut up immediately.

"Blacklisted? You blacklisted my phone. Shen Youwei shouted at Su Mu, his expression very surprised.

Su Mu nodded awkwardly.

"That's right." In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, Su Mu quickly changed the topic. "You called me, is there something wrong?"

Shen Youwei is also really simple.

Su Mu changed the topic, and Shen Youwei immediately followed Su Mu's train of thought.

"Do you have time tonight?" I want to treat you to a meal and invite you to a movie! "

Quiet, ghostly quiet.

Su Mu and the other students in their class felt like they were going crazy.

The front foot is Shang Aoxue, and the back foot is Shen Youwei.

This Su Mu in his last life, even if he saved the galaxy, the plot should not develop like this.

After thinking about it seriously, Su Mu said to Shen Youwei: "I really don't have time at night."

"Refused, he actually refused."

The boys in the class were going crazy.

Su Mu rejected Shen Youwei.

This is a very incredible thing in the eyes of many students.

"And what about you tomorrow? Do you have time tomorrow? For

Su Mu's refusal, Shen Youwei did not show too much surprise.

"Nope." Su Mu still shook his head. "I seem to have something to do tomorrow."

Rejected by Su Mu one after another, Shen Youwei suddenly lost his temper.

She thought for a while, and then asked, "Then do you have time for Su Mu?" I just want to treat you to a meal, why is it so difficult!

Shen Youwei also didn't expect that inviting someone to dinner was such a difficult thing.

"I want to think about it!" Su Mu pretended to think and said to Shen Youwei. "I'll let you know in advance when I have time."

Shen Youyou huffed and left.

"Su Mu, you are simply a role model for my generation!"

"Rejected Shang Aoxue before, and now he rejected Shen Youwei. You tell buddy, don't you like women?

"If you like men, I won't despise you either." After all, I also like men.

"Brother, you don't really like men, do you?"


The eyes of the male classmates looking at Su Mu were already changing.

The eyes of the female classmates began to gradually become ambiguous.

"Fuck off!"

Su Mu was also really unpolite and scolded directly.

"Lao Tzu is a straight man, a straight man without compromise. The reason why I rejected her is because Lao Tzu has been really busy recently!

Gao Mu's explanation was very pale.

So none of the male students present believed it.

Ma Tianming even looked at Su Mu with vigilant eyes.

"Silly cup!" Su Mu glanced at Ma Tianming with disdain, and said in a very disdainful tone. "Not to mention, Lao Tzu doesn't like men. Even if Lao Tzu likes men, he won't like an ugly cup like you!

Ma Tianming felt that his heart had received a critical blow of 10,000 points.

"Eat, eat, takeout ordered."

When the words fell, Su Mu rushed out of the classroom directly.

The eyes of the students in the classroom really made Su Mu very uncomfortable.

After dinner, Su Mu began to wander around the playground.

To be honest, he really loves campus life.

The breeze blew across Su Mu's face, making Su Mu feel more at ease and tranquility than ever.

But he himself knew very well that this kind of life would not last long.

He decided.

Unless it's a last resort.

Otherwise, he would never have left school.

Su Mu was originally a popular figure in the school.

The events of this period have made him the hottest person in the school now.

Wherever he goes, he will inevitably be pointed at.

However, Su Mu found out.

The classmates pointed at themselves though.

But most of the students did not have malicious intent.

Therefore, Su Mu didn't care about their pointing.

After walking around and around, Su Mu didn't know what was going on in his mind.

This kind of extremely empty wandering made Su Mu feel more comfortable than ever.

Wandering around until nine o'clock in the evening, Su Mu returned to the bedroom.

He returned to the bedroom and found Ma Tianming reading.

After a few brief conversations, Su Mu went to the bathroom to wash.

After washing, Su Mu lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone.

At this time, Su Mu's WeChat rang.

This is a friend application.

After Su Mu glanced at the remarks, he chose to pass.

As soon as the friend application was approved, the other party sent a message.

Shen Youwei: Why did you reject me in front of so many people? I'm ashamed that you do this!

Su Mu: "Sister, if I don't refuse you, what else can I do?" Shen

Youwei: By the way, can I ask you for a favor?

Su Mu: What happened?

Shen Youwei: Tomorrow morning, I will wait for you in the cafeteria. When you get to the cafeteria, we'll meet and talk.

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