Su Mu waved his hand at Shen Youyou.

Shen Youyou took a few steps back in understanding.

Su Mu jumped up.

On the eighth floor, Su Mu jumped into Shen Youwei's bedroom so easily.

Seeing Su Mu jump into his bedroom, Shen Youwei did not speak, but gave Su Mu a thumbs up.

Su Mu smiled slightly and began to look at Shen Youwei's bedroom.

As a dormitory for girls.

Shen Youwei's bedroom is not clean, but it is also clean.

In the bedroom, there are some small pendants that can be seen everywhere.

These small pendants make the bedroom look very warm.

"What about Sun Siting?" Su Mu asked Shen Youwei softly.

Shen Youyou pointed in one direction slightly.

Su Mu nodded and walked in that direction.

Shen Youwei was lying quietly on the bed at this time to sleep.

She frowned, her face full of horror.

It looks as if you are experiencing a nightmare.

"I'm going to start."

Su Mu said to Shen Youwei.

Shen Youyou nodded slightly.

Su Mu put his hand on Shen Youwei's forehead.

The flame began to circulate, and the dream trick began to start.

Between the whiskers, the scene in front of Su Mu's eyes began to change.

He looked around.

The surrounding area is full of greenery and flowers.

It is a very beautiful place.

Not far away, you can also see mountains.

He looked for Sun Siting's figure.

After some searching, he really found it.

Sun Siting was running frantically.

And behind Sun Siting, followed the monster that Sun Siting said.

The monster is not fast, but it is not slow either.

It followed closely behind Sun Siting, but kept a distance from Sun Siting.

This kind of distance, as long as it is willing, can approach Sun Siting at any time.

This chase lasted for a short time.


With Sun Siting's shout, the dream ended.

Su Mu and Sun Siting opened their eyes at almost the same time.

He looked at Sun Siting, but found that Sun Siting was sitting on the edge of the bed, sweating deeply.


Su Mu felt strange.

Look out the window.

He found that at this time, sunlight had appeared in the sky.

That is, the sky is about to dawn.

He glanced at the time, and it was already past five o'clock in the morning.

"So soon?"

In Sun Siting's dream, Su Mu only felt that less than a minute had passed.

Unexpectedly, in the real world, many hours have passed.

Seeing Su Mu standing in front of him, Sun Siting asked eagerly, "How is it?" "

I don't know." Su Mu shook his head.

"Don't know?" Sun Siting looked at Su Mu and asked puzzled. "Didn't you find something?"

Su Mu still shook his head.

"From the time I entered your dream to the time I appeared from your dream, it was less than a minute that passed." Su Mu said helplessly.

If it had been longer, he might have figured it out.

But such a short time.

He didn't even have time to figure it out.

"Hey." Sun Siting sighed helplessly.

She picked up a towel from the side of the bed and wiped it on her forehead.

"Trouble you." She said to Su Mu with a smile.

But when Su Mu saw it, her smile was more helpless.

"Have you seen a psychiatrist?" Su Mu asked Sun Siting.

Sun Siting nodded: "I have seen almost all the psychologists in the imperial capital." But they couldn't do anything about me.

"It seems that your dreams have nothing to do with psychology." Su Mumo clenched his chin and fell into thought.

Sun Siting had already wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Su Mu glanced at the time and said to Sun Siting: "You clean up first, I'll go first."

"You're in trouble."

Sun Siting nodded.

"You're welcome."

After Su Mu finished speaking, he jumped out of their dormitory.

After landing, Su Mu went straight to the bedroom.

At this time in Qingbei University, most of the students have not yet woken up.

So the campus at this time should be the quietest.

Along the way, Su Mu hardly saw anyone.

Jumping into the bedroom, Su Mu lay directly on the bed.

At half past seven in the morning, Su Mu opened his eyes on time.

On Ma Tianming's bed, there was no one left.

Su Mu did not get up in a hurry.

He took out his phone and opened WeChat.

Su Mu: Heavenly Master, are you up? There is something I want to ask you.

Since Su Mu couldn't solve this matter by himself, then Su Mu could only turn to the old heavenly master.

At this time, the old master was watering the flowers and plants in his yard.

Seeing the WeChat sent by Su Mu, he simply wiped his hands and began to reply.

Heavenly Master: You are so powerful now, what else do you need the help of this old man of mine?

Su Mu: Here's the thing....

Su Mu directly told Sun Siting about Sun Siting verbatim.

The old Heavenly Master of the Tianshi Mansion looked at the WeChat sent by Su Mu and fell into thought.

After thinking for a long time, the old master returned to Fu Mu.

Heavenly Master: This should be the girl's nightmare when she was a child.

Heavenly Master: If you can kill that beast in her dream, the nightmare will disappear.

Su Mu: So simple?

Heavenly Master: It's that simple!

Su Mu: Thank you Heavenly Master!

Heavenly Master: You're welcome!

After the phone was locked, Su Mu fell into deep thought.

This thing is easy to say.

But if it is really done, it will not be easy.

Su Mu didn't know what the nightmare in Sun Siting's dream was, and he didn't know what means to use to kill it.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for class.

After Su Mu simply cleaned up, he left the bedroom directly.

Along the way, he has been thinking about how to deal with Sun Siting's nightmares in her dreams.

But when he arrived at the classroom, he found that the classroom was empty.

He took out his phone and looked at the time on it.


Su Mu was very depressed.

After leaving the classroom, he did not rush back to the dormitory.

Instead, I came to the library.

The library of Qingbei University is known as the most powerful library in China.

There is an endless collection of books here.

Su Mu came here to see if he could find books that broke nightmares here.

Coming to the university library and looking for books that break nightmares is a bit nonsense.

But in fact, it is not nonsense at all.

Because the books here are really all-encompassing.

Su Mu swiped his student ID card and entered the library very smoothly.

When he arrived at the library, he went straight to the third floor of the library.

The first and second floors are all subject and professional books.

Above three floors, there are all kinds of books.

Coming to the third floor, Su Mu found a special area for understanding dreams.

That's right, on the third floor of the library of Qingbei University, there is a special area dedicated to storing dream interpretation books.

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