After some searching, Su Mu held a book and smiled.

【Liu Kun washing dream interpretation】Who

is Liu Kunwashing?

Before the revival of Reiki, no one knew who Liu Kunwash really was.

But after the revival of Reiki, Liu Kunwash was a very famous person.

At this time, Liu Kunwash has become an alien.

But he was different from the other Inhumans.

Liu Kun's strange technique can sneak into other people's dreams.

However, his dream is definitely different from Su Mu's dream.

After he enters other people's dreams, he can interfere in other people's dreams.

After the revival of Reiki, he even created a very powerful magic.

This magic can directly create a very huge dream space.

All humans in his dream space will be affected by him.

Su Mu found a quiet corner and opened Liu Kun's dream interpretation book.

As the book opened page by page, Su Mu benefited a lot.

After he closed the book, he fell into thought.

"In other words, if I want to hunt that monster in Sun Siting's dream, I must keep my flame running very fast the moment I enter her dream."

This is the summary that Su Mu made himself after reading this book.

After putting the book back in its place, Su Mu began to be in a daze again.

In the blink of an eye, the time came to night again.

Tonight, Su Mu plans to break into the girls' dormitory again.

That time yesterday again.

Su Mu jumped into Shen Youwei's bedroom.

Sun Siting was already asleep at this time.

Su Mu walked in front of Sun Siting and put his hand on her forehead without hurrying.

He is now running his own flame, and his flame is in a very high-speed state.

After that, he put his hand on Sun Siting's forehead.

The moment he fell asleep, Su Mu found the monster.

The monster was still using yesterday's weird speed to chase Sun Siting.

"Transform the sword!"

Su Mu let out a low roar.

A long sword appeared in Su Mu's hand out of thin air.

"Fallen Heavenly Sword Rain!"

He held a long sword and pointed at the monster.

The blazing sword formed and flew directly towards the monster.





The speed of the blazing sword is extremely fast, and it pierces the monster in an instant.


The monster roared up to the sky and let out a scream.

Then its gaze turned to Su Mu.

A pair of sheep's eyes flashed with blood-red light.


It yelled at Su Mu.

Its roar was very harsh, as if it wanted to pierce Su Mu's eardrums.

"Time is running out."

Su Mu said secretly in his heart.

Yesterday, Su Mu stayed in Sun Siting's dream for a total of more than a minute.

And today, almost 20 seconds have passed since Su Mu entered the dream.

He must step up his attack, otherwise he is likely to lose his achievements.

"Fallen Heavenly Sword Rain!"

Su Mu waved his long sword again.

The blazing sword appeared instantly.

Su Mu pointed at the monster again.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!"

As soon as the blazing sword flew out, Su Mu shook the long sword in his hand.

In an instant, the long sword was covered in purple flame.

The purple flame covering the long sword kept beating, as if it were a flame.

"Swift Step!"

Su Mu's speed increased to the extreme, and he rushed in front of the monster in an instant.

The long sword in his hand swung and slashed directly at the monster's neck.


The long sword slashed through the monster's neck.

The monster's head fell directly to the ground.

"Ding! Kill the Nightmare Sheephead and get rewards: 500 points, [Porting]. "


One of the seventy-two techniques of hell, which can carry all things. This technique, also known as the Five Ghosts Carrying Technique.


Su Mu really didn't expect that killing monsters in his dreams would also get rewards.

Just when Su Mu was whispering for the reward, he returned to the real world.

By this time it was already dawn.

Sun Siting was still sitting on the edge of the bed.

But unlike before, Sun Siting's forehead was not sweaty.

"This time I woke up naturally and was not killed by the monster." Sun Siting saw Su Mu looking at her and said softly.

"In the future, there will be no more sheephead monsters in your dreams."

Su Mu swore to Sun Siting.

But Sun Siting was still a little worried: "I hope so!"

After leaving the girls' dormitory, Su Mu went directly back to his dormitory.

This night, Su Mu's consumption was very large.

Lying on the bed, he went straight to sleep.

When he woke up again, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Although Qiong has not recovered, his physical strength has completely recovered.

After Su Mu cleaned up a little, he left the bedroom.

Because at this time, his stomach was growling wildly.

In the cafeteria, the surrounding students all looked at Su Mu with the same eyes as monsters.

Su Mu ate too much.

Two large bowls of rice noodles, a large bowl of braised pork, a large bowl of rice, and three bowls of snail flour...

After waiting for the last bite of snail powder to enter his stomach, Su Mu touched his stomach with satisfaction.

"Happiness when you are full!" Su Mu sighed to himself with a smile.

"I said Su Mu, you really eat a lot!"

At this time, Shen Youwei and Sun Siting walked all the way to Su Mu's approach and said with a smile.

Su Mu raised his head and glanced at Shen Youyou, and said helplessly: "Yesterday's incident made my physical exertion very large.

"If you don't eat more, how can you replenish your physical strength!"

Hearing this, a look of embarrassment flashed in Sun Siting's eyes.

"Classmate Su Mu, have you eaten enough?" Sun Siting looked at Su Mu and hurriedly asked. "If you haven't eaten enough, I'll go buy you some more!"

"Full, full!" Su Mu patted his stomach and said to Sun Siting with a smile. "If you eat again, you really can't eat it."

"By the way, you didn't have nightmares again, did you?" Su Mu asked Sun Siting.

Sun Siting shook her head with a grateful look and said very excitedly: "When I took a nap at noon today, I didn't have a dream.

"That's good, that's good!" When Su Mu heard this, he laughed. "Looks like it should have been a success."

"Hmm." Sun Siting nodded.

After lunch, Su Mu, Sun Siting, and Shen Youwei walked together on the playground.

"Tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival Show, how are you preparing for the show?" Shen Youyou asked Su Mu with a slight curiosity.

Su Mu didn't think about it, and replied directly: "It's ready."

"So what are you going to perform?" Shen Youyou asked Su Mu with a slight curiosity.

Su Mu smiled mysteriously, "Keep it secret!" "

Confidentiality?" Shen You arched his cute little nose slightly, and said with some displeasure. "Secrecy is secrecy, what's great. Hum! "

Needless to say, Shen Youwei's appearance is really very cute.

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