Time went by minute by minute, and in a blink of an eye, it was the next night.

The largest auditorium in the school was filled with students at this time.

Everyone looked at the stage with interest, as if waiting for something.

"You're the host?" Backstage of the stage, Su Mu looked at Shen Youwei in front of him, slightly surprised.

"Of course." Shen Youwei took a pose that he thought was very tempting and said with a smile. "Don't you think I'm suitable to be a host?"

"Ah! Yeah! "Su Mu is really perfunctory.

After Shen You glanced at Gao Mu slightly, he looked at the program list in his hand.

"You're going to perform magic!?"

When he saw the show that Su Mu was going to perform, Shen Youwei's face showed a surprised expression.

"What's so surprising about that?" Su Mu understood why Shen Youwei was very surprised by this.

"Do you know magic?" Shen Youwei asked Su Mu.

"Nonsense." After Su Mu glanced at Shen Youwei, he said with disdain. "Don't say it's magic, magic buddies will!"

Su Mu said that he could do magic, but Shen Youwei really didn't believe it.

But Su Mu said that he could do magic, and Shen Youwei really believed it.

"Okay, let's not talk to you, I'm ready to go on stage!"

After Shen Youwei sorted out his clothes, he walked towards the stage.

As soon as Shen Youwei walked to the front of the stage, Su Mu heard the shocking applause.

The applause seemed to tear down the roof of the auditorium.

"Good fellow, the treatment of beautiful women is different!"

Su Mu, who was preparing in the background, sighed in his heart.

After sighing, Su Mu hid in the background and played with his mobile phone.

"Student Su Mu, can you add your WeChat?"

"Student Su Mu, you look so handsome! Do you have a girlfriend? "

Classmate Su Mu! Are the rumors true, are they true that you like men? "


Backstage, some idle bored classmates began to provoke Su Mu.

To these prodding, Su Mu responded with a roll of his eyes.

The show was performed one by one.

Su Mu heard deafening cheers and also heard a lot of boos.

From time to time, he glanced up at the TV in the background.

There are a total of three TVs in the background.

Two play the stage, and the other scrolls the sequence of the acting classmates.

"It's almost me."

Su Mu stood up and sorted out the white suit on his body.

This suit was bought by Su Mu from the mall at a large price in the afternoon.

Su Mu's figure and appearance are almost perfect.

This white suit was worn on his body, which made Su Mu's handsomeness go one step further.

After sorting out his clothes, Su Mu walked to the entrance of the stage and waited for him to enter.

"Next, please enjoy the show, magic!"

"Performer: Su Mu!"

The applause, which was enough to overturn the auditorium, sounded again.

Su Mu walked towards the stage.

When he passed by Shen Youwei, Shen Youyou whispered in Su Mu's ear: "Come on!" "

Thank you!" Su Mu smiled and nodded.

"Bu Mist!"

Su Muqi began to operate.

Layers of white mist began to rise continuously from under his feet.

It didn't take long for Su Mu's lower body to be wrapped in mist.

Not only that, the mist also lingered around Su Mu, making Su Mu's whole person look hazy.

"Good guy, this stage effect, full marks!"

"The appearance of those people before, compared with this appearance in front of you, is simply scum!"

"Did Su Mu recharge? Otherwise, how could there be such a good stage effect?

"No matter how many points Su Mu's performance is, but even this stage effect, I have to give him ten points!"

"If you get a perfect score, isn't it a hundred points!?"


While the classmates were complaining, Su Mu had already arrived at the center of the stage.

The mist still lingered around Su Mu.

The lingering weapons made Su Mu look fairy.

"The show I'm going to perform today is magic!" Su Mu said softly.

Su Mu's tone was very flat, like a machine without feelings.

The classmates in the audience looked at Su Mu without any emotion on the stage, and their faces were speechless.

However, more students were curious about what kind of magic Su Mu would perform.

Although this was the first time for Su Mu to perform in front of so many people.

But he didn't show any timidity.

Standing on the stage, he looked around the stage.

The audience seats under the stage, from the first row to the third row, are filled with students.

And from the fourth row, all the way to the sixth row, it is the teacher who sits.

Qingbei University has teachers of almost all ages.

Unlike the students, the teachers who came to see the show almost all had a teacup.

Among the many teachers, Su Mu picked a teacup at a glance.

This teacup belongs to Vice President Zhao Guotao.

Zhao Guotao is not only the vice principal of their school, but also one of the more famous teachers in their school.

In addition to his high academic achievements, there is another very important reason why he is famous.

That is, he sponsors poor students.

Of course, not all of the poor students he sponsors are college students.

However, his funding has always been carried out quietly, so few people know about it.

It wasn't until three years ago, when a student he sponsored was admitted to Qingbei University with an almost terrifying grade, that his story became public.

The students of Qingbei University also learned about it at that time.

Their unremarkable vice principal has donated so many students.

And the most talked-about thing is an enamel cup that his old man never leaves his hand all year round.

As long as you are a student of Qingbei University, almost all know this enamel cup.

"Camera teacher!" Su Mu looked at the cameraman not far away.

The cameraman looked at Su Mu puzzled.

"Please point your camera at our cup of Vice President Zhao Guotao!" Su Mu said to the cameraman.

Although the cameraman was puzzled, he still tried to find the location of Vice Principal Zhao Guotao.

After some searching, I really let the photographer find it.

At this time, the faces of all the students showed the expression of a black question mark.

They didn't know what Su Mu was going to do.

But at this time, they also saw that the cup they were familiar with appeared on the big screen.

Seeing the doubtful expressions on the faces of the classmates, Su Mu smiled.

"The next thing I'm going to perform is..."

Su Mu deliberately lengthened his tone.

People's emotions were instantly mobilized by Su Mu.

"The next thing I want to perform is to make our Vice Principal Zhao's cup disappear out of thin air."

"And, let it appear on my hands!"

As soon as Su Mu's words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

People felt that Su Mu was crazy.

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