This magic trick that Su Mu wants to change belongs to that kind of transformation magic.

The difficulty of this magic trick is actually not very high.

Because conjuring something out of the case that the magician prepares in advance.

As long as the magician's technique and speed are slightly masterful, then this magic trick is not stable, but it is similar.

But this kind of magic like Gao Mu is more or less metaphysical.

Turn something into your own hands in full view of everyone.

To be honest, this is somewhat incredible.

"If he really succeeds, then it's not magic, it's magic."

"Actually, to be honest, I don't believe it very much."

"Unless, he and the vice principal go through in advance." Otherwise, the difficulty of this magic trick is too high.

"I suspect he should have spoken to the vice principal in advance." Otherwise, this magic trick would not have been possible at all. "


To be honest, there are really not many people who believe that Su Mu can turn this magic trick into success.

Seeing that everyone was suspicious, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The photographer is also very excited now.

If it weren't for the anti-shake device of the camera, it is estimated that the picture you see is shaky.

Zhao Guotao is actually quite nervous.

His eyes were fixed on his cup, afraid that if he didn't pay attention, his cup would disappear from his eyes.

Su Mu saw that the atmosphere had been set up, and he was about to begin.


Su Mu ran the flame.

Everyone suddenly found that Vice President Zhao Guotao's cup on the big screen was gone.

That's right, the cup suddenly disappeared in full view of everyone.

Before anyone could react, Su Mu smiled and raised the cup above his head.

"Look, it's that simple!"

Su Mu held up the cup and shouted to everyone.

The audience was dumbfounded.

Zhao Guotao, as the party concerned, was even more confused.

In fact, when Su Mu was about to perform magic, he put a finger on the cup.

But at that moment, the touch of fingers and cups disappeared directly.

As a materialist, Zhao Guotao was a little unbelievable.

"Fake! I suspect that this cup of yours is a replica.

"That's right, I don't believe it either. Turning something into nothing out of thin air, you think it's a novel. "

It's so, I absolutely don't believe it."

"If that's all true, then I'd like to call it magic."


Even if they saw with their own eyes that the cup disappeared before their eyes, they did not believe that all this was true.

After all, no matter how you look at it, this is too magical.

As if it had long been guessed that this would be the case.

He held the hand of the cup, tilted slightly.

The tea was poured straight out of the cup.

Seeing the tea in the cup, the students had nothing to say.

Just now, when the camera was shooting the cup, it was shooting the tea inside.

So at this time, they can't help but not believe it.


Deafening applause rang out in the school auditorium.

"This magic trick is really amazing, too awesome."

"Brother Mu is invincible!"

"If you say that Su Mu performed magic just now, I believe it."

"It's, it's."


The students in the audience were completely obeyed.

Su Mu smiled and bowed to the audience in the audience: "After the performance, I will leave first." The

audience applauded again.

Walking off the stage, Su Mu was surrounded by the classmates behind the stage.

"Needless to say, Brother Mu, your magic is too awesome."

"If you can, can you take me as an apprentice?"

"Are you trying to be his apprentice? You just crave his body, I'm embarrassed to expose you.

"Huh! I'm hungry for his body, what's wrong? "


The enthusiasm of the classmates made Su Mu a little embarrassed.

"Guys, the magic show just now, I'm so tired, I'm going to take a good rest."

After Su Mu finished speaking, without waiting for everyone to react, he quickly ran out of the backstage of the auditorium.

It was quiet in the school.

Most of the students watched the show in the auditorium.

A small number of students either rest in the dormitory or read books in the library.

"Such a quiet Qingbei University is really rare."

Su Mu sighed softly.

He took out his phone and opened WeChat.

Su Mu: Can I add points for my performance today?

Instructor: Such a wonderful performance, if I don't give you extra points, I guess the school leaders will trouble me.

Su Mu: Then thank you to the instructor.

Su Mu: By the way, I want to take a day off, I have something to go out tomorrow.

Instructor: Okay.

Su Mu's instructor is also really happy.

Su Mu said to ask for leave, and he directly agreed.

After the leave was already requested, Su Mu took out his mobile phone and began to book tickets.

After a simple operation, the ticket was booked.

After booking the ticket, Su Mu walked towards the direction of the bedroom.

Han Weitao is an ordinary student at Qingbei University.

This buddy's biggest hobby is to shoot some videos of campus life.

The number of views, likes, and comments on the video is not very high.

When Su Mu was performing magic tricks just now, he also filmed Su Mu's video out of fun.

After filming, he subconsciously transmitted a certain sound to him.

After that, he didn't care and continued to watch the performance.

But when he returned to the bedroom and turned on a certain sound, his whole body froze.

"My mother!"

Lying on the bed, he suddenly sat up and exclaimed loudly.

"What's wrong?" The roommate heard this and asked curiously.

"When I performed today, didn't I take a video of Su Mu's magic show?" Han Weitao said to his roommate.

The roommate knew he had a habit of shooting videos, so he nodded.

"You know, I have only a few thousand followers. Usually the videos shot are not more than 10,000 playback. Comments and likes, not very many.

The roommate still nodded.

"But do you know how many likes I liked the Su Mu video I shot just now?" When Han Weitao said this, his tone suddenly began to become excited.

The roommate shook his head.

"One million, the likes exceeded one million. The words of comment also exceeded 100,000.

Han Weitao shouted excitedly.

"Really fake?"

It's a little bit unconvinced.

On a certain sound, a video with more than one million likes can be regarded as a popular video.

"Of course it's true." Han Weitao said proudly to his roommate. "If you don't believe me, you can take a look at one of my sounds."

The roommate opened a certain sound and entered Han Weitao's homepage.

"Good guy, the likes have broken 1.2 million." The roommate said incredulously.

In other words, in the work of the two talking, this video has 200,000 more likes.

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