The roommate enters the video and clicks on the comment.

"How handsome! This little brother is really handsome!

"Is this little brother also a student of Qingbei University?" After working hard for 100 days, I want to be admitted to Qingbei University.

"It should be said that this little brother's appearance is simply handsome to the sky."

"He plus Yanzu, plus Takeshi Kaneshiro, plus my words, the appearance is definitely the ceiling of Asia."

"Front, are you thinking about fart eating? The appearance of the three of them, even if you add a dog, is definitely the ceiling of Asian appearance. "


The comment section is very lively.

But these comments don't seem to have much to do with Han Weitao.

That's why.

There are so many plays, likes, and comments on this video. But Han Weitao's fans, but there is not much reason.

Su Mu was on fire.

The video of him turning magic tricks went viral all over the Internet for a while.

But this matter didn't seem to have anything to do with Su Mu.

Because at this time, he had already boarded a plane to Xiangxi.

The land of Xiangxi, surrounded by mountains.

Su Mu, who was sitting on the plane, saw the 100,000 mountains in Xiangxi from the window of the plane.

The 100,000 mountains in Xiangxi are like roses.

Looking at it from afar, you think it's beautiful.

But if you try to play with it, you're going to get hurt.

If you simply want to visit here, go to the developed areas and you will also see beautiful scenery.

But if you want to go deeper, you'll find that it's very dangerous.

The plane landed at Xiangxi International Airport.

As soon as Su Mu stepped down from the plane, he saw the mountains not far away.

Xiangxi is a province surrounded by mountains.

Su Mu walked out of the airport and stopped a taxi.

"Go to you guys, best hotel!"

Su Mu did not book the hotel in advance.


The driver's master galloped all the way.

An hour later, the taxi stopped outside a very luxurious hotel.

"This is our most luxurious hotel here!" The driver master said to Su Mu.

Su Mu took out his mobile phone and checked it.

This hotel is indeed the best hotel in the city.

Su Mu gave the master 100 yuan and walked down from the car.

"Hello, sir!"

Walking to the door of the hotel, the doorman of the hotel opened the door for Su Mu.

"Hello." Su Mu smiled and nodded to the doorman.

After saying hello, the doorman asked Su Mu again: "Sir, you come with me, I will take you to check in."

Su Mu nodded and followed behind the doorman.

The doorman brought Su Mu to the front desk and turned around to leave.


At this time, Su Mu stopped the doorman.

As soon as he heard Su Mu stop himself, the doorman suddenly panicked.

He looked at Su Mu with a worried face, and asked in a flustered tone: "Did I do something that made you dissatisfied?"

"No it isn't!" Seeing that the doorman was so flustered, Su Mu quickly waved his hand. "That's right, I am very satisfied with the service you just served. So, I want to give you some tips.

"But I don't have the cash. So I want to ask you, if you are given a tip, how to give it? Hearing

Gao Mu say that he wanted to tip himself, the doorman suddenly showed joy.

"Sir, you can scan my QR code directly!"

The doorman put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a card from inside.

In front of this card is the QR code of a certain letter, and behind the card is the QR code of a certain payment.


Su Mu smiled slightly at the doorman.

Then he took his mobile phone and scanned the QR code.

Su Mu pressed '8' three times in a row.

Then enter the payment password.

Although the doorman did not know, how much tip Su Mu gave.

It can be seen from Su Mu's actions that he should have given a lot of tips.

The doorman bowed slightly to Su Mu: "Thank you, sir!" "

You're welcome!"

Su Mu smiled and waved his hand.

After the doorman left, Su Mu walked to the front desk and prepared to check in.

The scene where he just tipped the doorman was seen by the staff at the front desk.

Seeing Su Mu walking towards him, a sweet smile appeared on the face of the young lady at the front desk.

"Sir, it is a pleasure to serve you. Excuse me, how can I help you? "

The lady at the front desk not only smiled sweetly, but even the voice was very sweet.

"Hello." Although Su Mu is not a 10,000-year-old straight man.

But this young lady's smile still made Su Mu have an indescribable strange feeling.

Anyway, this feeling made Su Mu uncomfortable.

"Open me a presidential suite!" Su Mu said to the young lady with a smile.

When the young lady heard this, her eyebrows were obviously raised.

"Sir." She adjusted her breathing and said to Su Mu with a smile. "Our presidential suite here can only be opened by members!"

This hotel is not only the best in the city.

It is also a global hotel chain.

In the hotel industry, this hotel can be ranked in the top ten.

Because of this, this hotel has a very strict membership management model.

In this regard, Su Mu did not show too surprised and strange.

He looked at the young lady and asked with a smile: "Then what qualifications do you need to become a member of your here?" "

If you want to become our member, you need to pay 1,000 yuan to become our member here."

"Of course, this 1,000 yuan will only make you our ordinary member. If you want to upgrade your membership level, all you need to do is spend. "

This membership model is a very typical model of stimulating consumption.

He thought for a while and asked the lady at the front desk, "Is it that as long as I apply for a membership, I can open the presidential suite?"

"Yes sir!" The young lady nodded.

"Okay!" He nodded and said to the young lady with a smile. "Then get me one! How to scan the code?

The young lady smiled and said to Su Mu: "I'll sweep you."

After the young lady finished speaking, she began to lower her head and operate.

"Sir, your membership card has been processed."

The young lady respectfully handed the membership card to Su Mu.

"Next, it's your presidential suite."

"The cost of the membership card is 1,000 yuan. For the presidential suite, the fee is 88888 yuan.

"In total, I need to charge you 89888 yuan!"

The young lady took out the code scanning gun.

Su Mu nodded, opened a letter of his own, and aimed the payment code at the code scanning gun.


Scan the code to end.

When the young lady saw the prompt of successful collection, a sweet smile bloomed on her face.

"Sir, this is your room card, please put it away!"

The young lady handed the room card to Su Mu.

"Wait a minute, I'll find someone to take you to your room!"

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