Under the guidance of the staff, Su Mu entered his room.

The room is spacious and bright, and the size is also very large.

All kinds of facilities are also available.

"Tip." Su Mu said to the staff with a smile.

The staff took the card out of his pocket.

Like the previous doorman, Su Mu still scanned an auspicious number of 888.

After waiting for the staff to leave, Su Mu walked to the bed.

The building of the hotel is very high.

The Presidential Suite is at the top of the hotel.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the room, Su Mu could see the mountains in the distance.

After looking at the mountain for a while, he opened his backpack and took out a laptop from it.

Finding a comfortable chair, Su Mu opened the laptop.

After the computer is turned on, there are no games on the desktop, nor any software, some are just folders.

He opened the [Xiangxi] folder.

Inside the folder, there are many text documents.

One of them was something that Su Mu wrote according to his memory.

The rest is some information about Xiangxi.

These materials include legends, myths, wild histories, strange tales...

Anyway, there is information about the 100,000 Great Mountains in Xiangxi, no matter what it is, Su Mu has collected it.

Of course, in addition to these, there are also some official materials that Su Mu got from the old Heavenly Master.

When the Heavenly Master sent these materials to Su Mu, he told Su Mu very clearly. This information is confidential and cannot be disseminated.

Su Mu looked at the information little by little.

Time goes by minute by minute.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon.

Su Mu glanced up at the window.

The sun is setting outside the window.

The residual sun shines on the 100,000 mountains, and the beauty is enchanting.


When Su Mu was enjoying this beautiful scenery, his stomach suddenly growled.

Normally, Inhumans will never be hungry.

The reason why Su Mu's stomach was crying at this time was because he should be hungry.

After looking at the scenery for a while, Su Mu walked to the desk and picked up the menu.

The food on the menu is really hearty.

Western, Chinese, Japanese...

As long as it is a dish you can tell, there are almost all of them here.

"Children make choices, and of course adults do."

Su Mu found the ordering phone on the menu, and then dialed out.

"Hello, what do you need?"

On the other end of the phone, a sweet voice came.

This phone is a food ordering phone though it is.

But for the sake of service, this meal call, the hotel is responsible for it.

If you have stayed in other rooms here, you will find something very interesting.

That is, according to the different types of hotel types, the ordering phone is actually different.

"All your dishes, give me a dish!" Su Mu said directly to the person on the other side of the phone.

There was a brief outage on the other side of the phone.

"Sorry sir!" The voice on the other end of the phone said with doubt. "Are you sure you have to go all the dishes?"

If it weren't for the fact that the phone was dedicated to guests in the presidential suite, the operator would even think the other side was joking.

"Yes, all the dishes have to be repeated." Su Mu said into the phone.

"But with so many dishes, are you and your friends or family finished?" The operator said with some concern.

"Don't worry, I'm done eating!" Su Mu said to the operator.

"Okay, I see."

Since the guests have said so, it is not good for her to say more.

"You want too many dishes, so it's going to be served a little slowly, so you'll need to wait a little longer." The operator said.

"No problem!"

After Su Mu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, the Chinese food was delivered to Su Mu's room first.

Su Mu looked at the dishes on the table, and the saliva at the corners of his mouth was almost dripping.

After the service staff laid out the dishes, he said, "Have a nice meal!"

Then the service staff walked out of Su Mu's room.

After all, he still has a lot of dishes to serve.

But when this service staff returned to Su Mu's room again, his whole person was dumbfounded.

Because on Su Mu's dining table, only empty plates were left at this time.

If it is not on the plate, there is still soup faintly visible. The service staff all suspected that they had not served Su Mu food.

"Take the trouble and take it." Su Mu said to the service staff with a smile.

"Yes sir!"

The service staff first collected the empty plate for Su Mu, and then placed the dishes on the table.

After waiting for the service staff to leave, Su Mu continued to eat happily.

Plates of dishes were stuffed into Su Mu's stomach.

Minus three floors, kitchen.

Li Xiaohai is the staff responsible for delivering vegetables to Su Mu.

When he returned with an empty plate, a chef not far away quipped, "What's the matter?" Eaten it all?

Li Xiaohai looked at the plate on the car, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "This guest's meal is really good!"

The chef not far away looked at Li Xiaohai and asked with an evil smile: "I heard that the guest of the presidential suite this time is a rich man." What's the matter, did he tip you? "

The fact that Su Mu gave 888 tips has spread among the staff.

Now all the staff in the hotel want to serve Su Mu.

Service staff are the most basic employees of the hotel.

Even if this hotel is one of the best hotels in the world, their salary will not be too much.

888 is definitely a very substantial tip for these service staff.

Hearing the chef's words, Li Xiaohai shook his head a little depressed: "You haven't given me a tip yet!"

"He wouldn't have forgotten, would he?" The chef quipped with a smile.

Li Xiaohai shook his head.

Although depressed, Li Xiaohai regained his spirits.

He patted his face and said, "I'm going to keep working." "

The new dish was pushed to Su Mu's room.

On the dining table in the room, only empty plates remained.

"Is there more Chinese food?"

Both times, Chinese food was delivered.

Li Xiaohai thought for a while and said to Su Mu: "Sir, if you have Chinese food, there should be two or three more trips!"

"Okay, thanks."

While eating the vegetables, Su Mu thanked Li Xiaohai.

"That's right." Li Xiaohai, who had already loaded the empty plate, was ready to leave at this time. But at this time, Su Mu called out to him. "Wait a minute!"

"Yes!" Li Xiaohai stopped, turned his head to look at Su Mu, and leaned forward.

"Just bothered you, I haven't given you a tip." The main thing is that your food here is really delicious, so I forgot, sorry! Hearing

this, Li Xiaohai was flattered.

"You're welcome, sir." Li Xiaohai said with a smile.

"Take your collection code!" Su Mu said with a smile.

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