After the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion returned, Su Mu played with the Falling Sunset Soul Sword again and asked, "Are you, what else is hidden from me?"

It shook its head vigorously: "No, no, absolutely not!" "

Is it?" Su Mu looked at the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion in disbelief and said. "If it were just that, you wouldn't lie to me into it.

"You want to kill me, I know." There's definitely a deadly danger out there, and you'll guess you'll want me in.

Su Mu looked coldly at the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion.

Seeing Su Mu's eyes like this, the body of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion unconsciously snorted.

There was no murderous aura in Su Mu's eyes.

But the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion still felt an indescribable fear.

"Don't want to say?" Su Mu's eyes and tone had completely cooled down. "Since you want to say something, then I will not force you anymore.

Su Mu said, and walked towards the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion.

The body of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion began to tremble wildly.

This trembling is entirely due to fear.

It was afraid of Su Mu and would really kill itself.

"Good, good, good. The Red Flame Poison King Scorpion shouted at Su Mu while retreating. "I said, I said!"

"Before the alien beast wanted to go in, it broke through the quagmire. But when it entered the range of the hut, a long sword flew out of nowhere and directly killed it. Hearing

this, Su Mu nodded: "That's right!" The

words fell, and Su Mu withdrew the Falling Xia Zhen Soul Sword.

"Tongyu!" Qiao

Yuan turned, and Su Mu's eyes changed color.

He looked in the direction of the thatched hut.

He clearly saw that in the place where the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion was unable to move just now, strange runes appeared.

These runes were all things that Su Mu had never seen before.

In addition to the ground, looming runes appeared on the thatched huts, in the clearing, and even on the wasteland.

What these runes were, Su Mu didn't know.

But he felt that these runes must not be simple.

Let's be honest.

When he first saw the thatched hut, Su Mu really wanted to explore it.

But this thought, when he saw the rune, disappeared.

He concluded that the confines of this thatched hut must be dangerous.

Whether there is something good in it is still unknown.

So Su Mu decided not to take risks.

Just as he was about to close the Tongyu, he found that among the many runes, there was a place without runes.

That place without runes spread directly from the door of the thatched hut to not far in front of Su Mu.

"It's kind of interesting!" The

corners of Su Mu's mouth rose, and his face showed surprise.

"Could it be that this place without runes is a place that can be passed?" In

order to test this idea, Su Mu decided to give it a try.

Thinking about it, he walked towards the place where there were no runes.

Seeing this scene, the corner of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion showed a conspiratorial smile: "I just said, how can human reason overcome desire!" The

closer Su Mu got to the direction of the thatched house, the more smile on the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion's face.

But when Su Mu walked to the place where it was difficult to move just now, its face suddenly changed.

Because it found that Su Mu did not seem to have a single step.

"How is this possible!" the

Red Flame Poison King Scorpion felt very incredible.

As Su Mu kept deepening, the incredible look on the face of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion was even worse.

At this time, Su Mu was less than ten meters away from the thatched house.

Not far ahead of him, it was the place where the strange beast was killed by the flying sword.

"I don't believe that you won't be killed by the flying sword!" Thinking

of this, the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion began to get excited again.

But what he didn't expect was that Su Mu was still moving forward slowly.

"How is this possible!" the

Red Flame Poison King Scorpion's eyes widened.

Su Mu had already walked past the place where the strange beast was killed.

He is now one step away from the thatched hut.

"Death to the master!" the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion shouted in his heart.

But its cry had no effect at all.

In this way, Su Mu walked into the thatched hut unharmed.

The Red Flame Poison King Scorpion was completely deflated: "This human being, it's really an evil sect!" Seeing

Su Mu enter the thatched house, the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion's brain began to move again.

It glanced left and right, and secretly said in its heart: "Since this human can't see me, can I escape?" "

As the king of poisons.

The Red Flame Poison King Scorpion does not want to be enslaved by humans.

Su Mu, who walked into the thatched house, did not know that the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion outside was thinking of escaping.

This thatched hut looks small from the outside.

But the space inside is not small at all.

Moreover, it is different from the humble ones outside.

The decoration inside is very luxurious.

"It seems that the previous owner here used the magic of the space department. Otherwise, how could such a large space be built in a small thatched hut?

Su Mu thought while looking around.

After looking around, Su Mu was a little disappointed.

Because in this huge space, Su Mu did not see anything of value.

However, in the depths of the huge space, a painting attracted Su Mu's attention.

This is a painting of normal size.

The painting is a person.

The man wore a cloak and sat on a bamboo raft.

Because there was no face, Su Mu could not determine the gender of the other party.

The depiction depicts a fishing rod in one hand and a long sword in the other.

Under the bamboo raft, it was white and looked as if it was snow.

But if you look closely, you will find that it is not snow.

Under this layer of whiteness, Su Mu vaguely saw some scarlet color.

"What's the situation?"

Su Mu felt very strange.

Whether it was this painting or the people in it, it gave Su Mu a very strange feeling.

After carefully looking at it for a while, Su Mu continued to look at this huge space.


he saw that somewhere in the space, there was a small door.

The small doors are wooden and look very average in quality.

"Is there something good behind this door?"

thought Su Mu and walked in the direction of the door.

Coming to the door, Su Mu tried to open this door.

But whether it is pulling, pushing, or moving horizontally, the door cannot be opened.

Su Mu wanted to use brute force to pull the door open.

But he found out.

This wooden door, which looks not of good quality, is comparable to Mount Tai.

No matter how much Su Mu exerts force, the wooden door just doesn't move.

"Tongyu!" Su

Mu was ready to find out if this door had a mechanism.

After some searching.

Su Mu really found an unusual place.

Su Mu walked towards the unusual place.

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