That unusual place, very secluded location.

Even if Su Mu opened the state of seclusion, he found it after careful searching.

Su Mu walked to that unusual place.

That place, there is a button.

Su Mu gently pressed the button.

The heavy wooden door slowly opened.

Su Mu got up and walked towards the wooden door.

Inside the wooden door, there is a very large space.

In this space, there are many shelves.

There are a lot of things on the shelves.

Books, weapons, equipment ...

But most of these things are already decayed and unusable.

Only a very small part of it can still be used.

But these can be used, Su Mu did not see it.

He walked towards the depths of this huge space.

In the depths of this huge space, there is a desk.

When he looked at the desk, Su Mu found that there was a safe under the desk.

I don't know what material this safe is forged from.

Su Mu's eyes were almost glazed, and he couldn't see the contents of the safe.

He tried to use brute force to open the safe.

But this safe is the same as the wooden door before.

No matter what kind of brute force Su Mu used, the safe just didn't move.

"Perhaps, I can try it with the Falling Sunset Soul Sword!"

thought Su Mu, and then took the Falling Sunset Soul Sword out of the system and held it tightly in his hand.

He raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword above his head and slashed fiercely towards the safe.

"Dang!" the

Falling Sunset Soul Sword landed on the safe, making a deafening sound.

Su Mu's arm holding the sword was also numb.

Look at the safe again.

The safe was not split by Su Mu, and the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword was only on the safe, leaving a shallow trace.

"What material, how can it be so strong!"

Su Mu shook his somewhat numb arm and scratched his head a little embarrassed.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!" Since

ordinary attacks are ineffective, then Su Mu can only attack with alien techniques.

The purple flames began to spread on the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Su Mu did not slash this time, but slowly put the Falling Sunset Soul Sword on the safe.

The originally hard safe now looks like tofu.

The Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword was cut from top to bottom, and the front of the safe was cut by Su Mu.

The safe is cut open.

A fruit appeared inside.

The fruit is golden yellow and shaped like a mango.

In the state of darkness, the information of the fruit appeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.

【Extreme Mango Spirit Fruit】

Introduction: A very magical fruit, taking it can get a lot of aura. If you eat it at the time of breakthrough, it will have unexpected effects.


Looking at the introduction of the Extreme Mango Spirit Fruit, Su Mu's brows jumped slightly.

He could see that this Extreme Mango Spirit Fruit was not an ordinary product.

"When used when breaking through, it will have unexpected effects!" Seeing

this, Su Mu began to hesitate.

According to its ideas, this strange fruit should be swallowed directly.

However, the introduction of this extremely mango spirit fruit made Su Mu feel that if he ate it now, it would be a waste.

"Let's put it

into the system first!" Su Mu thought, and then put the Extreme Mango Spirit Fruit into the system warehouse.

Since the introduction has been said, the eating effect of the breakthrough is better.

That Su Mu definitely won't be iron-headed.

After collecting the strange fruits into the system, Su Mu began to look around.

He wanted to see if there was such a safe in this place.

But after some searching, Su Mu did not find it.

After unwillingly looking for another circle, Su Mu reluctantly left here.

When he returned to the palace-like place, he found that the environment inside had changed.

It used to be very luxurious.

But if you look at it now, it is less luxurious and more lonely.

Su Mu didn't know why he felt like this.

Look at the painting again.

The ice and snow originally depicted in the painting have melted, revealing the lake below.

Su Mu was impressed.

The lake under the lonely boat turned out to be blood-red.

And this blood red is very similar to the blood red of human blood.

On the shores of the lake, dry trees have been revitalized.

It is as if Gao Mu's entry and exit have changed the seasons in the painting.

Except for this painting, and the decoration and decoration of the room, everything else has not changed in the slightest.

Just when Gao Mu was strange, the gate here suddenly opened.

"You're in this place and have been here long enough. Now, you're done.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in Gao Mu's mind.

That's right, it sounded in Gao Mu's mind.

"Who are you?" asked Gao Mu subconsciously.

There was no response.

"You only have ten seconds. At this time, that voice sounded from Gao Mu's mind again. "If you don't get out of here in ten seconds." You will stay here for the rest of your life. "

I don't know why.

Hearing this voice, Gao Mu felt a little panicked in his heart.

As a born-again.

He thought he would be fearless.

But this voice still made Su Mu feel fear.

And this fear comes from the depths of the heart.

This unknown always makes people feel uncomfortable.

Su Mu looked in the direction of the door.

Without the slightest hesitation, he walked straight in the direction of the door.

The moment he walked out of the thatched hut, the thatched hut closed directly.

Seeing Su Mu come out of the thatched hut, the eyes of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion were full of shock.

It was as if Su Mu being able to come out of it was something that made him feel very shocked.

Seeing the eyes of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion, Su Mu said with a smile: "Aren't you very shocked?"

When he asked this question, the eyes of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion were full of greed.

"I did get good stuff inside. "Su Mu also doesn't intend to hide the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion.

This is not because Su Mu trusts it.

Instead, Su Mu felt that even if it knew something, it would not pose any threat to him.

"What good thing?" the greed in the eyes of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion was even worse.

"A strange fruit!" Su Mu's eyes kept staring at the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion.

In his heart, he was even more wary of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion.

"Exotic fruit?" the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion was moved.

The greed in its eyes gradually disappeared, and in its place was a blood-red color.

This blood-red color is beyond greed.

"If you have plans to do it now, then I don't mind turning you into scum in seconds!" said Su Mu coldly to the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion.

He hoped that the reason of the Red Flame Poison King Scorpion could overcome desire and greed.

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