But Su Mu didn't eat his set at all.

When he rushed towards Donglin, Su Mu had already included the Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword into the system.

On his hands, he now only has a carefree finger tiger.

But even if there is only a worry-free finger tiger, it is not something that Donglin can bear.

"Bang!" Su

Mu's fist hit Donglin in the face again.

This time, no heteromorphism was used.

But the Donglin who is still playing is looking at Venus.

Before Donglin could react, Su Mu punched again.

"Ah!" the

pain made Donglin scream.

But Su Mu didn't seem to hear it.

Its fist was like a violent storm, constantly hitting Donglin's face.

Donglin's face had been beaten and changed shape at this time.

Blood fell down its cheek to the ground.

It looks very miserable now.

"Poof!" When

Su Mu was attacking, it spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

In the bloody sputum, white teeth are faintly visible.

"Human, if you kill me!" continued Donglin shouting.

"Since you've said that, if I don't fulfill your words, I'm really sorry for you."

Su Mu said, shaking his fist again.

This time, there is still no magic in the fist.

But it was more ruthless than the previous fist.


Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The fist kept smashing on Donglin's face.

Donglin's face had been completely smashed by Su Mu.

It also wants to shout.

But because all the teeth have been knocked out, it can't even open its mouth to speak now.

"Okay, the game is over. Seeing

that Donglin's appearance was still miserable enough, Su Mu didn't want to waste any more time on it.

"Heaven-shaking God Fist!" golden fist

, formed.

"Bang!" The

fist hit Donglin's head, and Donglin's head was directly blasted by Su Mu.

"Ding! kill the alien beast [Donglin], get the reward: 490 points, [Water Escape]. "

[Water Escape]

Grade: Prefecture-level top grade.

Introduction: It can be turned into a pool of stagnant water and move at will. The duration depends on the amount of flame.


"I really exploded this strange technique for me!" Su

Mu didn't expect that he would also have a day when his heart came true.

"Water Dun!" The

new technique is in hand, and Su Mu must try it.


Su Mu instantly turned into a pool of stagnant water.

Its mind moves.

The backwater also moved.

"I like it, I like it!"

Su Mu, who turned into a human form, had happiness written on his face.

"Keep going!"

Su Mu looked into the distance.

The aura in Donglin City is not too abundant, but it is also much stronger than the outside world.

With the help of the source of the body, Su Mu can completely use Tongyu as a pathfinding skill here.

After walking towards Donglin City for half an hour, Su Mu's footsteps suddenly stopped.

He saw that not far in front of him, several black shadows appeared.

Even with the help of Tongyu, the black shadow Su Mu still didn't really see it.

"What is that?" The

silhouette looks like a cow,

but if you look closely, you will find it. The black shadow and the cow are a little different.

"Is it a dead thing, or a living thing?"

This was what Su Mu was most concerned about.

He cautiously took a few steps towards the black-clad area.

The black shadow was unmoved.

He went back to progress.

The black shadow remained unmoved.

Seeing this, Su Mu quickened his pace.

Soon, he came to the near front of the black shadow.

This group photo is indeed a cow. But it is a little different from the well-known cow.

It has everything a cow, but its skin is very similar to human skin.


Level: C level (adulthood)

Introduction: The evolution of the cow, which has the strong body of an ox and also has a flexible body like a snake.


When Su Mu looked at Cangniu's introduction, Cangnu also looked at Su Mu.

He roughly counted that there were five barn cattle in this place.

For Su Mu, these five barn cows are really not difficult to deal with.

"But their eyes, what's going on?" Su

Mu found at this time that Cangniu's eyes were different from the eyes of all the creatures he knew.

No matter what kind of creature, the eyes must be black and white.

But the eyes of this cow are only whites of the eyes, not black.

Cangniu's eyes gave Su Mu the feeling that he was blind in a movie and TV series.

Let's be honest.

When these cangniu looked at Su Mu, Su Mu's heart was very awkward.


one of the hamsters, somehow, suddenly cried out.

"Roar!" "

Roar!" "Roar!"

One barn cow barked, and the other barn cows also barked.

The barn cow's cry is different from the cow's cry.

Their calls sound very similar to those of tigers.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that it is slightly different from the call of the tiger.

Su Mu initially thought that they were called because they were going to attack, or do something else.

But after waiting for a while, Su Mu found that this was not the case.

After they finished calling, they bent their legs and fell asleep on the ground.

Interestingly, they sleep in the same position as dogs.

Su Mu's expression looked very complicated at this time.

He doesn't know now whether he should spare the herd of barn cattle or pass them by.

Just as Su Mu was hesitating, he suddenly saw that not far away, a black shadow was waving at him.

Looking at the silhouette, the black shadow should be a human who is not tall.

In terms of figure, it looks like a delicate girl.

"Go and see? Still!" To

be honest, encountering a black shadow in this situation, Su Mu felt a little strange.

Just as Su Mu hesitated, the black shadow waved his hand at Su Mu again.

"Go and see!" Su

Muyi gritted his teeth, spared the cangniu, and walked in the direction of the black shadow.

When the black shadow saw Su Mu walking towards him, he turned his head and ran.

Su Mu began to catch up.

The speed of the black shadow is not very fast.

But strangely, no matter how Su Mu chased, he could only see the outline of the black shadow.

You chased me like this for a full half hour.

When the dark shadow came to a building, it suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Su Mu also stopped.

He looked up at the building.

It is a relatively well-preserved building.

The style of the building is still from the Shang and Zhou periods.

This building is not tall even compared to the surrounding dilapidated buildings.

"Strange. Su

Mu, who was standing in front of the building, looked at the wooden door on the building and frowned.

"Go in, go in, there are good things in this door!" At this

time, an extremely seductive voice sounded in Su Mu's heart.

Hearing this voice, Su Mu's heart was full of impatience.

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