He walked to the door and pushed it open hard.

Inside the door, there is a place that looks like a living room.

In the deepest part of the living room, there are two chairs and a table.

On two chairs, each with a picture frame.

Strangely, the frame was empty.

On the side of the two chairs, there are two doors.

Su Mu looked inside a door.

The inside of the door was pitch black, and it was impossible to see.


Su Mu wanted to see the situation inside the door clearly through Tongyu.

The eyes gradually change color.

He clearly saw that inside the door was a long corridor.

At least in this place, there is no danger on the promenade.

Su Mu walked slowly into the corridor.

This corridor is somewhat like the wind and rain corridor in ancient movies.

To the right of the promenade is a huge courtyard.

In the middle of the courtyard, there is a large tree.

The large tree is tall and has a general canopy umbrella.

"It's so weird.

Su Mu looked at the big tree and felt very strange.

The canopy of this large tree is lush and the branches are very neatly trimmed.

Such an uncle is often taken care of at a glance.

In such a place, there is a large tree that is often taken care of. No matter how you look at it, it will feel weird.

Of course, this is still not the weirdest.

The strangest thing is that on this big tree, you can vaguely see the existence of some fruits.

Su Mu roughly counted.

There are seven fruits on the tree.

The colors of the seven fruits vary.

Although the color of the fruit is different, the appearance and size of the fruit are surprisingly consistent.

Su Mu roughly measured it.

He found that the size and shape of the fruit were as if it had been carved out of a mold.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Su Mu looked at the fruit and became curious in his heart.

I saw him jump and jump directly onto the tree.

He reached out and picked the fruit closest to him.

"What the hell!" Su

Mu saw the appearance of the fruit clearly and almost threw it out.

This fruit looks like a baby.

But the appearance is very hideous.

【Ghost Baby Fruit】

Introduction: A fruit that grows in the land of extreme resentment needs to be watered with the blood of a preterm baby and can grow.


Su Mu prides himself on seeing the world.

But when he saw the introduction of the ghost baby fruit, he still felt a little creepy.

This ghost baby fruit is really too weird.

Not only does it look weird.

Its growing conditions are also weird and scary.

Now Su Mu has fallen into a dilemma.

The ghost baby fruit is now in his hand, and he is not throwing it now, nor is he throwing it if he does not throw it.

Just when Su Mu was in a dilemma, a voice suddenly appeared.

"You're human, aren't you?" it

was a crisper voice than an oriole.

The owner of the voice is a young girl dressed in white, with a beautiful figure and a touching appearance.

Su Mu has also seen many so-called beauties, goddesses, and school flowers.

But compared with the young girl in front of them, they are not on the same level at all.

"Who are you?" Su Mu looked at the young girl with a wary expression.

If it was somewhere else, see this girl.

Su Mu will definitely not hesitate to step forward to ask for a WeChat signal.

But seeing such a girl in this place, Su Mu's only thought was whether she was in danger.

"My name is Ah Li. The girl said her name.

"Ah Li?" The

girl's name made Su Mu feel like he was in a trance.

"Are you human?" asked Su Mu again.

Su Mu nodded

: "I am a human, what about you, what are you?" Ah Li thought about it carefully, and said to Su Mu with a smile: "I am the ghost in your human mouth. "

Good fellow

, hearing Ah Li say that he is a ghost, Su Muren is stupid.

"How, it feels incredible?" said Ah Li with a smile and floated to Su Mu's approach.

Don't look at Ah Li's soft-spoken voice.

But Su Mu's heart has always been wary of her.

At least in Su Mu's opinion, this should not be as simple as it sees.

"Tongyu!" Su

Mu decided to use Tongyou first to see the details of this Ah Li.

【Ari】 (Ghost

) Level: B Grade (Juvenile)

Introduction: A girl who dies with a grudge, extremely dangerous.


Just as Su Mu expected.

This is really not as simple as Su Mu sees.

"Why are you here?" asked Su Mu curiously.

Her slightly blinking eyes have an exclusive girlish look, which is very lively and moving.

"Because I came to hunt for treasure. "

To be honest, there is really no need to hide it from Ah Li Su Mu.

"Did you find the treasure you were looking for?" asked Ari again.

Su Mu shook his head: "Apart from this ghost baby fruit, I have never seen anything of value again. Hearing

Su Mu mention the Ghost Baby Fruit, Ah Li's face suddenly changed.

Her gaze looked at Su Mu's hand and saw the ghost baby fruit on it.

"Throw it away.

Ah Li shouted at Su Mu in a commanding tone.

Su Mu found that Ah Li's eyes had begun to turn blood-red.

"Why?" asked Su Mu subconsciously.

"That thing is not a treasure, but poison!" shouted to Su Mu.

It may be because the sound is too loud, which causes Ah Li's voice to be a little broken.

"Poison?" Su Mu was puzzled.

Seeing that Su Mu didn't want to throw away the ghost baby fruit, Ah Li said in a very anxious voice: "If you don't throw it away, I will kill you."

As soon as these words came out, Ah Li's face began to change.

The originally handsome face began to gradually become fierce.

The long white dress was also replaced by red.

"What's the situation?" Su Muren was dumbfounded.

This change is really too fast.

However, Su Mu's reaction was not slow.

He opened the warehouse as soon as possible and took out the Carefree Finger Tiger and the Falling Sunset Soul Sword from inside. Then he looked at Ah Li with a wary look.

Ah Li's clothes turned blood-red, and black smoke came out behind him.

The original slender jade finger also turned into a dry and blackened claw at this time.

"No, you can say something well, why do it!" To

be honest, Su Mu really didn't want to do it with such a beautiful girl.

"Go and die, stinky man!"

Ah Li roared angrily, and with a very fast speed, floated in the direction of Su Mu.

Her hands were outstretched, and her sharp nails turned blood red.

"MD, I don't know what I think.

Su Mu cursed in a low voice.

At the same time, he also raised the Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand to his chest.

"Golden Light Spell!" The

dazzling golden light instantly covered Su Mu's whole body.

"Purple Pole Sword Technique!" Ever

since the flame showed its power, Su Mu had become more and more fond of using this strange technique.

The purple flames instantly covered the Falling Sunset Soul Sword.

Su Mu trembled.

The flames flutter in the wind.

Seeing Ah Li of the blazing flame, his expression actually flashed with fear.

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