"Swift Wind!"

Su Mu increased his speed to the extreme.

In an instant, he rushed to Ah Li's approach.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand waved.

The Falling Sunset Town Soul Sword flew straight towards Ah Li with blazing flames.

"Transfiguration!" Ah

Li's voice suddenly disappeared from Su Mu's eyes.

When she appeared again, she was already dozens of meters away from Su Mu.

But for Su Mu, these tens of meters are really nothing.

Su Mu rushed towards Ah Li again.

Ah Li still chose to avoid.

"When I attacked just now, it was you who ran now, can you do it or not!" Su

Mu shouted helplessly at Ah Li.

Ah Li ignored Su Mu.

She stared at Su Mu with blood-red eyes, her eyes full of viciousness.

"Ghost shadow without a trace!" A

Li's red figure disappeared in front of Su Mu's eyes.


Su Mu turned on Tongyou again.

In a state of seclusion, Ah Li has nowhere to hide.

Su Mu approached Ah Li again.

"The sword is like a whirlwind!" The

Falling Sunset Soul Sword in his hand appeared again.

The speed of the sword shot this time was much faster than before.

Ah Li wanted to hide.

But the speed of the Falling Sunset Soul Sword was too fast, and there was no time for her to dodge.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword passed directly through her body.

"What a strange feeling!"

said Su Mu to himself.

Although the Falling Sunset Soul Sword passed through Ah Li's body, it did not cause damage to Ah Li.

"I am a soul body, so entities cannot cause harm to me. Ah Li laughed proudly.

But her laughter lasted less than a second, and her face suddenly changed.

The Falling Sunset Soul Sword really did not cause harm to her.

However, the flames ignited Ah Li's body.

The flame is the same as before.

As long as there is a slight hint, it will burn quickly.

In just a few seconds, Ah Li was covered in flames.


let out a scream, wrapped in flames.

That scream sounded creepy.

The flames burned for a full minute.

Su Mu believed that the flame would directly extinguish Ah Li's ashes.

But after the flames were extinguished, Su Mu's eyes widened.

Ah Li did not go to dust.

But the red dress on Ah Li's body disappeared.

In its place was the long white dress when Su Mu first saw her.

"What is the situation?"

Su Mu looked at Ah Li with a puzzled face.

Ah Li smiled.

Her smile is very sweet.

"That's the 'grudge' in my heart. Ah Li said to Su Mu.

"Grievance?" Su Mu looked at Ah Li puzzled.

After Ah Li fell to the ground, he walked in the direction of the big tree.

She walked to the tree and gently stroked the body of the tree with her hand.

Her eyes were full of tenderness, as if a mother was stroking her child.

After stroking, she sat down.

She leaned her back against the big tree and looked at Su Mu with a smile: "Do you want to hear my story?"

Su Mu nodded and sat down under the tree.

Ah Li's story is very bloody and very uncomfortable.

She was originally this Donglin City, a girl from an ordinary family.

Because of outstanding looks.

So when it comes to marriage age, there is an endless stream of suitors.

One of the teenagers is not only handsome, but also has a very prominent family lineage.

Among the many suitors, Ah Li chose this teenager.

On the wedding day, ten miles of red makeup.

Ah Li originally thought that this

was the beginning of her happiness, but when she married into the young family, she learned that this was not the beginning of happiness, but the beginning of a nightmare.

The boy's family believed in an evil god at the time.

Under perennial offerings, the evil gods told them.

As long as the blood of the babies is watered with the big tree in the courtyard, the fruit of the big tree can make them immortal.

The young family believed the words of the evil god and used Ah Li as a tool for fertility.

According to Ari, she was pregnant with seven children.

Every child was dug out of her stomach by doctors when she was less than a month old and then watered the tree with flesh and blood.

Ah Li wanted to die.

But she was imprisoned by the young man's family, unable to survive, unable to die.

After the seventh child was dug up, Ah Li finally found an opportunity.

She died under a tree on a dark and windy night, wearing a red wedding dress.

After she died, she turned into a fierce ghost and began to take crazy revenge on the boy's family.

In just one month, everyone in the young man's family was slaughtered by Ah Li.

During this period, the young man's family also took care of the so-called mage.

But those mages were not Ah Li's opponents.

"Is your grudge gone now?" asked Ah Li.

Ah Li nodded with a smile and said to Su Mu: "My grudge has disappeared.

"So what are you going to do next?" asked Ah Li.

Ah Li stood up and stroked the big tree, "I'm going to reincarnation with my children." "

Reincarnation?" Hearing

these two words, somehow, Su Mu's body actually trembled.

Ah Li's voice just fell.

I saw several white shadows floating out of the trunk of the big tree.

Su Mu counted.

White shadows no more, no less, exactly seven.

"Thank you!"

Ah Li waved his hand at Su Mu.

Before Su Mu could react.

She and the seven white shadows disappeared.

Then the place where Su Mu was standing began to shake violently.

Su Mu subconsciously looked at the big tree.

He found that the tree was now withering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just one minute, the leaves on the tree completely fell.

The branches also dried up.

However, what made Su Mu feel strange was that the fruit on the tree was still there.

He jumped into the tree again and plucked a fruit.

【Baby Fruit】Introduction:

After washed ghost baby fruit, take it to get a lot of flame.


Ghost baby fruit, turned into baby child's fruit.

The appearance of the baby has also changed from hideous and terrifying to cute.

Su Mu hesitated and bit open a baby fruit.

As soon as he bit it open, the sweet juice entered Su Mu's throat.

That refreshing sweetness made Su Mu feel comfortable.

Seven baby fruits into the throat.

Su Mu felt that his strength had been improved a lot.

Just when Su Mu was about to check his own realm.

The tree began to shake.

"Boom!" The

wind and rain corridor collapsed first.

Su Mu rushed out of here at the fastest speed.

The moment he rushed out, the place collapsed directly.

Su Mu looked at the desolation after the collapse, and he had a feeling of being separated from the world.

He sorted out his mood and prepared to continue his treasure hunting in Donglin City.

After walking for a distance, Su Mu suddenly stopped.

He saw that not far in front of him, another dark shadow appeared.

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